Categories of annual ENDLESS SPHERE OSCARS


1 PW
Jul 9, 2013
Ummm.. Started out in Victoria BC Canada, then sta
... or Marathons, or awards or something, WattEVer (TM), annually.

Lessee... Makin' a list. So far got Sales/unit growth, Funding/Financing EV Business, Techno-Weenie (?sp hehe. see Electric Wizardry/Mastery), and to be totally selfish, PROMOTIONS in support of the Bettery-Electric Motor as used for urbane travels.

(On June 30 this year I registered a new enterprise (for tax reasons - some folks HATE that thought, but oh well). Phoenix Ebike Promotions (EG uphill racing, urban, etc. tourism by electric Zeppelin, a local FUNicular on scenic lands, postering (!), commenting to local businesses lacking WiFi (hehe) and were I to backdate, humour. For a society badly addicted to the Gasoline/Diseasal-powered (sp?) horseless carriage, one might use just a spoonful of sugar (ED: Or whalloping thump) helps the EV medicine go down, hopefully).

And one might hope any humour is not too rude please.

... and if not completely obvious, this posted in EV Business World sub-forum here on the Endless Spheroid Alt. Planet.

ED: This thought prompted by seeing eCarTec Award - Bavarian State Award for Electric and Hybrid Mobility

Watt? Zero thoughts? OK. To "sweeten the pot"... cash prizes for highest Views count over the last twelve months.

... with funding, where the winner/winners share 50% of revenues from advertizers. [GASP]

On the web/internet/etc I'm seeing LOTS of sites that flood the viewers eyes? For all sorts of "stuff". Whereas on the `Sphere - this site - there are about ZERO adverts? Whereas there are hundreds and thousands of folks watt are logging on for info re electric traction...

In marketing terms it's a "target market" these days. And historically there's been TONS of magazines and journals, etc watt have targeted "special interest" groups. (The sport of sailing comes to mind...)

So ES might have a group that approves "quality" adverts... for which 3rd-party suppliers pay to have their ads displayed on "certain"/relevant content/messages

Again. Any thoughts on the Annual ES Awards?
Categories for an ES Oscars...

  1. Best vehicle of the year (of any type)
  2. Best mid drive bike build of the year
  3. Best hub drive bike build of the year
  4. Most crazy build of the year
  5. Best topic of the year
  6. Best commercial bike of the year
  7. Most helpful member of the year
  8. Most innovative member of the year
  9. Most interesting new member of the year
  10. Best vendor of the year
Hehe... Hi Atlanta... Watt? Only "mid drive" bikes? Not eg hubs or friction drives? Suggest options not be limited, but "overall best"? So how `bout:
"Best DIY"... "Best Store-Bought/Manufactured"... [hehe] "Most crazy build"... etc...

Recall, objectives to any ES Oscars Awards include:
1) Promoting electric traction (?)
2) Ad Revenues to folks that 2a) Support
2b) Contribute

Given that 50% of all revenues go to "Supporters" (like eg Lord Justin of fame...), and the other 50% handed out to contributors (folks watt post content to ES...) then the more categories = a smaller "piece of the pie" to each Contributor?

So EG with TEN categories (shared equally) = 5% each.

Hehe... and this assumes of course that any "view counts" by any classification or category can be done by software/automated. (Don't wish to cut into time spent at the beach, etc.!)

... and having said all this... probably size and frequency eg "placement" of any commercial ads perhaps need to be "controlled" somehow. Ad "good for 12 months"? Ad "One time Only"? etc...

I just suspect this ES phpBB forums software may be overlooking a "goldmine". :)

Hehe... Suspect many on the `Sphere are familiar with this site...


Instructables is a website specializing in user-created and uploaded do-it-yourself projects, which other users can comment on and rate for quality. It was created by Eric Wilhelm and Saul Griffith and launched in August 2005. Instructables is dedicated to step-by-step collaboration among members to build a variety of projects. Users post instructions to their projects, usually accompanied by visual aids, and then interact through comment sections below each Instructable step as well in topic forums.

So, for example username "lukeg22woo" from Fort Collins, CO can post "500000+ Mph E-Bike":

... but note the "Achievements" listed on his own page:

"10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal"...
"1+ Featured Instructable Earned a bronze medal"...
"Contest Winner Second Prize in the Home Improvement Contest 2017"...
"Contest Winner First Prize in the First Time Author Contest"...
"Contest Winner Grand Prize in the #Vanlife Contest"...

Hehe... Dunno whether any of these "medals" and "Grand Prize" and "Contest Winner" awards translated to anything more than "Bragging Rights"... :mrgreen:

... but in an online world being flooded with PR etc news... might be nice to see the "Annual ES Awards" mentioned in some medias, yes?
Hehe... "ES Oscars"? ... "ES Academy Awards"?... "ES [Insert Here]"...

Anybuddy? Key words "ES"- Endless Sphere...
