Sabvaton 72150 Electrical Help Please


1 mW
Oct 11, 2022
Hello Everyone,
Well we have to install this Sabvaton 72150 ourselves as the shops will not tackle it. We have brought it to at least 5. We have received some good advice though.
We are replacing Lyen 18fet with the Sabvaton 72150. There are burnt wires. There is also a different set up in the wiring? Will the wire match up?
Where do we install the blue yellow and green on the new controller, the black one? Best method for splicing the breaks? We also have a cycle analyst to hook controller to. The blue yellow green are circled on the bottom of the bike photo.
If anyone is in the South Lake Tahoe area. We will gladly pay you to do this on site.

Thank you for any help. IMG_3817.jpgIMG_3818.jpg
Well we have to install this Sabvaton 72150 ourselves as the shops will not tackle it. We have brought it to at least 5.
Lol, weird. But I guess workforce is too expensive nowadays.

We are replacing Lyen 18fet with the Sabvaton 72150. There are burnt wires. There is also a different set up in the wiring? Will the wire match up?

Yeas, thay are all pretty much the same, but the plugs are often different so you will have to learn how to properly change a plug. There's tons of youtube videos for that, I suggest you buy a crimping tool, a few plugs and you experiment on some old wires. It's really easy but it needs a bit of practice to get right.

Where do we install the blue yellow and green on the new controller, the black one?
Well that one's easy, you install them on their corresponding color coded screw terminals on the controller. Notice there are 5 lugs at the front with black, green blue, yellow and red color. wire each one on its appropriate color. But you will hae to change the very shitty wire lugs that are currently installed and replace them with proper wire lug terminals that can be bolted on the controller.
The wires need to be extremely solidly attached, otherwise you will fry everything for sure. There's no ghetto method allowed here it needs to be properly done.

Best method for splicing the breaks?
No idea what that means.

Basically to get it to run you need to wire at least:
-Battery wires, on the red and black wire screw terminals of the controller
-Phase wires, the yellow/blue/green ones we talked about earlier
-Hall sensor wires, the 5 thinner wires that comes from your motor, hook them to the corresponding plug on the controller, color on color
-ignition wire: it's a wire coming from your key contactor. When you turn the key this wire should see the full battery voltage. Connect it to the corresponding controller wire labeled ignition.
-Throttle of course, it is a three wire plug, usually red/green/black. Connect it on the controller to the corresponding plug.

That should be all that is absolutely necessary to run the bike.

It's not rocket science but it is intimidating for sure, take your time, read the manual as carefully as you can, get the right tools, watch a couple youtube videos on how to change thes plugs and everything should be fine.
Thank you so much for taking the time . That is very helpful and way less intimidating.