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Great TV Shows!

Millionaire Detective Balance Unlimited-
(My daughter’s favorite show after the demise of Supernatural)
Alternating with:
One of my childhood favorites.

All while binge watching Cops on Pluto TV in the bedroom. :lol:
'Supercar?' Damn, what about 'Thunderbirds?' 'Fireball XL5?' 'Stingray?' The guy had 20 years worth of reruns they just kept on the air at the same time.

No cable, no satellite, no 'Mandalorian!' Damn, caught the whole season at relatives last year, if my internet was better I could use my firestick or Roku.

There is a sports show on tv called Tag! Its a low budget show but the athleticism was spectacular.
It can get quite acrobatic with some of the contestants doing some fancy 'jumping over barrier' aerobatics, even flips for show for extra brownie points from the contestants to the producers. Whatever gets the people watching the show.
Dauntless said:
No cable, no satellite, no 'Mandalorian!' Damn, caught the whole season at relatives last year, if my internet was better I could use my firestick or Roku.


I just purchased Roku today, Roku Premiere Streamer $50(cad) and it just links up to the wireless wifi router.

Not that impressed with it tbh, watched 3 shows after a good navigation session of the user interface/channels. Tried to get Spotify to watch Joe Rogan podcast and it says I have to go to the internet and type in some code, Apple TV was same thing. Not sure if thats a one time deal with each channel, but super annoying. Hopefully its a one time deal for each channel.

Roku has a ton of stuff I dont recognize, and old stuff, Unsolved Mysteries I will watch, Forensic Files is good but both old from late 90's so picture quality aint that great. Cash Cab Britain version will be good for a few hours but its a different layout/format, must be laws because the driver has to drive, no distractions I guess. I will have to do another good browsing of the interface.

Another thing to note with my Roku Streamer is that its just like YT with unavoidable ads every 20 minutes. How can I install an adblock on a tv and media streamer.

Another thing I dont like is I had to punch in cc info to proceed in the online registration part/online activation once Roku is plugged in. I tried to be off by one number and it didnt work, have to use all correct cc info.

I don't know if I will proceed and purchase the $150 versions of a streamer, I guess some or all include games. If you don't have cable not sure how long the content will last you, or even how often they get new content. There is the Roku channel, Spotify channel, lots of other channels so who knows. My first time using Android type media streamer.

It seems like something is slow on my desktop pc with Roku on menu. Might be nothing but did a speed test, could just be low battery with mouse.

50ms Latency * good
227mbps download * good
17mbps upload * good
If you go thru what's on there you can find CNN, ESPN, etc. And yes, all sorts of other things. I wanna to do some work on my house before this fragile fiber optics install, but it's pricey stuff so I'm not getting it done.
Yeah its not bad, regular tv shows are on Roku like American Pickers. Its just not categorized into seasons like it is in Netflix. Its just one row and its not sequential. There are tv channels on there like Global, and CNN and shit like that, lots and lots of media!

The 4 ads in a row is getting to be a bit much, seems to be every 10-15 minutes.


Put simply, Roku has too many ads. And nobody likes having to sit through all of them. Luckily, there’s a way you can limit ads on Roku by using Roku settings. Be aware that this won’t remove all ads, but at least remove some of them.

You’re actually going to limit ad tracking, which is on by default. This helps Roku collect data freely from your search history and give you targeted advertisements. It’s easy to disable, just use the following steps:

Enter the Settings on your Roku home screen.
Choose Privacy.
Then tap on Advertising.
Next, enable the Limit Ad Tracking setting.
Finally, restart your device.

How to Block Ads on Roku from Your Router

There are some domains you can block from your router that will prevent some ads from popping up on your home screen. However, this still won’t block all ads. Follow these steps:

Open the Router-R6.
Click on the Advanced option.
Choose Security.
Click on Block Sites Containing These keywords or Domain Name.
Add http://cloudservices.roku.com and http://Analytichtpp://cloudservices.roku.com to the block list.
Also, tick the Enterprise Advertising & Analytics Solution to block it.
Restart your device.

This should stop Roku ads on YouTube and your Roku home screen. Don’t expect these methods to provide 100% protection against all commercials on Roku. They might be helpful for some devices, while for others they won’t.
Roku definately has to grow on you. What I hate is when commercials pop up at an insane volume and you have to mute the sombezez. Like the I Phone remote that you can talk to and search for your favorites. 8)
Wow, there is a TV show thread, I found this thread by spying on Dauntless's posts, who knows what else I might find if I continue to spy on Dauntless. :lol:

I want to recommend Utopia from Amazon Prime, this has been one of the most thrilling TV shows I have seen in years.
I posted about it in the Trump thread because of its story links with covid19 https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=71258&start=8350#p1605618

But this is the place for formally recommend it.

