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Dr. Greger explains the cause of insulin resistance, p 17 and explains how to reverse heart failure pg 17

Not making enough insulin is an interesting problem to have. Type 2 diabetics and metabolically deranged people like me make too much insulin because the body goes numb to it's signal. Your body is not making enough but you are using the shit out of it. So that's weird. One would normally call that type 1 diabetes, if it got too bad.

Sometimes diet experiments like yours can trigger false alarms for dysfunction though!

People on an all meat carnivore diet trigger red flags for kidney disease all the time. My diet would trigger red flags for ketoacidosis. However what's important to understand with blood markers is the context of what the body is doing in response to what you're putting into it.

Dave feldman ( author of 'the cholesterol code' ) was able to swing his total cholesterol from something like 100 to 400 just by changing diet, so it's amazing what diet can do.
Some call it type 1.5 diabetes. I may need to do another c-peptide test to confirm. the pancreas makes c-peptide in lock step w/insulin. BUT insulin is hard to measure- POOF it is gone fast. c-pep hangs around for hours. So my 2nd test would be 1 hour after breakfast. Insulin should be high, and if my c-pep comes up to 1.5-3, then there is plenty of insulin, BUT if it is still under 1, then that confirms type 1.5 diabetes. I'll always check c-pep in the future, and if it gets too low, i'll have to inject insulin :( That would be type 1 diabetes.
I'd like to see the face of my Dr. when he sees a RED c-pep result :lol: He did not order the test, i did :lol:
How many patients order a test and find a problem on the 1st try :?: :lol:
i'm no expert on cholesterol. i can hardly spell it :lol:
I've read it is a marker for inflammation. It is the "repair crew" that fixes injuries. True, it varies when food varies. BUT, now that i have a fairly steady food plan, a higher reading, over the years could indicate damage somewhere in the body. And lower could indicate good health :thumb:
in the Q/A, way down there was a guy like me, low c-pep, that also wants to avoid injecting insulin. the A really surprised me :shock: since these guys are vegans. He said the only way to avoid injecting insulin was to eat a HIGH MEAT diet :shock:
So this got me thinking of a test. Yesterday was a GREAT day, but today i'm very weak, as frequently happens. When i eat, an hour later i'm wiped out, have to almost nap. That is when the glucose hits the blood. So the test is to eat a low carb meal, on these days. Maybe my pancreas is tired out from yesterday and needs time to recover? I don't have any meat, but i opened a can of my emergency hurricane food; mackeral. For my 2pm meal i ate 3oz and saved the rest. it was quite good, like tuna. small fish, less likely to contain toxins :thumb:
Not being a vegan has its advantages 8) Have 2 portions left over, so i will continue this test, as needed.
615pm edit- used pole saw 14 min to trim palm tree. pulse 116, no kelp today, but fish does have some iodine :thumb: not a lot of energy but i would not inject insulin to do this :lol:
815pm edit: i realize that my baking hobby got excessive :roll: chips, bread, rolls, cream of wheat, pasta - way too much work for my pancreas :roll: so i'm going to cut way down on the snacks and with the cooler fall weather, i'll go for a bike ride instead 8) That will make me hungry, so the plan is to have fewer, normal meals with fish, chicken, or turkey. lean with as little fat as possible, with plenty of veggies. all a TEST, of course.
so i'm beginning to understand what is going on, and how to fix it 8)
Back in June when i cut out the chocolate, corn chips and PB, i did not at first replace the calories. I had 1/2 inch of fat around my stomach, so i knew i could not starve to death. So the fat slowly disappeared and i felt fantastic - remember the fountain of youth comments :D After a couple of months the fat was gone, and i was down to 116 :shock: So i knew i better replace those calories fat free. So then i ate a lot of pasta, chips, bread and rolls. BUT my diabetes came back despite no fat because my pancreas could not handle the extra work :eek:
Got up to 118 and now have the 1/2 inch reserve. So now i need to cut out much of the wheat products and let the fat melt off. Then i'll go back to PB and chocolate and try to fight any insulin resistance by continuing to do the bike rides. Fat weight gain is easy compared to carb gain; i had to eat 15# of flour to gain 2#, BUT it will only take a jar or 2 of PB, i bet.
Diabetes is defined as when the urine contains glucose because the muscles can't take it, so the kidneys dump it in the toilet.
The plan is to yo-yo back and forth numerous times, +2, then -2 and see if my wimpy pancreas can keep up :twisted:
Amla powder - i've started taking 1/2 to 1/4 teaspoon a day. study shows it works better than drugs :shock: 8)
not sure if it will help insulin production, but, hey, it was only $4 for 100 grams (3+ oz)
2 ways it can work; improve sensitivity to insulin or stimulate the beta cells to make more. It tastes awful :( so it might work. nobody would eat this crap if it didn't do something :lol: I'm putting the powder in capsules so i don't have to taste it 8) EDIT i got a tip to put it in a jar of water overnight in the fridge. To my amazement it is not bad 8) with a little sugar. The powder totally dissolves.
Now i understand the hockey stick curve Dr Greger writes about. You go for decades with fasting glucose in the 100-125 range. Then all of a sudden it spikes way up :shock: Why? The beta cells, straining for decades finally die off :eek: At this point if you don't inject insulin you get serious complications like gout, amputations, blindness, heart disease, and an early death. So i'm motivated to try ways to avoid or at least delay the spike.
