Fun, photographs, facts and figures - 2WD


10 W
Jul 26, 2008
Like many on this forum I enjoy the process of researching then building e-bikes but ultimately my goal is to ride to locations where I can indulge in other hobbies such as sightseeing, photography and video. These journeys normally involve hill / mountain climbing and my bikes have to have visual and audible stealth; I always ride with behavioral stealth.

Yesterday I rode here:

DSC_2590 almost BB.jpg

on this route (units km and m; outward bound leg):

View attachment 2

with this bike (disc brake rotors only for visual stealth):

DSC_2582 bike in travel mode.jpg

Facts and figures:
E-bike 20kg (two 350W cell_man geared hub motors)
Rider 95kg
Battery backpack 7kg (4 off 6s8000mAh; 2 off 6s5000mAh)
(I use and balance-charge as 2-pack (12s) systems and have 1 LV (3.3V) buzzer / battery)
Tools 1kg
Water 2kg
Total 125kg
plus camera gear and spare clothing

Upright riding position
Maaxis 26 x 2.35 tyres
Temp 20-25 deg.C
Humidity 70-85%
Very windy for some rides

Speed 15 to 20 km/h for stealth (measured by Bi.Cycle on iPhone)
Average 17 km/h, maximum 35 km/h over last 500km
100% low to medium effort pedal assist, again for stealth
average 18 Wh/km (12 to 33 Wh/km depending upon terrain over 26 trips)


Watt's Up readings:
Battery connected to controllers 0.08A
Wheels off ground, 100% throttle:
Rear 0.83A
Dual 1.56A
Peak Watts 1,645 (rear 850W)
Peak Amps 34.7 (rear 17.7A)

Hope that I have not missed any figures.

Bout 21mph.. that's pretty good for those little geared motors. I bet you could go faster pedaling if you changed to a lower rear tooth or bigger front chainring.

I bet that thing climbs like a monster, am i right?

Sounds like some cool rides man.. you need a vid cam to show it off. :D Always in envy of the big mountain bike setups.