Delta DPR 3000B-48 CAN Code

dominik h

10 kW
Jul 24, 2021
I just bought two Delta DPR 3000B 48V
3kw 96,2% max efficiency
41x82x265mm 1,3kg
42-58V programmable output, the value can be safed in the rectifier.

But I do not know how to programm them right now. I have nothing found in the internet about Delta and CAN.

I also ordered a controller for the older delta rectifier version hoping to get the CAN codes from it.

The Delta is the one on the left side. Middle Vertiv R48-2000E3, right Eltek Flatpack S


I also tested them with an electronic load.

61A at 50V 3050W
61A down to 40V
From 39-20V the current drops linear to 51A. It runs even at 10V.
Fan speeds up under 48V.
With 2000W at 53V it runs very quiet.
The Delta PSC 3 system controller has arrived and I can change the output voltage via can bus. But it is not a permanent change and I did not find out which ID and which code does the voltage change.
Everything from the can code which looks like voltage, does not work when I send it from my USB-CAN converter.

Probably it is similar to the Eltek Flatpack and you first have to login to bevor you can send changes to the adresses psu.
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Got stuck with the can code.
I can change the voltage with the original System controller, but all the code I extracted from the protocoll does not work when sent from my USB-Can converter. I must miss something, and I am not able to send multiple CAN commands from a list with my software.

To re-ingeneer the code from the Emerson Vertiv rectifiers was much easier two years ago. Emerson/Vertiv trhead
Probably I´m to dumb for this.
Will put them away until winter, and then I will start another try.

Here are some screenshots from the merged protocoll

Float Charge 58V
Merge List mit PSC3 und 58V.JPG

Float Charge 48V
Merge List mit PSC3 und 48V.JPG

Float Charge 42V
Merge List mit PSC3 und 42V.JPG

This should be the code for the output voltage (42V) (both are receiving as I am only listening to the Can-Bus with my USB-Can converter
Float Charge 42V.JPG

Same for 48V
Float Charge 48V.JPG

Probably someone with more knowledge to CAN systems can give me a hint.
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No, I'm still not able to set the voltage with a Laptop an a USB-CAN converter. There must be something I have not recognized yet.
I have not managed to set a single value on the Deltas.
Yesterday new Delta DPR3000E arrived. 98% Efficiency
Just to raise pressure 😉