I've had tremendous success limiting fat to 7% 8) But eating more than my pancreas could handle killed my energy. So i have to continue with a calorie restricted diet and of course try the amla and kelp as needed.
worked 2 hrs under the dash of my 72 vette :roll: :lol: and i was under there 1 hr yesterday. I would of been in back pain in my previous life, but not now. So it looks like my new plan is working :thumb: But it is still a grey area, so i'm not declaring success yet.
I've also added midnight snacks and again at 4 am if i wake up, which i often do. Keeping the glucose low is important, and snacks don't seem to bother my pancreas. If i eat too much an hour later i get extremely tired :(
Need less sleep when the body makes quick repairs, i've learned. So i do stuff at 4am :lol:
I'm actually liking the amla tonic :shock: All the reviews that say it tastes awful :?: Because it is like Kool-aid powder. I bet that tastes bad too if you try to eat the powder :roll: It is that simple, it is dried berry juice, and you have to dissolve it and add a little sugar 8)
More signs of improvement 8)
Worked 2 hrs doing brutal gardening- digging out old bushes etc, toward the end my back started to hurt, so i took a 2 min. break, and finished up no more pain :thumb:
Nite before i was wide awake at 8pm :shock: usually i'm sleepy by 7pm :(
So i'm cautiously optimistic that i can live better with 1/3 pancreas function and no injecting insulin 8)
I'd say 2/3 of the improvement is from clearing the fat out of my system, and 1/3 from eating twice as many low calorie meals, to keep my pancreas from being overloaded.
I have not read this thread but - the easy way to get rid of type 2 diabetes is to stop all fats especially any free oil. That is the major cause of diabetes type 2. Too many doctors are back in the stone age. It works. One of my hero doctors does this with his patients on a routine basis. Search Dr McDougall and diabetes on youtube.
volvo850t said:
I have not read this thread but - the easy way to get rid of type 2 diabetes is to stop all fats especially any free oil. That is the major cause of diabetes type 2. Too many doctors are back in the stone age. It works. One of my hero doctors does this with his patients on a routine basis. Search Dr McDougall and diabetes on youtube.
i'm honored that you made this your first post :lol: welcome to the club. Been following the McDougall plan for past year. see sig. I'm about 80% better. BUT a weak pancreas is the other 20% :roll: not injecting insulin for as long as possible and feeling good as much as possible is the current challenge. Right now i just had a snack at 3am. Idea is to divide needed calories into as many meals as possible, so my pancreas does not get overloaded and run out of insulin, causing fatigue, sore muscles, and aches and pains, not to mention brain fog.
feeling good as i type this 8)
New plan is working good :thumb:
Includes old Mcdougall plan, up to 7% fat(he just gives a guy like me insulin to inject, so his wisdom ends abruptly when a guy has as weak pancreas) plus
kelp powder as needed to boost my thyroid. as a marker, resting pulse does not go over 60, but this is better than 52. thyroid controls numerous functions, and when they get low, i feel crappy.
3 am meal to distribute insulin needs better (not taking any drugs nor insulin)
amla tonic - i like it as a beverage and the $3.50/month cost is trivial so i don't need to do blood tests to verify. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Organic-Amla-Powder-Indian-Gooseberry-16-Oz-1-lb-Premium-Quality-US-Seller/323935472153
less chips- i was eating too many, now an 8 oz bag per week is my limit. i write down when i bake them, and i don't make more for 7 days.
peanuts or walnuts once a week as an afternoon snack when i need energy in the afternoon. i do my work in the am so this is rare. Not sure this really is better, but, as long as i don't have a relapse due to the fat, i'll try it. I now measure out 1 oz of nuts, rather than eat out of the jar.
2pm meal has less pasta and more lintels- again i was eating too much wheat ( pasta, chips). i really like lintels w/seasoning so this is real easy to do.
Moved dinner from 5pm to 6-7pm.
Does this make me 100%. No. But it is close enough that i refer to how i was before, as my "previous life"
:bigthumb: :mrgreen:
Now i can guess my blood glucose without a blood test 8)
Before i knew my pancreas was weak, a test was needed since i might of had TOO MUCH insulin, causing LOW glucose. And that causes similar symptoms as HIGH glucose :roll: So you have a whole industry selling home meters and test strips. Now that too much is impossible, i can judge by symptoms PASS/FAIL. Not an exact number of course.
When i ate dinner at 5 pm before, i'd get real hungry and sometimes eat 4:45. Then i'd get real tired 1-2 hrs later :roll: BUT i'm eating a small meal 2:30-3pm and when the glucose should be giving me energy, it is stuck in the bloodstream :roll: this makes me hungry. BUT when i eat more it just clogs up more making me tired.
SOLUTION: i eat 6:45pm. this gives time for pancreas to recharge, and 1-2 hrs later i'm not tired 8)
Hardest part is being hungry at 445, so i eat just a snack, like a banana. this greatly reduces the hunger while not giving the insulin needs of the whole meal.
To me, this is far better than injecting insulin, which has its own set of risks/problems. The main risk is injecting too much, which means i'd have to adopt a new hobby of pricking my finger and doing many tests :x
This meal timing and precise measuring business is what I was doing once my insulin resistance started getting really bad and type 2 diabetes started to dole out serious damage. But I got exponentially bad during the last year.

