Brushless controller for a vehicle (go-kart) on Europe

Apr 2, 2020
Hello. This is my first post.
Last summer I built a go kart from scratch and then converted it to electric. My current setup is:
- modified 140 amp car alternator to work as a "BLDC" motor
- cheap 48 volt 1500 watt motor brushless controller (peak current about 45-47 amps)
- 16S 48V 30Ah 50A continuous and 100A peak LiFePO4 battery, when fully charged outputs 59 volts.
- 12V car battery to supply voltage to the rotor winding of the alternator and to the relays and gauges.
The controller apparently held up pretty good until January of this year, before that, I took it to a slippery place and ended up doing doughnuts and drifts (when I stopped the motor was very hot, I'm currently working on a cooling system with pc fans). The controller finally gave up, after pushing it back to the garage I noticed that the terminals (whick I designed and 3D printed, bad idea) that connect the motor and the controller were melted. What happened: when the go kart is stopped it needs a lot of power, and it was drawing the maximum current for short periods of time.
I want to start making some power with this setup, and I think that now, the restriction I have is the controller. These are the candidates (if you know another one feel free to suggest it, I don't want to spend more than 300$):
- BAC-0501 (programmable)
- VESC (this one is almost perfect, but I'm worried about the voltage spikes, the maximum is 60V and my battery is at 59V) I've seen that there are some "beefed up" versions but go more than 500$.
- Kelly controller KLS7245N (programmable)
Here I attach two photos of the project (I made it for an assigment for my university)
Also a video of the full conversion:
Thanks for your time and stay safe!
Captura de Pantalla 2020-01-24 a les 21.58.23.pngIMG_6430.1 2.jpg