Jelly Board - .22 bulletproof transparent glass-like decks!


10 kW
Nov 26, 2014
Guys how come I've never seen this built yet on Endless Sphere? With all those sick exotic carbon and aluminum boards you're making, you can't have missed this! Even I would go crazy over this :mrgreen:

Here is official website. Guys founded their campaignon Indiegogo and also donated 50% to all their profits to Life Rolls On. Pretty cool IMO.


Ok there is no grip shown here. But I think it should come really close to what a surf board feels like.
Yea right it better be cleaned before and after a ride I suppose :lol: though with just some water and clothes it should not be too hard.

I think for a cruising setup with batteries, ESC and receiver integrated "à la Mellowboard" and Carvon or Hummina's hubs, it could pretend to be the sleekiest build around :wink: Maybe by matching the electronics box' color with the typo's color on the deck and wheel colors, we have a winner here!

I want one badly :lol:
You would see all the batteries and ESC stuff, so the wiring would have to be meticulous or it would look like a rats nest.
I imagine a polycarbonate deck like that would be pretty heavy and/or flexy
I don't know for the weight but yea, it looks flexy!

Scroll down to the vid and you'll see how it behaves. Looks pretty fun.
I've made a deck from polycarbonate before. It's not all it's cracked up to be.

Sure the deck I made is a beautiful carbon composite board; with timber inlays, polycarb body and rails, carbon for stiffness, LD core - it is by no means a high quality ride. The PC lacks the physical qualities desired for a deck. It is significantly heavier than maple, extremely flexible and almost impossible to adhere to. I have built decks that perform far better at half or 1/3rd the weight. At a guess, I would say their deck weight is around the 3kg, probably more. I couldn't find any specs for this, any one help out? My current deck that includes a battery compartment is sub 1600 grams (deck only).
I've seen a polycarbonate deck. It was a disaster and was super heavy and he'd added steel beams to keep it from bending as much as it would. Looked cool but that was it.

If u want a clear deck...I forget the company name but they do a fiberglass and resin board that's translucent, not quite clear. That can be strong and pretty stiff.
These things don't even have grip tape??? How the hell are you supposed to not slip off? I'm sure they look horrible too if you ride through a small puddle or wet pavement. I like how they even have the gall to print a "7 OTHER" resin identifier on the deck, as if anyone ever recycles polycarbonate.

Seems like more of a joke than even Penny boards.
I couldn't find the weight but I wouldn't be surprised if it was heavy.

As for grip, it must be like silicone? If they made it like venetian glass nine files you'd definitely have some grip.

Yet best bet would be to stick two patches of grip close to trucks area and maybe a line of grip running in center when you want to walk on it. Color match it with typo and wheels and you still get a sleek board. There might be transparent type grip doable. Same for the box, make it a full box with a top and voilà.

Can't say anything for flex.

I still can't help but find it gorgeous.
If it had some tub shape to it I wouldn't mind without grip tape. I don't ride with tape. Basketball players don't slip playing either.

How bout a clear, maybe acrylic, but with checker pattern every couple inches of some imbedded carbon. But then might as well just get rid of the resin windows, and fill them with 19650! Oooo yea! I feel a project coming. How come no one does this. Board/battery
If someone wants to try and make a deck from this, make sure it has a concave to increase structural rigidity. Maybe add a few I-beams under the deck to increase it more.
I would make one with a reasonable power hubmotor system and commute with it.

I like the creativity in the mount holder setup too.