I am a complete blood sugar rollercoaster on as little as 100g of carbs a day. Now you know why I am religious about my approach.

Best wishes dude.
The surprise for me was that going vegan for 6 mos. did not do the trick. The vegans blame eating meat for the problems, but it is not eliminating meat that reversed my insulin resistance. Most of the vegan experts refer to Nathan Pritikin for their plan, but he allows a pound to 1.5 lbs of meat every week :shock: BUT lean meat, like flank steak. I'll be buying a turkey again this year as i have no problem not eating fat, which was the cause of my insulin resistance. All those studies comparing vegan to meat eaters miss the point. Great health requires avoiding fat like the plague, which it really is, a slow clogging of the entire body which causes ~80% of health problems. Everything from hearing loss, eye problems, to back pain, impotence, etc etc can all be traced to fat clogging. And it only took 4 days to reverse insulin resistance, once i cut fat to under 7%. :mrgreen: I do feel 20 years younger 8) so it was well worth the effort.
Here is a rough idea: Suppose the test for diabetes was changed from glucose to tryglycerides :shock:
They both go up with insulin resistance, so why confuse millions with glucose? Do TRYG instead. Then all the simplistic people that think their car won't start because the key is bad, will see the high TRYG and say what is a TRYG? it is a FAT. OH! i better eat less fat 8) Then the confusion ends and people will get better like i did 8)
The vegans have been full of shit since forever. The diet works for a very small percentage of people who try it. The science they use to support their diet is flimsy as shit, usually observational/epidemiological studies that use self reported food intake questionnaires :lol:. You can't even call that science.

The interesting thing about low carbohydrate diets is that they tend to work for a majority of people who do them, yet people are less likely to stick with it. I often hear... 'yeah, i did that for a while, i felt great'. With veganism, it's more like someone started, it stopped working for them, but they stuck with it and were in denial for years about negative health effects, tried wacky shit like detoxing, fruitarianism, etc. So people are more adherent to a diet that works less well. I suppose it is not a surprise - carbohydrates are rocket fuel and the body prefers the macronutrient..

