Help others by posting reviews on review sites like Yelp


1 mW
Aug 22, 2013
California, USA

Please help newbies like me by posting your experience with electric bike vendors on review sites like Yelp. By posting a review, you will make it easier for newbies and veterans alike decide which respectable ebike vendors to do business with.

Such review site makes it easier to find comprehensive reviews of certain Ebike Businesses all in one place instead of having to search through the whole forum and web.

If there is an electric bike business that is listed on a review site, please post the link on this topic and I will update the first post to.

Thank you.

P.S. You can review AmpedBikes here @

Also, if there is a vendor that isn't listed on yelp, all one needs to do add a business is register and login to yelp.


I'm new to the ebike scene and I really regret buying a kit from AmpedBikes. I had spent to weeks researching what kit would be best for a beginner and settled for AmpedBikes Stealthy gear kit, but if there was a page where I could see a breakdown or comprehensive reviews of their products, I probably woudn't have bought that kit.

You can see my negative review of Ampedbikes on Yelp.

(moderator edit: moved your non-review / non-test thread out of E-Bike Reviews & Testing forum and into General Discussion. Please only use E-Bike Reviews & Testing for reviews or tests. )
Sorry about your problems.You aren't the first to have trouble with danny boi.

He is a bit full of himself. Check out what he says about himself on yelp...

Provided by business
Manufacture and distribution of Electric bicycle conversions and complete electric bikes.... 23 MPH 25 Mile range!!
Established in 2007
AmpedBikes was started as a necessary accident.. AmpedBikes is the pioneer of the electric bicycle hub motor.

What bullshit!