It's about a Bill Gates type played by John Cusack who also creates artificial meat to help feed the world etc, but kids start dying from a weird coronavirus after eating the meat which Cusack denies has anything to do with him or his food product.
Then John Cusack sells a vaccine to help fix the problem, but turns out (secretly only known to a few people) the vaccine makes people sterile, but John Cusack deliberately meant to cause the vaccine to make the entire world sterile so he can massively cut the population of the world, to help save it from co2 etc.
The twist is there is this weird dark comic book that was believed to have been created by someone in a mental institution who very accurately for sore it all happening via some kind of psychic ability and wrote it all into pictures/comic book style, the comic reveals the mastermind behind wiping out the world's population (John Cusack), thus John Cusack is willing to kill anyone to get the Utopia comic book and even kills anyone who has merely seen it.

^The crazy thing is this show was filmed in 2019 just BEFORE covid19 came out, but its fits so perfectly when you watch it you are going to have a heart attack when you watch it asking "how did they know"?
markz said:
Dauntless said:
No cable, no satellite, no 'Mandalorian!' Damn, caught the whole season at relatives last year, if my internet was better I could use my firestick or Roku.

I just purchased Roku today, Roku Premiere Streamer $50(cad) and it just links up to the wireless wifi router.

Not that impressed with it tbh,

It seems like something is slow on my desktop pc with Roku on menu. Might be nothing but did a speed test, could just be low battery with mouse.

50ms Latency * good
227mbps download * good
17mbps upload * good

I watch EVERYTHING via my desktop PC which sits behind my LG CX 65" OLED TV.
Nothing is better than a windows PC for surfing and gaming and a good general multimedia experience.
I admit I have an expensive setup, this is because I play PC games via sofa as well, but any PC with more than one HDMI port can do this for a pretty power home theater setup.

(I admit I copied and pasted about 70% of this below when I described my setup/recommendation to someone else) I know its kind of nerdy/power-user but I think it is the future.

For good home theater setups a graphics card that has as many DisplayPort/HDMI ports as possible is helpful, any DisplayPort can double as an HDMI port.
^Since HDMI 2.1 has come out, the latest cards are adding an increasing amount of HDMI ports, but generally, you get one dedicated HDMI port, and if you need more just use any converter/cable.

Such setups, depends on how high end you want to go, HDMI 2.1 TV's are the most expensive right now since they are new technology, but strictly speaking, they don't help much for movie watching as it really helps the gaming experience above anything else.

With my LG OLED CX 65inch with HDMI 2.1 ports I have a NVidia RTX 3080 with HDMI 2.1 ports as well. So I can watch stuff in 4k 120fps with HDR, currently, the only time this really happens is when I am gaming, or if I record and play something back from a high-end Gopro etc.

You don't want a sound-card period, I even disable the motherboard sound in the bios of my PC.
As long as you have a AV-receiver with HDMI input then use all sound via your graphics card, everything else is just backwards or of FAR less audio quality or if you sit in front of your PC with headphones etc.
All audio on or going to your PC is digital, so it just gets passed through your CPU to HDMI port to your AV-receiver digitally, anything else is old junky ways of doing things.

Since Windows 10 Microsoft has basically made it impossible to get surround sound out via any other method than HDMI port, this is deliberate as this is the only real official standard for high-quality audio, everything else is a hack.

The great thing about PC's for home theatre setups is because you get multiple HDMI outs, you can plug one of your HDMI outputs from your graphics card directly into your AV-receiver and not have to stuff about with "pass-through" and wondering if your AV-receiver is picking up the full surround sound etc, the graphics card will always send everything at full quality 8channel PCM at a minimum. I have been using this setup for a LONG TIME and if the video source in question has surround sound then you will get it EVERY TIME, it will never fail.

I have a Yamaha AV receiver with full-sized 5.1 surround-sound Jamo speaker set and I am religious about getting full surround sound when it is available, if I don't get it then I kind of view it as a crime.

When you have your AV-receiver directly plugged into your graphics card, the PC will see that AV-receiver as a monitor/TV as well.
So I have the AV receiver merged with a smaller side TV https://imgur.com/U4EYnxn so they both receive the same data (in theory).

