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Mob of bikers surround SUV and get run over in NYC

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HAROX said:
I cut nobody slack when it comes to being malicious and f ucked up.

No slack, JACK. I think I wrote a book about being f ucked up. And really I'm no poet, just like Meezee. And I'm a bitch just like his wife. Isn't humanity grand? Well, isn't it? Mufukka? I hope they rot with me in Hell.
Gloria Allred: Critically Injured Dirt Biker Is "A Human Being Who Has A Heart"

Celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred held a press conference today to defend Edwin Mieses, Jr., the dirt biker run over on Sunday by a panicked SUV driver during what devolved into a violent motorcyclist-versus-motorist melee.

Allred, who entered the room clutching the hand of Dayana Mejia, Mieses's long-term partner and mother of their two children, told reporters that her client was only trying to diffuse a testy situation when he approached the Range Rover driven by Alexian Lien, immediately following a fender bender with another biker participating in the group ride. Mieses had his back turned to the car when Lien hit the gas, crushing him. "To top it off he has been pilloried in the press and in the public eye as though he deserved to be run over in the street," Allred said.

"Let us not lose sight of the fact that Mr. Mieses had done nothing to Mr. Lien," Allred told the assembled media. "He wished them no harm. He was walking away from the SUV when he was run over. Are people so blinded by their fears and prejudices in this case that they cannot see that before anyone laid a hand on Mr. Lien, that Edwin Mieses was run over and left severely injured? Where is the justice in that?"

Mieses, who has since been brought out of a medically-induced coma and is able to communicate, will nevertheless likely be paralyzed for life. His wife Dayana told reporters that Mieses has been a wonderful husband and father to their children.

"Until he was run over by this SUV, he has been there for our two children every single day—literally," she said. "He is the best father I know. And he would give the shirt off his back to anyone. It tears me up that anyone could think that Edwin in any way deserves what happened to him."

Allred and Mejia insisted that crucifying Mieses for his enjoyment of riding dirt bikes is unfair and prejudiced. They declined to comment on recent findings that Mieses was riding without a license, arguing that he had parked his bike on the side of the road before approaching Lien's car. "He was not on a bike, he was not in a car—he was standing," Allred said.

"He is not a member of any gang," she said. "He loves to ride motorbikes and came to New York City with his best friend to participate in a ride—nothing more."
^^^I love it! Gloria and Dayana take a foto op. I can hear Gloria now:
"Listen sweetie, you eyes are completely screwy, so just keep them closed for the picture. And I'll tell them how Edwin has a (human) heart." What a pig, nice lipstick though.

Anybody who "runs with a gang but isn't part of the gang" is in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you got no bizness being there you best not be there, otherwise you just become the sacrificial lamb. That's like, STREETSMART-101.

(I guess I think meezee walked into the trap, and he didn't have to.
i felt like the gang provoked him into stomping on the gas when they grabbed the door and pulled it open. they could have asked him to back up if they needed space but instead they tried to jump him and his wife and kid so he freaked out and mashed the gas. understandable. if he had possessed a weapon to defend himself he might have acted differently and taken control of the situation.
mattrb said:
Famewhore Gloria is back again!

" Gloria Allred

25 Jan 2013 at 10:10 AM
Gloria Allred, Sports

Sports Law, Spaw, Lorts: Dude Sounds Like A Lady Edition
By Juggalo Law

I don’t know what Gloria Allred does, exactly. I know she’s nominally an attorney because it says so on her Wikipedia page and also under her head when her head appears on my television screen. It says, “Attorney.” But, despite three years of law school, I have no idea what service she provides her clients. It’s always some weirdo at the periphery of a scandal she’s representing. A woman who bedded Tiger Woods, for instance. Or it’s a minor scandal that in years past would have been relegated to the Odd Stories column in your local newspaper. Like the time Roger McDowell got his gay slur on in front of some baseball fans. What connects these things is their apparent distance from anything resembling a legal issue.

Gloria Allred holds press conferences, as far as I can tell. And she talks sternly and forcefully, admonishing those bad actors who did her clients wrong. And after the microphones are turned off and the cameramen have all fled… well, I don’t know what it is she does. You can do anything with a law degree!"
mattrb said:
Famewhore Gloria is back again!
She's just doing her job, and she's good at it. Its a lawyer's job to present the best possible argument, not to say what they personally believe. In light of this, I'd say Arkmundi, by posting her statement, is admitting he's trolling in this thread.

END OF DISCUSSION ON Arkmundi's posts PLEASE! :!: :lol:
Subject: EnerDel 2P12S Module $480 New
Family: Injured Biker in SUV Assault a Devoted Dad By MEGHAN BARR Associated Press
A motorcycle rider who was struck by an SUV during a motorcycle rally that turned violent is a family man who was simply trying to defuse a tense situation, his attorney and family members said Friday....

...Mieses, who is from Lawrence, Mass., suffered a broken spine, fractured ribs, a punctured lung and a torn aortic valve, said his defense attorney, Gloria Allred. His injuries may have left him paralyzed.

"He told everyone to move on and go back to riding, and turned his back to the SUV to start walking back to his own bike," Allred said. "It was then, with his back to the SUV, and as he was in front of it, that he was run over and crushed."

Mejia said a difficult situation has been made worse by what she described as a "perception" that some people have about the riders who participated in the rally on Sunday.

