Oh my god, its President Trump!

And you just keep getting more and more upset. Here you did all this imaging you're enjoy all your unlimited hatefulness and you'd be winning and winning and winning, but instead you're losing and you can't hate your way out of it. Just another observation, don't pretend otherwise.

Voltron said:
Those are your own insults Dauntless... Direct quotes from your own writings. That was the point, but like your hero, we're supposed to listen to what's in your heart I guess and not your actual words.


You just don't get to blame your posts on me, dude. Yes I can analyze what he's doing wrong when he asks. When you spew hate, yes I can comment, AND get a laugh. Oops. This is why you keep losing ground. Your words are hard to listen to, but your heart is even worse. This is just a guess but I'd think you've been listening to your heart as you hate.

tomjasz said:
Michael Moore spoke for Mellenials and Baby Boomers.


Yeah, he said that Trump was going to win some 2 months before the election. He said the snowflakes should have behaved better. If he's such an enemy how did I get him to do all this?

Bernie hindsight is that he's in the rear view mirror and becoming a distant memory. Good thing. If Bernie runs in 2020 he'll further splinter the already fractured party. He might lose them the 2024 election just by running in 2020.
DrkAngel said:
tomjasz said:
Now the claim is they never used the white panels, but that fact, they did but for drone master they were covered.
Why is he obsessing over crowd numbers and blatantly lying? Seriously. WTF.

Not my president. First full day on the job and the press secretary lies.

Typical Russian tactic.
Half truths and lies promoted as encouragement to hide the pitiful truth.
Based on principle that everyone loves and will support a winner.
Dismal truth is Trump:
has the lowest approval rating of any president ever elected
alienated women, blacks, Latinos, Chinese, gays, and politicians ... the majority of the population!
advocates and works in opposition to nearly the entire scientific community
is possibly among the worst imaginable role models ... as a despicable human being

Propaganda - Wikipedia
Propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view".

On Alternative Facts:
After being called out for lying about Inauguration attendance numbers. (and other lies)
The Trump administration claims it wasn't a lie or a falsehood they were merely presenting "alternative facts".
When pointed out that it wasn't the truth, it was definitely a falsehood!
Reply was "It wasn't a falsehood, it was merely alternative facts."
Putin - "Don't worry America"

"You just don't get to blame your posts on me, dude."

So Dauntless... are you denying those are your words? Your insults that you have used on others?

Again, you have made a post that is a masterpiece of projection, accusing others of the hate and contempt that you so obviously feel for those that don't agree with your views.

Your obsession with winning and losing is really strange in what I thought was just a free exchange of viewpoints... but I guess you're just one of those people that has to "hit back" when others don't seem to accept your opinion as some golden nugget of wisdom. Your over-identification with the Trump style of dialog shows some serious problems you might want to get professional help with.

And yet again... your reposting of somebody else's cartoons is just silly... don''t you have any ideas of your own to share besides a bunch of word salad blame rants? Are you paying them royalties or just ripping off their intellectual property?

Tedious as it was, I actually started looking over your old posts... and some things really stood out.. I couldn't find a single picture of an EV you had put together, or a battery you had wired up, or a description of an enjoyable ebike ride taken with friends, or a commuter mile you skipped burning gas for, very little helpful giveback to the ES pool of information, and not much else except commenting on others peoples posts. Is it just that there are so few trolls here that you felt like it was a void you needed to be filling? Do you actually have a running EV that you use with any kind of regularity? If not, you should try it.. an ebike ride is good for helping slough off some negative emotions... which you seem to have in spades.
Volty, it's called the biker bar. or toxic discussion's. guess the sun has affected your thinking. good luck.
Well its been raining here for a week, so I doubt it's that. And I'm all for a toxic discussion... I just don't like hypocrites who claim it's the other people doing the insulting not them, and that others are the ones full of hate while they only radiate love. I don't really care if somebody wants to be an opinionated asshole.... but at least own it and don't make it about everybody else by being a hypocritical asshole.
opinion's are like asshole's everyone has one. good for you that you understand that. Let's all have a good time while we are here.
Voltron said:
Again, you have made a post that is a masterpiece of projection, accusing others of the hate and contempt that you so obviously feel for those that don't agree with your views.