This allows me to bring up something on Netflix/Stan/Amazon-Prime etc and "drag and drop" the video to my smaller side TV to see if the content is any good, then browse social-media/news etc on my main screen.

I kind of see just a single screen or the lack of the ability to not have multiple sources of video on my setup at the same time as old-school/backwards. If you are a power-user then once you get used to this setup you can't go back, it's like giving up broadband and going back to dial-up, or moving back to a lifestyle with no air-conditioning, IMO.

Most of the time I do everything via the web-browser, all the major services fully-support web-browser including HDR with 4k.
Only the most extremely tech-illiterate people who don't know how to use Google etc don't know that.
Netflix is available in HDR on Windows computers and tablets using the Microsoft Edge browser or the Netflix app for Windows.

For blocking adverts I use uBlock Origin which works just as well as Brave web-browser, for the most part.

But there are also dedicated apps

I tried to like KODI, and it's clever how it can download/update scripts to make stuff happen, but I still think it's just for cheap $30 Android boxes for folks who want a traditional TV setup and don't browse the web or engage in social media etc.

I have been trialling subscribing to more interesting news sites and KODI support probably doesn't exist. https://censored.tv/
When I used KODI I noticed it uses a super-tiny amount of ram, it is designed from the ground up for super basic cheap hardware that typically struggles with the web-browser intensive web-sites.

AV1 compressed video is definitely here and working, AV1 provides the same video quality at HALF the bandwidth.
Practically, all high-end video with HDR has an AV1 codec option on YouTube which will automatically come through if you have a RTX 30XX GPU or latest Intel chip, AMD's new GPU should support AV1 as well.
Nvidia: GeForce 30
Intel: Tiger Lake, Rocket Lake

Amazon Prime and Netflix have also promised to fully support AV1 as well, but I haven't seen anything yet.

For HDMI 2.1 setup, I think it can wait if you want to use second-hand gear, the video cards that can do it have just come out and probably dropping in price by around 5% a month, and will only get better.

You can start off by using any kind of PC plug it into your TV and start experimenting from there.

Also, you can use an "air-mouse" which is a remote that moves like a regular mouse in the air.
I fully replaced my Logitech Harmony remote with just a simple $15 air mouse via ir-learning because all I need to do is turn on/off my main TV, smaller side TV, my Yamaha amp and PC on.
I can also control the Yamaha's master volume via this remote.
All I did was use the classic IR learning method to teach the colored buttons at the top what to do.

The PC wakes up/down from USB hibernation mode settings in the bios which for me are off by default, so I had to turn on "wake from USB" or something similar.

Some people fail on the basics, I have lost count how many times I have seen people squint on their PC web-browser because they browser everything in default zoom mode which is optimized for skinny mobile phones. A zoom level of 150% is about right for most resolutions now when using a screen PC as a regular desktop...

Also scaling, if you are on 4k TV on a sofa you need to go to 200% scaling, by default my Windows 10 does this for my LG CX OLED.

If you are interested in this kind of setup I can post more. :wink:
TheBeastie said:
Wow, there is a TV show thread, I found this thread by spying on Dauntless's posts, who knows what else I might find if I continue to spy on Dauntless. :lol:

Well, let's see. According to Lame Storm you'll discover I'm not. According to Voltroll I'm one of the Moderators. According to the Peoples Republic of Santa Monica I'm really rich, but it had to be someone who is always wrong that comes up with that.

How many TV shows could we come up with about who they THINK I am?
Daunty seems to have many fans and followers on ES. Check in next year, and I bet it will continue on in Toxic Off Topic.

Dauntless said:
TheBeastie said:
Wow, there is a TV show thread, I found this thread by spying on Dauntless's posts, who knows what else I might find if I continue to spy on Dauntless. :lol:

Well, let's see. According to Lame Storm you'll discover I'm not. According to Voltroll I'm one of the Moderators. According to the Peoples Republic of Santa Monica I'm really rich, but it had to be someone who is always wrong that comes up with that.

How many TV shows could we come up with about who they THINK I am?
markz said:
Daunty seems to have many fans and followers on ES. Check in next year, and I bet it will continue on in Toxic Off Topic.

If we made a live action version of your favorite thread there'd be the episode where you say you hope the thread would die. Didn't happen, did it? Of course you take full advantage.

It was funny that when we had Jeremy Harris around there was an obsession directed at him as the man they love to hate. Once he was gone it shifted to me as the man they hate to love.

