Dogmans local trails vid, warning boring to most.

dogman dan

1 PW
May 17, 2008
Las Cruces New Mexico USA
Some new vid from yesterday. Part of a ride on the trails that are about 1 mile from my house. Nothing spectacular, the trails were built deliberately for riding at about 5 mph. Keeps the motorcycles from wanting to ride em. Fun to try to go 7 mph, at that speed staying on trail is nearly impossible. You'll have to go to youtube, I got tired of typing in all the urls.

Decided to try using the free music from you tube. Apparently with that you get a banner ad on the bottom. The first time I viewed one, a Hobby King ad popped up! How perfect is that?
Not boring at all, it's great to see where people ride and the conditions they face. Where and when we ride ultimately governs the ebike build criteria.

Exactly. I just popped on an even slower wind motor for a dirt bike. Something with 10 mph top speed when pulling 1000 watts would be about perfect for this trail.

This is the 2810 9 c motor btw, on a 20 amp 72v controller, 20s lipo in this video.
Did you buy a 5x12?
Just sent Methods the money for a new 6x10 and a 5x12. Hopefully three motors and two mongoose blackcombs will get me through the summer. :twisted:

I'll salt the 6x10 stator away, then put the 5x12 stator in the new 26" wheel. The put the 6x12 26" rear motor on my spare blackcomb. Then I'll have two dirt bikes. the 6x10 will run 48v and the 5x12 72v. Gonna be very nice. I'm hoping the 6x12 will be better for slogging through the deep sand.
I like the twisty trails too. In the past 2 years I built about 8 miles of it out there. When I crash I'm going a lot slower. 8) But it turns out the slow and flat trails use more power per mile than the faster roller coaster hills trails the blm made on the mountains. Those trails made by real MTB experts ride nice, getting a lot out of momentum on each roller.

Just the free music from You Tube, but there is some decent stuff in there. Wish the copyright thing wasn't such a big deal, my I pod has 7000 tracks.
10538 post's !
Crickey dogman, like tyler said, you can post just a bit faster than I can read.

Can you type with all finger's ?(office chick style). I'm just stuck at the fast 2 or 3 finger level. But I'm getting pretty quick at that limited typing style.

The big race is just around the corner now. The competition this year will be fierce. Better be getting some High speed cornering practise in. :wink:

My bet is on you finishing in the top 3. You have the track layout knowledge in your head already.

4 hr workday really helps. I do touch type, but spell for shit. I put the fast motor back on my commuter, and have been getting my lean on going to work and back the last month.
On the trails near my house, almost never. The local MTB riders do know about them now, but don't like riding around in a typical NM illegal dump area. The BLM trails in the Dona Anna Mts always have other cars in the parking lot. But even on a crowded weekend, it's deserted compared to most singletrack near a city. Las Cruces is still relatively small, and there is tons of other places to ride too, on roads that go all over the blm land. We have great riding here, but most of the population is really into drinking budwiser and bolting a $2000 set of rims and tires onto a $500 car. Then using it to haul another pile of trash out to the desert, and buying some more bud with the money grandma gave him to pay the dump fee.