Your obsession with winning and losing is really strange in what I thought was just a free exchange of viewpoints... but I guess you're just one of those people that has to "hit back" when others don't seem to accept your opinion as some golden nugget of wisdom. Your over-identification with the Trump style of dialog shows some serious problems you might want to get professional help with.

Nah, you failed again. Interesting, you talking about projection. YOU. You freely exchange your hate, but anyone dares to respond and it's "Hit back?"

But you guys have been having an interesting day around here. It's my fault for being too busy for ya. You missed my containment skills.

Blatant Lies from Trump and his Press Secretary driving down Trumps already dismal 32% approval rating?
mark5 said:
Voltron said:
Yet more blah blah blah,, so what kind of functioning EV do you have?
Is that a requirement, boss?

Not at all... its just a previous question I asked him that he avoided answering like so many others. But after looking back at his previous posts, and not seeing a single picture of anything that he has built or rode other than an initial post about about a broken down Lepton that he bought, and a couple of references to some back ordered motors he never ended up getting, it was making me curious. After all, if one has 194 pages of posts on an EV site, 90% of which just seem to be comments on other peoples posts, but mostly seem to hang out being the resident troll, and doesn't even have an EV, that would be a little weird don't you think? I mean, I have fun calling him on his hypocrisy after his endless rudeness to everybody, but I'm mostly here on ES to learn about EV's, and to help back with what little knowledge I have, because I hate polluting the world with gas fumes. I'm just wondering what he's here for, other than to be a self aggrandizing gadfly...
But I did just suddenly see this quote..

"Ah, know this one well. In my case it all started with a violently abusive mother"

Now I just kind of feel sorry for the guy as its hard to break the patterns of early abuse, so I'll prob just drop it.
DrkAngel said:
DrkAngel said:
tomjasz said:
Now the claim is they never used the white panels, but that fact, they did but for drone master they were covered.
Why is he obsessing over crowd numbers and blatantly lying? Seriously. WTF.

Not my president. First full day on the job and the press secretary lies.

Typical Russian tactic.
Half truths and lies promoted as encouragement to hide the pitiful truth.
Based on principle that everyone loves and will support a winner.
Dismal truth is Trump:
has the lowest approval rating of any president ever elected
alienated women, blacks, Latinos, Chinese, gays, and politicians ... the majority of the population!
advocates and works in opposition to nearly the entire scientific community
is possibly among the worst imaginable role models ... as a despicable human being

Propaganda - Wikipedia
Propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view".

On Alternative Facts:
After being called out for lying about Inauguration attendance numbers. (and other lies)
The Trump administration claims it wasn't a lie or a falsehood they were merely presenting "alternative facts".
When pointed out that it wasn't the truth, it was definitely a falsehood!
Reply was "It wasn't a falsehood, it was merely alternative facts."
I just didn't understand how or why anyone could think such blatant obvious lies could have any positive effect.
Then I found a quote that the Troompa Loompas might have adopted as their propaganda tool ...

Overload of ridiculous, obscure, irrelevant blather used as a tool to scramble the reasoning power of their enemies?

Dauntless said:
Nah, you failed again. Interesting, you talking about projection. YOU. You freely exchange your hate, but anyone dares to respond and it's "Hit back?"

But you guys have been having an interesting day around here. It's my fault for being too busy for ya. You missed by containment skills.


Can't, although someone will, argue with that.
Typical Russian tactic.
Half truths and lies promoted as encouragement to hide the pitiful truth.
Based on principle that everyone loves and will support a winner.
Dismal truth is Trump:
has the lowest approval rating of any president ever elected
alienated women, blacks, Latinos, Chinese, gays, and politicians ... the majority of the population!
advocates and works in opposition to nearly the entire scientific community
is possibly among the worst imaginable role models ... as a despicable human being

Propaganda - Wikipedia
Propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view".

On Alternative Facts:
After being called out for lying about Inauguration attendance numbers. (and other lies)
The Trump administration claims it wasn't a lie or a falsehood they were merely presenting "alternative facts".
When pointed out that it wasn't the truth, it was definitely a falsehood!
Reply was "It wasn't a falsehood, it was merely alternative facts."
I just didn't understand how or why anyone could think such blatant obvious lies could have any positive effect.

Then I found a quote that the Troompa Loompas might have adopted as their propaganda tool ...


