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Elon Musk - The Master thread

I know you are joking Dauntless,

Here is what he said as for the reason of selling his houses ... "I am selling almost all physical possessions. Will own no house," the billionaire Tesla (TSLA) and SpaceX founder said on Twitter Friday. When a follower asked why, Musk responded: "Freedom."

Since I live in Silicon Valley , someone in the industry expalained it to me , and I will add to what the local news reported he said as far as his business .

One of the reasons He is selling off his Houses is , ... " Musk likened the restrictions to "fascism" and "forcibly imprisoning people in their homes."

Elon Musk has finally gotten fed up with the Local and State Political Democrat's .

He is ready to leave , meaning move his Tesla Car Manafacturing Plant ... to either Nevada or Texas .

Also If you do not own a house you can not be Forced to Stay at Home . Smart move ,

On another note , I was wondering for a long time when he was going to disagree with the Democrat's policie's that have been turning California into a 3rd world country .

I see he is Finally comming to his senses .

Dauntless said:
So broke from the shutdown, he's gotta sell everything. Maybe he'll drive an old Toyota CORONA.

But I'm not really joking, the default report in the media is that he's crazy.

Selling the houses because he needs the money.

All the talk of California leaving the United States since the economy ranks with the sort of 3rd world country you say it's evolving into: Around that of 3rd world France and 3rd world United Kingdom. Oh no, the California economy would never even BLINK during secession. (NOW I'm joking.) But in the Greater LA area many of the apartments have 5-7 employed adults living there because there's not many than can afford the rent on their own. I'm not sure what it's like where the Tesla plant is, probably similar. Maybe we are becoming a banana republic.

Here in Silicon Valley the Rent's are so expensive that pretty much only a Cop/Doctor/Politician , or someone high up in the Big Tec Compinies can live in a House or Apartment with 4 people or less.

We are now a 3rd world County/Area by way of both Demographics , and by income .

Homeless is Huge Everwhere in and near any of the large metropolitian areas .

It is common for there to be 10-20 people living in a single house , and 4 + people living in a1 bedroom apartment. Here in the Bay Area , this is how the people who live here that come from different country's are used to living , so they do the same here.

Apartment managers are constantly having to evict people because within a month or two of them moving into an apartment
because they have many of their Family Members also move in , who are not on the lease. It takes several months to really evict them , then they go to the next Apartment Complex and start the process all over again.
the Apartments that have the large numbersof people living in them are owned and run by Slum Landloards , of which there are many here in California.

Back to Elon Musk ,
He said he is leaving Alameda County meaning leaving the County where the Tesla Car Plant is , and California all together .

If Elon Musk is really running low on money , which I doubt , it would be bacause of the High Taxes he is paying on all his properties and his businesses .
Plus , if you do not have a house or permanent place to live , you can not be ordered to stay in one place. Elon has enough money to go from Suite Hotel to Suite Hotel where ever he wants to go to .

On the local news yesterday , he acually said he has had enough of California's Policies, he is wanting to move his Tesla Car Manafacturing Plant to either Nevada or Texas .
ScooterMan101 said:
Here in Silicon Valley the Rent's are so expensive that pretty much only a Cop/Doctor/Politician , or someone high up in the Big Tec Compinies can live in a House or Apartment with 4 people or less.


How much do you think cops make?

I mean, they're deeply morally defective, but they're not wealthy.
Here in most of California they make at least $ 75,00 - $ 80,000 + a year , for the first year on the Job , and/or the first couple of years . with working over time they can make over
$ 100,000 a year easily , and many young rookies do work overtime .
then the experienced Cops make over $ 100,000 a year .

We have allot of good Cop's here ,
However such a job does attract a larger than normal amount of Sicopaths and Socoicalpaths ,
there are Studies done that have stated the numbers in percentages , I do not have any links to such Studies as I write this, I am going on memory , so I will not post the exact % , I am sure you can find out .
Whenever I encounter a group of Cops , or at least more than one of them at a time , most of them are Good People you would be happy to have as a friend.
However right now the Criminals are having an easy and busy time stealing from us and other crimes also , on the news nearly every day they post a picture and name a person who has been arrested 7 times or more since the stay at home orders, the cops do not even book them into Jail.

Now I heard on the News today ( yesterday as I write this ) that
San Francisco wants to, is going to , close their Jail and let out the Perp's .
It is already a Crime Infested S.Hole . It is going to get even worse .
ScooterMan101 said:
can live in a House or Apartment with 4 people or less.