"They are not gang members. They are not thugs," Mejia said. "They are FedEx drivers, plumbers, military reservists, musicians. They are fathers and brothers and sons, and sisters and mothers."

She also said Mieses didn't know any of the people he was riding with on Sunday aside from one friend who traveled to New York with him... more
Not that I think that first hand accounts will put a stop to salacious speculation based on innuendo and lack of fact and continued scurrilous attacks. For many, reality doesn't stand a chance, preferring to remain comfortable with their version of how things played out. Me talking to you is like you having a bullet in your head {J Meecee rap}
^^GOGO the point has eluded you...and some topics are worth trolling, or extolling. A man has the right to protect his family from assholes, who gang up a hundred at a time to deliver him to the other side. It's probable they were looking to extract some of Liens' wealth. It's absolutely true they were looking to destroy him after the fact, and hell or high water, they were going to do just that...and they did.
Gloria has made her living practicing law in the court of public opinion. She delivers press conferences and then reads the lash-back, just to see if she stands a chance of collecting next month's rent. That's her way.
Doing her job? Her job exists in doubtful territory. Most lawyers wouldn't touch this case, for fear of being outed and losing a wholesome practice. She, on the other hand, knows no other way.
I bet dollars to donuts, the network was getting ready to give her the boot anyway.
I'm an opinionated asshole, and she's a clown, gogo.

The discussion is now back up for grabs. Google Gloria Allred if you don't believe these sentiments.
More news: There were undercover cops riding with the group, which included cyclists without plates or licenses, pulling wheelies, riding the wrong way, doing the 'bump and pay' etc. I'm sure Mrs. Liens is real happy to know she couldn't get protection even when it could have been there for her. Thugs!
They said 2 undercover or off duty cops on bikes were at the scene and didn't do anything. So now looks like like NYPD will get there butt sued to the max. What a mess. I bet everyone gets off the hook and the lawyers take everyone's money as usual.
and THAT is why im going to be a lawyer. its a no lose situation. except for my morals. but who needs them anyhow?
LSBW said:
Not to mention, most of the swarm riders are blacks, and Lien is Chinese, driving nice SUV.
What the hell does that have to do with anything??
Eujangles said:
LSBW said:
Not to mention, most of the swarm riders are blacks, and Lien is Chinese, driving nice SUV.
What the hell does that have to do with anything??
I'll take a guess. Some blacks don't like orientals (like Korean shopowners during the Rodney King riots). So the Liens in their nice SUV might get extra harassment.
mark5 said:
Eujangles said:
LSBW said:
Not to mention, most of the swarm riders are blacks, and Lien is Chinese, driving nice SUV.
What the hell does that have to do with anything??
I'll take a guess. Some blacks don't like orientals (like Korean shopowners during the Rodney King riots). So the Liens in their nice SUV might get extra harassment.

Um...I think that sounds like stereotyping to me. The Rodney King riots happened in 1992...just because there were some racial tensions with isolated ethnic groups over 20 years ago over a specific set of incidents, doesn't mean that black people don't like Asians, or that the race of the motorcyclists is of any relevance to their motivation in this attack.
Eujangles said:
Um...I think that sounds like stereotyping to me. The Rodney King riots happened in 1992...just because there were some racial tensions with isolated ethnic groups over 20 years ago over a specific set of incidents, doesn't mean that black people don't like Asians, or that the race of the motorcyclists is of any relevance to their motivation in this attack.

Nothing wrong with stereotyping when looking for reason. It is circumstantial evidence, however weak.

1992 was barely yesterday. Telling us twice does not give it any more weight. It just makes you look younger ;)
friendly1uk said:
Eujangles said:
Um...I think that sounds like stereotyping to me. The Rodney King riots happened in 1992...just because there were some racial tensions with isolated ethnic groups over 20 years ago over a specific set of incidents, doesn't mean that black people don't like Asians, or that the race of the motorcyclists is of any relevance to their motivation in this attack.

Nothing wrong with stereotyping when looking for reason. It is circumstantial evidence, however weak.

1992 was barely yesterday. Telling us twice does not give it any more weight. It just makes you look younger ;)

Yes there is something wrong with saying that because the motorcyclists were black they attacked an Asian. It's ignorant and offensive.

Also, your interpretation of my age is even less relevant to this discussion than racial profiling. Please don't try to undermine my point by singling out a small redundancy in my verbiage. It just makes you look pedantic ;).
This arkmundi guy is funny. If he's joking, that is.

So, some Asian-American dude is out to cause trouble in his SUV with his wife and five-month-old along for the ride?

And you find it odd that he sped away after dozens of bikers slam his car with fists, stab his tires, and try to open his car door?

Sorry, but we're not that far gone yet. The driver of the SUV had every reason to think his life and the life of his family were in danger. The accident was staged, so yes, he should have gotten out of there and left the scene. It's amazing that he stopped at all. But he did. However, he learned quickly that these bikers had no intention of waiting for the police. They had their mark and were about to set on him with violence.

I would have not only rammed my way through them, but I would have never left the freeway. I would have kept moving until the cops came.

The SUV driver did all those guys a favor. Now maybe they'll grow up and stop their foolish wheelies down the freeway.
Eujangles, I'm not implying anything, but making point. Most of these bikers were black or dark skinned Latinos.
It's a fact. Whoever did not see this must be blind.
I'm an immigrant, and still say when I see black it is black, and white is white.
Please don't shove your PC in my throat.
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