Gas hub motor?!


10 MW
Sep 13, 2009
Austin TX
Scroll down to about halfway on this page:

Looks like a gas hub motor! Crazy!

I caught a show a while back that showed a new gas hub motor being designed/made/tested. Everything but the gas tank was in the wheel, iirc. It looked pretty neat, but you're not getting stealth from a gas hub motor so I don't see the point in it...might as well stick the engine in the triangle or whatever.

Cool find!
You haven't heard of Megola's?

Another brand was Killinger & Freund...
Revopower made one. I've seen some pics of a 3 cylinder hub motor as well, that converted a bike to a motorcycle, from around the turn of the century.

The Revo was the one I was remembering...yeah...

It looked like a solid product but my area was cracking down on 2 stroke bikes/scooters around the same time so I never really gave it much consideration - I didn't want the stink and noise anyway.
I guess one has to be different, but I don't see any advantage, I put a .6hp 4 cycle gas engine, planetary gear to jack shaft, tadpole trike (mad max) lowest gear = 7~mph @7k rpm for hills, in highest gear 35mph+ on a slight downward slope. It is easy to fill, and service, bolt on a new engine a snap, it is low behind the seat, on my right hand side, the bigest problem is the noise, so most of the time I use a 1.99hp (e-go) 24volt electric pusher.
The Honda P50 has a four stroke hub motor, pretty cool. I have two of them, think they were made in 1965.