Most vegan plans boil down to this: "it works for me", and then some scant science comes in to support the "it works for me" case. The core scientific basis of support for a ketogenic diet is an understanding of how the human metabolism responds to different inputs. Any special meal plans or supplements or other shit is window dressing. It's all about the metabolic shift into ketosis and understanding what that means. "it works for me" is a secondary thing added on top.

The most dangerous diet in the world is a high fat diet that does not include a metabolic shift into ketosis. Every study with lab rats where disease states ramp up and the researchers go 'see, fat is bad' includes a set of rats that have not shifted into ketosis and are poor fat burners. At the same time, they are also not good sugar burners either. So you get a deadly combination of high circulating fats and metabolic byproducts of fat metabolism plus high circulating glucose, which is corrosive to nearly every tissue it hangs out in once you reach a certain concentration.

And consider this.. high fat, high carb is how most westerners eat now. That's why any departure from that plan is an improvement. I'd say that yes, even though a vegan diet is deficient in nutrients, it's actually better.

I experienced rapid increases in insulin resistance as a vegetarian, because i followed the recommendations of going with low fat, which meant i was constantly eating carbohydrates. After pulling a 180 and losing 100lbs and being low carb for over 6 years, that insulin resistance has never improved and that's okay. I still can fail the benchmark of the oral glucose tolerance test. My body is well tuned to run on fat and i run circles around younger people in a lot of ways. People who do an extreme version of my diet ( zero carb ) have even better health outcomes than me.
Problem with the vegan plan is that, even Mcdougall admits you can't get enough calories from fruits and veggies. Mcd says you need starches, like potatoes, but in an interview w/Spudman who ate just potatoes for a long time, months i think, he had to add oil to keep from losing too much weight. Oil is vegan, but it can be bad. This is my point. it does not matter vegan or SAD, too much fat causes heart disease, diabetes and an eary death.
Greger uses beans and lintels to get the calories, and i'm doing this, despite warnings that too much protein is bad. Every idea has a scary warning that has to be ignored. My liver tested great, so it is working fine so far.
Nep, i glad to read you don't eat too much fat, but dismayed that you did not cure IR in 6 years :shock:
I don't know what a keytosis is, but i've read it can help prevent siezures and helps w/late stage cancer. If i ever get that, i may try keto, whatever that is. I suspect you need more than 7% fat, so i'm not interested in anything that causes heart disease etc. You warned me about eating too little fat, that it can have dire consequences. So i suspect that you never got down to under 7%. It is hard to do at first. Even oatmeal is 15% fat. So i have to dilute it, say, with pineapple, for example. So i don't think you ever got low enough to cure IR. It took me a year to realize 1. that it was FAT causing IR, and 2. vegan foods have fat, LOTS of fat if you are not real careful, like with the oatmeal.
Summary of what i have learned over the past 2 years:
1. Oils are not healthy. Olive oil, canola oil, etc are man made products designed to make money. They all cause CVD and IR.
2. Heart disease (CVD) is closely related to diabetes. In many cases you can't have one without getting the other eventually. FAT causes CVD and IR; get rid of one and you get rid of both 8)
3. Cows milk is NOT for human consumption except in an emergency where a woman can't breast feed, and even then it should end by age 2. All dairy products are to make profits for dairy farmers. NOT health food.
4. Everybody should be assumed to be selling something. Need to look and see what they might be selling. On youtube they get paid for views, so lies, deceptions, and fake news can result in high pay.
5. Research results are for sale. Just tell the fakers what you want, and they will publish a fake study, for a fee.
6. Old retired MD's that confess their treatments didn't heal can be trusted. Dr's with treatments that work most of the time are in my sig,
7. There are food caused diseases and medical problems not caused by food. Do tests to find out.
8. People will fight to their death to keep eating FAT/OIL. So it is not too late to buy medical device stocks.
so i've done more research and seem to be adjusting to ultra low insulin, but it is not easy.
to recap what happened :
sometime decades ago my immune system got confused and attacked the beta cells that make insulin. it tried to kill them all, but when i was near death (in hospital twice for 5 days each around 1977) it, the antibodies ran out of glucose and gave up. no Dr ever checked me for insulin production :roll: So these antibodies were dormant until june/july when i felt amazing- back to tip tip shape 8) They felt great too, and went looking for something to do, and attacked again :roll: So that put me back to about my 1989 level of activity. Best in 20 years, but nothing like tip top shape.
Now i'm back to eating low calorie meals 7 or 8x a day. i tried high protein with a normal size meal, and that was a disaster. So imo protein does not digest slow enough. so eating meat has no advantage.
Have studied insulin injections and they are great life savers, but i'm 67 and simply don't need 16 hrs a day of energy. I get 2 good hours in the morning, and for what i need to do later, i'm not going to stick needles in. Until and if i get so bad that it becomes necessary. You see, diabetics injecting insulin often live 14 years less, and i'd likely already be dead if those Dr's figured out what i have. Plus a lot, maybe 99% never figure out that FAT causes insulin resistance and heart disease, and they just keep injecting more insulin and eating fat, until they die 14 yrs early. So i'm hoping to not slip back into IR, and hoping my antibodies don't get bored again, by keeping myself tired by not getting too much sleep :lol: :twisted:
The damage done from high blood sugar in untreated type 1 is what kills type 2 diabetics, not
Look up Bob Krause, a NASA engineer with type 1 who lived to 90, which is a record.
He had a super specially formulated diet and got the disease before insulin therapy was common.