Overload of ridiculous, obscure, irrelevant blather used as a tool to scramble the reasoning power of their enemies?

"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance ... baffle them with bull."

This is a moment in history. For sure.
DrkAngel said:
DrkAngel said:
DrkAngel said:
Typical Russian tactic.
Half truths and lies promoted as encouragement to hide the pitiful truth.
Based on principle that everyone loves and will support a winner.
Dismal truth is Trump:
has the lowest approval rating of any president ever elected
alienated women, blacks, Latinos, Chinese, gays, and politicians ... the majority of the population!
advocates and works in opposition to nearly the entire scientific community
is possibly among the worst imaginable role models ... as a despicable human being

Propaganda - Wikipedia
Propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view".

On Alternative Facts:
After being called out for lying about Inauguration attendance numbers. (and other lies)
The Trump administration claims it wasn't a lie or a falsehood they were merely presenting "alternative facts".
When pointed out that it wasn't the truth, it was definitely a falsehood!
Reply was "It wasn't a falsehood, it was merely alternative facts."
I just didn't understand how or why anyone could think such blatant obvious lies could have any positive effect.
Then I found a quote that the Troompa Loompas might have adopted as their propaganda tool ...

Overload of ridiculous, obscure, irrelevant blather used as a tool to scramble the reasoning power of their enemies?

It's also the first time I've seen someone quoting their self, quoting their self, quoting themself. Everything has now lost meaning as if falling into a paradoxal moon bathed wormhole in the pantry.
nutspecial said:
This is a moment in history. For sure. It's also the first time I've seen someone quoting their self, quoting their self, quoting themself. Everything has now lost meaning as if falling into a paradoxal moon bathed wormhole in the pantry.

Hmmm... well... there are precedents. For example, Hitler wasn't really a politician. But, he's a bad comparison, because he wasn't from the privileged class by any means, he was a commoner. And, I'm sure there's plenty of precendents in Ancient greek history, it's just that I can't recall them, lol.
Sorry, bringing up Hitler referencing a n individual scapegoat has been done to death. Another wormhole. The people, the country, allow these types of things to materialize and execute in the free world. The reality of a despotic dictator and mass death would be more like Mao or Stalin, and US would at least be united with a common cause. Barring that, if the outcome is similar, it's all the peoples' fault in a slow subversive slip in themselves and culture over time.
Trump, in a tantrum, ripping his hair out
as he drowns in his own sea of lies!

Trump Lies.jpg
The narcissistic megalomaniac strikes again!

"The Washington Post, who first reported the conversation, claims Trump spent 10 minutes of the meeting "rehashing the campaign," claiming that 3 to 5 million illegal votes on election night cost him the popular vote."

Based on nothing but his own delusion! ... ?
DrkAngel said:
The narcissistic megalomaniac strikes again!

Based on nothing but his own delusion! ... ?

You're being a little hard on yourself, but you've certainly outdone yourself in the perfidy of your outbursts.

DrkAngel said:
DrkAngel said:
DrkAngel said:
Typical Russian tactic.
Half truths and lies promoted as encouragement to hide the pitiful truth.
Based on principle that everyone loves and will support a winner.
Dismal truth is Trump:
has the lowest approval rating of any president ever elected
alienated women, blacks, Latinos, Chinese, gays, and politicians ... the majority of the population!
advocates and works in opposition to nearly the entire scientific community
is possibly among the worst imaginable role models ... as a despicable human being

Propaganda - Wikipedia
Propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view".

On Alternative Facts:
After being called out for lying about Inauguration attendance numbers. (and other lies)
The Trump administration claims it wasn't a lie or a falsehood they were merely presenting "alternative facts".
When pointed out that it wasn't the truth, it was definitely a falsehood!
Reply was "It wasn't a falsehood, it was merely alternative facts."
I just didn't understand how or why anyone could think such blatant obvious lies could have any positive effect.
Then I found a quote that the Troompa Loompas might have adopted as their propaganda tool ...

Overload of ridiculous, obscure, irrelevant blather used as a tool to scramble the reasoning power of their enemies?

You should have placed that last sentence as your mission statement.

nutspecial said:
It's also the first time I've seen someone quoting their self, quoting their self, quoting themself. Everything has now lost meaning as if falling into a paradoxal moon bathed wormhole in the pantry.