SafeDiscDancing said:
You need evidence of a crime.
Otherwise you really cannot say:
"The VARS database is fake."
That's not how it works.
The VAERS database is free and open to anyone. It is not run by the government. It is not a crime to report sketchy information. People regularly do. It's about as accurate as Facebook. Is Facebook fake? I mean, it looks like you get a lot of your info there.
It does serve a useful purpose in that researchers can go through it and look for specific reactions to a vaccine. For example, if researchers see a similar rash on a few people, they can go back through VAERS and see if anyone else reported the same rash, then follow up with them.
What is needed is that "smoking gun" which proves that 800,000 reports were faked.
Nope. If you want to use that number to claim the vaccine is dangerous, the onus is on YOU to prove that all those 800,000 reports are the result of a vaccine interaction. So far researchers have found about~12 with one vaccine (the adenovirus based one) - 4 were fatal.
But feel free to try. Until you do, the VAERS scare tactic isn't going to work.
This thread is about a police lockdown which parallels the "Scary Air" lockdown so it is all connected.
Sure, let's get back to that.
If you ride an ebike in a neighborhood and respect the other people there (i.e. you don't do 40mph down the road, you slow down around kids or elderly people crossing the street, you say hello to the people you see there) you generally won't have a problem. If you regularly ride 40mph down the street, and pass close to people, and tell people that they are idiots for believing in the lockdown, you are going to have trouble.
Your choice. Only you have to live with the result. The rest of us don't, and can ride without being hassled. (The possible exception are the other people with ebikes in your area; you harm them by making police/residents think that all ebikers are like yourself.)