Fat does not cause insulin resistance ( i've reviewed the research that vegan groups use to make this claim and it's completely frocked in the methodology ) and requires the least insulin of of all macronutrients to process.

There are several type 1 diabetics in our local keto group and some of them have been doing the diet for decades. What they really love is the huge reduction in the need for insulin injections.

I had my 4th confirmation that i am not diagnostically a type 2 diabetic and 95% of my diet is fat and protein. My main macronutrient is fat. I don't eat low fat. Low fat, high carb is exactly what burned out my beta cells and increased my insulin resistance to an extreme.

Insulin resistance is a non factor if you eat a diet that requires a super low amount of insulin to be secreted in the first place.
there seems to be numerous types of diabetes. same person, young vs. old, for example. if i was young, maybe i could eat fat in theory, but i've learned i had heart disease for 50 years, and it is now GONE. My dad loved fat and lived to 96. BUT he did go blind and had 2 types of cancer and died after a broke hip. So what if he did not pig out on fat? could he see to 100? Point is, he did make 96, so fat does seem to work for some. BUT NOT ME. We all figure, wrong or right, that our individual success could help others. My neighbor had his femur cut and rotated like you did. :shock: his knee is swollen and he is going in for another operation. This stuff is catching on. He won't try a 7% fat diet either, not even for 10 days. Loves the ice cream :roll:
You've never tried keto though. Fat is not the problem. Fat plus a certain percentage of carbohydrates ( we call this the western pattern diet ) is the problem that plagues this nation and anyone who eats our diet. it's because you can never really be in the right metabolic mode to burn both at once. So blood sugar and blood fats both circulate which is a recipe for both type 2 diabetes and also atherosclerosis / fatty liver /etc.

All the mice studies that "proved" that fat is bad and 'caused insulin resistance' used the above diet, or they made the determination during the readaptation phase from ketosis to glycolysis --^

A super low fat diet can have some good results but for someone with insulin resistance, putting foods in your body ( carbs! ) that it can't handle is gonna be a real disaster.

Don't get me wrong, an ultra low fat diet can work for some people but it doesn't sound like it's working for you.

Dying of cancer and having a broken hip at 96 is an achievement and makes you a statistical outlier. If you're 67 and don't get any kind of diabetes under control, you won't be lucky enough to get that far.. :/

Most people who have busted knees are not like me, they just eat like crap and/or they're overweight. I've been going to orthopedics appointments for almost a year now. A majority of the patients i see that aren't old don't have twisted bones like me.. they're heavy as it gets.

