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Group Rides are Fun !


Staff member
Dec 27, 2006
Moncton NB, Canada
After all these years, i've finally drummed up enough interest in ebikes all around me that i can finally get friends to come along and get out for weekly group rides !

Like a disease, i'm spreading muahahaha... both my neighbors now have their own ebikes (36v nicad Downtube folder with rear Clyte 405, and FS mtb with rear 9C 100v 100 amp lipo beast ) .. in their 50's she likes to go slow and steady with plenty of pedaling.. him on the other hand is a giddyup-go type give me more....

Last night 2 of their friends who came to the U2 concert came down and we headed out, 5 bikes, i supplied the friends with rides as i have a collection, and we headed off..

It's funny how you can live in a big city and not know the streets in your 30 km radius, everytime we go out i find new parts of the city i have not seen and meet people..

We generally ride for 20 to 25 kms on a trip, taking a few hours stopping here and there, only using 5ah or less on each bike, and get home with power to spare.. pedaling at 10 kph with 100w is a harsh contrast to my usual commute to work .... But still very enjoyable..


Irene on the way this weekend, supposed to be nice tomorrow but likely get rained in on sunday.. :cry:
hi ypedal,twas just listening to sw band from nova scotia.the weather sounds well not so good. batten down the hatches!
i like cruisin with ebikes but i gotta chase them down first.theres a few fast guys around here.
Yes Indeed! I haven't had many of them, but I have to agree, would be great to get together a bunch of e-bikers and do some nice rides around town! 8)
I've got Oldhaq and a few other members about 100 km north of me in Brisbane and Hyena and others 1000 km south in Sydney.
So we're still a bit thin on the ground in OZ for group rides at the moment.
I might have to put together some ebikes for my neighbors too ! :D

Can't ride anyway at the moment as a car pulled out of a concealed driveway right in front of me yesterday, I slammed on the brakes and highsided over the handlebars, landing on my hands and right knee resulting in a broken radial bone in my left forearm and a swollen and sore knee. :(
thewmatusmoloki said:
I've got Oldhaq and a few other members about 100 km north of me in Brisbane and Hyena and others 1000 km south in Sydney.
So we're still a bit thin on the ground in OZ for group rides at the moment.
I might have to put together some ebikes for my neighbors too ! :D

Can't ride anyway at the moment as a car pulled out of a concealed driveway right in front of me yesterday, I slammed on the brakes and highsided over the handlebars, landing on my hands and right knee resulting in a broken radial bone in my left forearm and a swollen and sore knee. :(

Wow, sorry to hear about your accident, hope you get back on your bike soon. I had a similar occurrence with the same injuries.

But you forgot the important part: How's your E-bike? :twisted:


P. S. Still haven't done a group ride here dammit.
I've been on lots of group social rides with e bikers, freak bikers and assorted mass citizenry.
For a social ride in the city, groups up to about eight well matched riders works okay.

Larger groups tend to get strung out and split. Some people end up waiting for others to rejoin the group before the ride proceeds.
Group riding encourages some riders to keep up with the others thereby taking risks they normally wouldn't.
Route planning and traffic conditions can be a major factor determining the enjoyment of the ride for the group.

Large rides, like over a hundred, work best in traffic when it moves as a mass.
Group rides, where everybody brings their bikes on car racks, is a different experience than riding amongst hundreds of real bicyclists.
I organised a couple of group rides in West Oz, half a dozen our so made it along, we did around 25km's all on the cities prison pristine c cycle ways, plan to get a few more riiiiiode dates happening soon as we get consistent fine weather..definitely alot of fun, well cept for one Es member Laurie who broke his back riding into a 4 foot deep ditch, thankfully he fully recovered after a few months in hospital keep your eyes peeled Perthites, will post group
riide dates in the the usual place I.e Aussie Rol l Call Thread..next riiiiiode will be up my way in the hills with a barby at my place after ;) Interested parties make sure you have adequate range for a fast paced hilly ride of 23km ;)

GrayKard said:
Wow, sorry to hear about your accident, hope you get back on your bike soon. I had a similar occurrence with the same injuries.

But you forgot the important part: How's your E-bike?
Thanks Gary (or should I say, Gray Gary :D )
I was only doing about 10 kph by the time I hit the deck, but kinda hit with a big slap to the road.
I always wear a helmet, so no head injury.
Amazingly the bike didn't get a scratch, but I weigh 90kg, so hit pretty hard.

I've had 4 broken ribs, 2 broken fingers, 1 broken big toe, left arm broken twice. (not all from bike accidents tho)
I gotta start taking it easy, maybe 8)
Don't seem to heal as fast these days and don't remember the other breaks hurting as much as this one.

AJ, you've got it easy (to organize) over there in the west with everyone living in the same city, hope I can get over there for
a ride with you guys some day. Some amazing ebikes come outa that town! 8)