Crystalyte 5305 inside the hub pics!


100 GW
Apr 8, 2007
Quebec, Canada East
Today i removed the sde cover to install disk brake on it so i took some pics to fill our motor pics E-S database!



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Are they ceramic or neo magnets? they look ceramic but looks can be decieving...
No way ceramic magnets would provide enough field strength for decent torque/efficiency for a direct drive hub. Plus they're apparently nickel plated; this isn't done with ceramic. They're neo.
fechter said:
I'm sure they're neodynium magnets.

How many magnet segments are there? (I forgot)

I counted them and it have 24 neo magnet's

Some edge on the side of them are little bit damadged but very insignificantly.. onlt the surface.

i'm sure too that they are neo just looking at them.

ceramic magnet if used with that motor with like 5kW+ stator would reverse their magnetic polarity :x

Always good to see the guts of our beloved motors, thanks for the pic's Doctorbass.

Do the 5000 series motors have the same humming and notchyness as the 400 series when accelerating?
and does this have to do with the number of magnets, or sets of three phases.
I simulated what should give:

x5305 on a 24" wheel
70A limited controller
100% throttle

On the simulator.. and i'm surprized that it should give me around 75kph!!

I already confirmed that the speed at 50V is exactly 38kph.

All speed test with GPS :)
Doctorbass said:
I simulated what should give:

x5305 on a 24" wheel
70A limited controller
100% throttle

On the simulator.. and i'm surprized that it should give me around 75kph!!

I already confirmed that the speed at 50V is exactly 38kph.

All speed test with GPS :)

doc are you trying to compete with me lol ..

i want to try a 24" myself.. i love the 20" torque :)

steveo said:
Doctorbass said:
I simulated what should give:

x5305 on a 24" wheel
70A limited controller
100% throttle

On the simulator.. and i'm surprized that it should give me around 75kph!!

I already confirmed that the speed at 50V is exactly 38kph.

All speed test with GPS :)

doc are you trying to compete with me lol ..

i want to try a 24" myself.. i love the 20" torque :)


Steveo, i dont compete, i share the same fun you have! :wink: .. i admit that to do a race you and me would be awsome!! 8)

Powerfull Ebike Race are difficult organise and find!

Killacycle is a dream... Canadian tire schwin is a nightmare...

the 24" choice i had is because i want not to loose too much speed, but i want to have a bit more hauling force.. accel and also have a stronger rim than my previous 26".. the puthole here are dangerous...

With a 20", the wheel is too small and i dont want to feel all iregulatiry...vibration of the ground. road quality here are poor and have to endure 4 season with temp varing between -30 to +30 C! +humidity of the Fleuve St-Laurent, that mix doesn't help!

I tried my new bike at 65V yesterday... that was great!. last week it was at 50V... and soon that will be at 100.8V :twisted:

I also observed that the torque is very dependent of the voltage on the 5305! the torque at 30V is like 10 time less than at 60V !!

I will measure that soon
yes it does!
itselectric said:

I don't understand why you have open the cover in order to install the disc brake? Can you please explain?


hello, The reason is simple: I needed to weld the aluminium disk brake adaptor on the side cover so to do a nice job, i needed to remove it to avoid problems with the bearing and hot temp fo the weld..

previously, the disk brake adaptor was only fixed on the side cover with just 6 little screw and they always unthighten after hard braking so the weld was the best solution.


We are expected sample of new cover plate for Crystalyte 400 and 500 series motors with built-in disc brake mounting, both front and rear. The new cover plate is expected to be simple replacement with old motor. Another improvement is water seal ring around the bearing/axle.

Perhaps, you may want to field test this for us? Let us know if you can brake the cover plate with your hard braking?


Here are some of the pictures:
front 400 motor:
front 500 motor:
x5303 with front disc brake [640x480].jpg

You mentioned that you have made side coveres for the 400 series
What about the Rear X5 series? Will the front X5's work on the rear X5s?

Having built a rear wheel disc X5 it would be nice to have this available also.

Any specs or dimensions available?

Specifically how tall is the disc spacer? What I am talking about is the distance from the side cover to the edge of where the disc would bolt in. The reason I ask is I ran into a problem using a 3/8 inch adapter as it was not enough room to fit the caliper.

More details here about what I mean. See problem #1.

Doc I don't mean to hijack your thread. The availability of a side cover with a disc peaked my inteest.
Maybe itselectric starts a new thread to keep your current thread on topic.

Please see the following pictures:

400 disc brake cover plate
CoverPlate-400-discBrake [800x600].jpg

500 disc brake cover plate
CoverPlate-500-discBrake [800x600].jpg

We just got them today. We will install it onto two bikes for testing this Friday. Both bikes are rear motor 408 and 5304. We want to make sure the following:
- it is simple replacement part
- no spreading of the frame, it should fit in 135mm dropout
- disc caliper will fit
- the plate will not break or snap during a hard brake
- the seal ring will water proof the motor

Once we confirm that it meet the above requirement, we will have it available in a 3 - 4 weeks. We will publish the result.


Good looking work on the left side covers for the Crystalyte 4xx and 5xxx motors.

Now maybe someone will get a working version of a Shimano-compatible freehub mount for cassettes for the right side of the 4xx. There's really no excuse for Crystalyte not to have a working freehub. It makes retrofitting to quality bikes so annoying. Yes, I know that there are 8-speed freewheels available, but almost no one (except for Justin) imports them from Taiwan. Why? Because the NA (quality) bike market is dominated by the Shimano system. And the only place you see freewheels in North America these days is on low quality bikes, imported by big box stores.

There, I feel better. I think I'll have some more coffee :?

Doctorbass, are your motor's windings darkened?
Mathurin said:
Doctorbass, are your motor's windings darkened?

Why darkened?.. do you mean blasted?..

Answer---=: No