Ice cream is one of the worst foods you can eat because it's a lot of fat and sugar all at once. Tthat's just stupid inflammatory!
it only took 4 days to reverse IR on 7% fat so i don't see how you can say it is not working, with 6 years and you still have IR. BUT you could be right about my neighbor, if he lost his pot belly it would be easier on his knee. :lol:
No diet is going to stop my immune system from making antibodies that attack beta cells.
Most health problems can be improved with diet and i'm pleased with my success 8) Reversed heart disease and no more insulin resistance 8)
If i do need insulin injections someday it will be a minimum amount.
I understand that insulin resistance can change a little bit on low fat because you're essentially doing the opposite thing as me - you're telling your body to get better at using carbohydrates, and it undergoes an opposite metabolic shift.

Same thing as when you do keto religiously for a bit, you become better at burning fat.

The real problem is when you're trying to burn both at the same time and the body loses it's ability to easily shift from one mode to another. I could never enter ketosis even during prolonged exercise. I was so carbohydrate dependent.

Yeah no diet can change type 1. But you can reduce your need for insulin if you need it.

However if you actually need insulin, it's the lack of insulin that will kill you. Please take care of yourself and take the stuff if you need it.. there's no use being a stoic about these things.
i don't have any trouble burning fat. lost another 2 lbs. during the nights i suppose. the body takes exactly what it needs, where when eating fat when there is extra, it is stored in fat cells ideally, OR clogs up the works, at worst. my TRYG were elevated on my last test; 11 hr fast and i was burning fat. no more glucose/glycogen. There is even a chance that once the IR cycle is broken, that some fat won't cause IR again. And if it does, i know how to reverse it, so no big deal. But at my age heart disease is a serious risk, so i prefer clear veins. This is why i feel 20-30 years younger; the combo of clear veins and no more IR. When i have enough insulin, i feel great 8)
i'm well prepared to buy insulin when i need it. Is covered under medicare. i only have to pay $5,000-$6250 a year. Uninsured cost is $20,000. :shock: So i'm not in any hurry :lol: Nothing i do after 4pm, when i get tired, is worth 5-6 grand, as long as my a1c stays in the 5's.
A pleasant surprise for my low insulin condition. Those over 100 all have LOW insulin levels :shock:
Turns out it is HIGH insulin that damages blood vessels and leads to blindness, etc. Diabetes T2 is when you are insulin resistant and your pancreas works fine and produces more insulin to compensate. People assume it is the high glucose that does the damage, but NO, it is the high insulin. This explains why diabetics that take more insulin to get the glucose into the "ideal range" die sooner :shock: They focus on just the glucose, and wrongly think that the glucose will make them go blind etc. I'm not suggesting glucose can be crazy high, just that injecting more and more insulin while ignoring fat intake and not getting lots of exercise is a VERY BAD strategy mid term and long term. Also insurance my insurance has a maximum co-pay of $6250. After that it appears to be free, and this free insulin, well, if you think more is good, and it is free, you might easily overdo it.
To the casual reader:
This is why exercise is good for everybody. The body becomes more sensitive to insulin, makes less, and the end result is you stay active as you age and you live longer.
While i did have undiagnosed T2D, this was reversed with the 7% fat food. My glucose, 116, and TRYG 168, are both still elevated, BUT it is not until glucose gets to 126 that Drs call it T1D. Now it is called Pre-diabetes, which is not high enough to take insulin injections. Just a warning zone to eat the right food and do exercise, both improve insulin sensitivity. And i do feel a lot better the more i pedal my bike 8)
(been feeling better and i'm still trying to figure out what is going on)
Researchers tried to reverse insulin resistance with exercise and this did NOT work. UNLESS they were losing weight.
If they maintained a steady weight, no luck. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5569266/
This gives strong evidence that my problem of feeling crappy while trying to gain weight is common. The IR came back, not my immune system killing more beta cells. This is a relief, but not really good news.
Also explains why keto guys sometimes reverse IR. As long as they are losing weight, and get exercise, i see how this works. Once they get down to a steady weight, all bets are off for both of us.
Researchers did not look at diet, but, it may not matter if both 7% fat and very high fat get the same results.
Still don't like the heart disease that high fat can give, but, i bet as long as they are losing weight, maybe they can get away with it. Once they get down to an ideal weight, maybe a normal balanced diet should replace the keto, as the keto job is completed (if a 7% fat diet is too difficult or not appealing). I like the 7% fat diet but i'm willing to go up to 15% for a test to gain weight just to see if the IR comes back again.