It's like they replace J.R. Ewing in 'Dallas' with Ned Flanders of 'The Simpsons' and the rest of the cast go right acting as though he's J.R.
Not sure I said that exactly. I find the thread amusing yet exhausting at the same time, probably like most do. Its a good laugh and I dont wish it to stop. Everyone trying to shove their narrative down each others throat. I found it interesting that TheBeastie was/is stalking you :lol: you got fans.

Dauntless said:
If we made a live action version of your favorite thread there'd be the episode where you say you hope the thread would die. Didn't happen, did it? Of course you take full advantage.

It was funny that when we had Jeremy Harris around there was an obsession directed at him as the man they love to hate. Once he was gone it shifted to me as the man they hate to love.

It's like they replace J.R. Ewing in 'Dallas' with Ned Flanders of 'The Simpsons' and the rest of the cast go right acting as though he's J.R.
I'm sure your setup is good, for you. But I prefer a different layout.
Office/Spare bedroom is where the desktop pc is, 2nd tv living room with big tv, cable box, roku. tv is about 10 yrs old, big enough. one sub, and one sound bar gives good audio.

I am technically inclined, though dont follow the new stuff but thats what the internet and forums are for.
Roku is ok, I like the fact most cable channels have their own yt channel which they use the same content for their android tv content. Just you need to sign in to the channels with the junk email addy, fake name. Probably just have to do it once.
For YT viewing I prefer the other TV as its a feature for that tv. YT viewing with Roku has a different feel. Roku remote seems slugish and slow unlike the tv yt flicker.

I've been watching a lot of health yt vids lately, but I've been thinking I might get into audible books as I listen to talk radio via iHeart Radio app which the channel I listen to is Ontario so its just random things they talk about, always covid shutdowns.

TheBeastie said:
If you are interested in this kind of setup I can post more. :wink:
markz said:
I found it interesting that TheBeastie was/is stalking you :lol: you got fans.

Beastie isn't stalking, he's just researching. Investigating, if you will. Stalking is Head Cheese, always demanding that I defend Trump and insisting I get in a fight with him over it and pissed off that I won't. I'd say he was the original. . . .

Hmmm, maybe it's time for a founder's day in that thread. We should make it a pay per view TV special.

markz said:
I am thinking this thread on the D-Man (or to some it would be more like the D stands for DoucheBag Man) will not die down and fade into the back corner of the Toxic Discussion room. I kind of hope it does fade away.
Well I must've been drunk then, its quite funny all the same. I knew you'd find it.
I must admit though I havent been following the drama in that thread as much.

Dauntless said:
markz said:
I found it interesting that TheBeastie was/is stalking you :lol: you got fans.

Beastie isn't stalking, he's just researching. Investigating, if you will. Stalking is Head Cheese, always demanding that I defend Trump and insisting I get in a fight with him over it and pissed off that I won't. I'd say he was the original. . . .

Hmmm, maybe it's time for a founder's day in that thread. We should make it a pay per view TV special.

markz said:
I am thinking this thread on the D-Man (or to some it would be more like the D stands for DoucheBag Man) will not die down and fade into the back corner of the Toxic Discussion room. I kind of hope it does fade away.
Drinking club soda and cola perhaps or maybe OJ but can't pinpoint the liquid in question. Maybe the terminology should be 'Drunk on Life' or 'High on life' that is sugar high. Still love quoting myself, a bit of a snow storm here

Environment Canada says total accumulations in Calgary ranged from 20 to 40 centimetres. West of the city in Kananaskis Country, accumulations of as much as 70 centimetres were reported in some places.

I would go skiing if I had wheels and $250 to go skiing, rather buy some ebike stuff if you ask me.

Speaking of TV shows
Storage Wars is amusing, scripted reality is good for about 10 minutes if nothing else is on.
Anything with Brian Cox to do with planets is good but its all repeats now.
Neil deGrass Tyson has a new show out but its targeted towards younger audience.
Poker is what I've been watching, will probably hit the casino to play once everythings back to normal.

markz said:
Well I must've been drunk then, its quite funny all the same. I knew you'd find it.
I must admit though I havent been following the drama in that thread as much.
I guess this is where to share this info. Electric Bike Technologies ( E-Bike Kit ) will be on The Today Show , sometime between 9am and 10am EST, Monday ( Feb 15 assumed ) . Press release " The segment is hosted by Dylan Dreyer and follows EBT founder Jason Kraft from Philly to Ohio where he meets the Monnin family for a BIG Surprise ! For info on how to watch on social media, please go to their website.