People need to move to a different state or city that is more reasonable to live with the way rent is. People are living out of travel trailers, motor coaches, vans, cars which is totally doable for a single person or a couple. The goal would be to move up to a motorhome or a full size van if you are in a car. Hopefully they are saving a ton of money by working, but if they arent saving then whats holding them back from moving to Texas. Get up and go!
Joe Rogan joked about moving to TX with Bryan Callen, both Comedians. If Cali is going to be locked down, and other places will be open, then moving is an option. Gotta go where you are happy. Bryan Callen is doing a show in TX to a room of 200 people in a couple weeks, cali wont be at that spot for a month or more. If you aint raking in the cash in Cali, go to Texas and rake in the cash.
Wages are a lot better in California, like for like, than in Texas. And Texas isn't that cheap either, if you pick a place that's worth living in. Apartments built within the last dozen years in my neighborhood in Austin seem to rent for about $3/sqft/month ($32/m^2/month).

But yeah, there are some festering dungheap towns in Texas that are pretty cheap to live in. If that's your jam.
Not as much better pay in California as you think. Not everyone gets Eric Garcetti's self gratifying high minimum wage increase, that was more hagiography for the politicians and put people out of work where it did take effect. Your $1,000 apartment is more like $3,500 in California, far more of the apartments here are what passes for a festering dungheap in Texas, I have relatives spread over a number of counties from Bexar to the Hill Country.

It's just that people are determined to shoehorn themselves in where there's no room and no full time job, but they insist on staying here rather than return where they came from yet still complain about the rest of us doing something about it. This includes illegals taking jobs the citizens would be thrilled to get, but they don't hire citizens because they don't speak spanish and don't give up their rights.

cricketo said:
I am frequent to a location just 40 miles from Portland in the coastal range, not a single provider reaches there. Still waiting for the T-Mobile's 600Mhz roll out to test - Verizon's 700Mhz doesn't make it through despite tower being less than 5 miles away.

Geographics, line of sight and other interferences. Could also be a cheaper cell tower station, or they could rent usage off another company giving the renter lower priority. I know the virtual providers do that, but really I have no clue if the majors do it in certain areas as a cost benefit to their bottom line. It costs a ton of money to install a cell tower.
Is Elon Musk a genius? I wouldn't go that far, but he is very smart/thinker. I actually now see him as a bit of a Steve Jobs type, Musk has the skills to identity other people uniquely (autistic level?) skilled at a job and sets them to work to implement his own vision, and Musks vision is often good ideas that he might of picked up from other people.

Steve Jobs did the same, he had Steve Wozniak and used his basically autistic level smarts in electrics to build the first Apple computer.
When Steve Jobs saw Xerox with the very first "graphical user interface operating system" complete with a "mouse", Steve Jobs knew he had to copy it. Xerox weren't selling and just sitting on it like a private computer science project.
Steve Jobs was smart enough to get Bill Gates to create his first GUI operating system which would widely be known as the worlds first major GUI OS.

Here is a picture of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates together at Steve Jobs home with the plan to make an graphical user interface OS for the Apple, this was BEFORE MS came out with MS Windows that changed everything between Steve and Gates.

To me the most disappointing thing I have seen Musk do is his Solar City business, IMO the Solar City business was pretty much a rotten Wall Street financial type company. Because they weren't doing anything much other than offering to install solar on peoples roofs for free but lock them down to a complex financial deal that even ruined the values of peoples homes, because even when you sold your own home Solar City still owned your solar panels and the power they were generating, the whole thing was a schemey mess.

Here is Musk in his earlier years. rich from software ideas, getting his sports car delivered. It's amazing how much hair loss he had when he was that young.

Here is a video from a PhD scientist who often makes videos about various types of different intelligence/minds out there. This video doesn't really specifically apply to Musk but you can use it to formulate how different special minds exist.
But because some SJWs etc don't like the idea that people can have different levels of intelligence some of his videos actually get deleted from YouTube, and he says he might actually get banned from YouTube.
But some of these videos on human intelligence and the different types of human minds out there are truly fascinating.

I bookmarked the time the video starts at 28seconds in because for some reason he frequently starts his videos off with extremely annoying screams etc, I guess to ward off impatient morons from his channel?
^Watch this video, I can't stress it enough.
All the apple fanatics arent going to like a picture of Stevie and Billy together in the same room, looking like they are rationally talking to each other in deep thought.

I know what she means. When I used to have a separate business line in my house, the first number was some call girl and these guys leave messages that they're at some hotel. . . . So I replaced it, the next was formerly a line that people called when they needed parts in whatever shop, sometimes the overnight people, who not only asked for things I didn't understand but they'd call back irate that there was even a message machine taking the call and that's why we weren't getting them the parts.

I had an area code in the LA area while I was in Orange County, this was before overlay, so they changed my area code for it and the new number was some superflighty individual in my line of work. Some of the jobs they called about I wanted to go take, but of course they were offering them to him. But I also got messages with with people railing angrily at something he did. Dang, he taught college parttime and the schools called to complain about him, whole speeches about the matter of grades were long overdue, etc.
It'sjust funny that you have to wonder what sort of bonus it takes to motivate a billionaire.

Dauntless said:
It'sjust funny that you have to wonder what sort of bonus it takes to motivate a billionaire.


Its good PR for Elon, and a great payday. Some of the billionaires money is a scoreboard, I dont think its quite the case with Elon, I think he is more into technological advancement & innovation then a money scoreboard.
markz said:
I dont think its quite the case with Elon, I think he is more into technological advancement & innovation then a money scoreboard.
Yep. That money is going to go towards some new technology. It might be ridiculous (flamethrowers anyone? Or rocket powered ATV's?) or it might be worthwhile (NERVA 2, a working VASIMR) but it's going to go somewhere like that.
JackFlorey said:
markz said:
I dont think its quite the case with Elon, I think he is more into technological advancement & innovation then a money scoreboard.
Yep. That money is going to go towards some new technology. It might be ridiculous (flamethrowers anyone? Or rocket powered ATV's?) or it might be worthwhile (NERVA 2, a working VASIMR) but it's going to go somewhere like that.

Elon is a smart guy, but its hard to watch him speak. When I saw him on JRE podcast, he thinks for far too long before he responds, thats just apart of his genius. Not like Elons in the tabloids, whats the worst we get from Elon, smoking some weed on JRE and a f'd up childs name.
markz said:
Some of the billionaires money is a scoreboard, I dont think its quite the case with Elon, I think he is more into technological advancement & innovation then a money scoreboard.

Oh, but that was what I was afraid of. Yeah, the scorecard, this is why it has to be stock since they don't have the cash to give them. A CEO is often paid 50% in stock. On which he pays taxes in full but often takes a write down on. Executive compensation isn't nearly what you think it is in most cases.

But he's not spending it on new technology. The company pays for the R&D, not him.
Elon Musk is getting Smarter as he is getting older .... https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-tweets-take-the-red-pill-what-it-means-2020-5

Welcome to the Red Pill Club Elon , you have joined with a large number of people , numbers that are increasing each and every day .:thumb:
ScooterMan101 said:
Elon Musk is getting Smarter as he is getting older .... https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-tweets-take-the-red-pill-what-it-means-2020-5

Welcome to the Red Pill Club Elon , you have joined with a large number of people , numbers that are increasing each and every day .:thumb:

He does seem like the movie buff kind of cyborg.
Okay, maybe there is a misunderstanding here. Elon was not paid $770 million in cash, in fact his cash contribution is being matched to buy the stock which is not cash. So THAT is what he needed to sell his houses for. I knew it would be something. I don't know that any of the windfall will be spent on anything anytime soon, but it is logical to doubt it.

So that article calls the Red Pill subreddit "openly misogynistic." Again, the media lies, people got banned from there for that. But that is the delusion they wish to push, that these are bad guys. So this openly man hating wannabee radical feminist went to work to PROVE how bad these guys were in her documentary. And would up delivering her own attitude adjustment.

So people could easily say ES is just a board for left wing trolls to use multiple names and lie about things and make vile attacks on others, which is certainly going on. But I'm proof that's not what ES itself is about. These trolls have had some of their names banned, anyway.

Red Pill, Red Pilling is no longer about that old movie, it is about Moving over to the Right , in regards to Politic's .
It is used in context regarding the ever increasing number of people who are leaving the left ,
and moving over to the Right .

I do not know if you are referring to him as a cyborg because he works allot on a laptop/computer or if you are , trying , to put him down in some way. For any of his Quirks I hold him in High Regard in many ways, most notably because every day I go out I see several Tesla Cars , one day I counted 14 or more in just over an hour. If I had the money I would own a Tesla car or better yet the new truck .

markz said:
ScooterMan101 said:
He does seem like the movie buff kind of cyborg.