Seattle Bikepath Muggings

Dec 5, 2007
Me and my e-bike are in the local news, but not part of a happy story.

That's me whizzing by at the beginning of the daylight segment of the story.

1) What should the well-armed e-biker carry for weaponry?
2) Should I practice 'Jousting'?
famous! the riding in pairs idea sounds good, as does the option of just stopping, turning around, and calling the police. i run across the occasional hobo on my daily commute to harborview or uwmc but don't have to go through any tunnels or on constricted bike paths.
Two men in black wearing hockey masks in the daytime? That seems to be a clue for bicyclists that something is not right. But I guess you shouldn't prejudge people right? LIke the animals with pants hanging below their arse as they waddle along, you should just treat them as kinfolk too. I'm sure they won't be after your bike and wallet also.
Last summer a dog was eaten by a mountain lion about a block from my bike path, right where it goes under the interstate by tunnel. It gave me some bad thoughts as I rode though in the dark every morning. :shock:

Back in the day, at age 14 I was regularly chased and one time beaten the crap out of by carloads of cowboys who thought hippie bashing was a sport. The time they caught me, I got my bell bottoms tangled in the front chainring, and had to try to fight six stompers with a bike tied to my leg.

The solution was numchucks. You know the Bruce Lee, two sticks with a chain connecting them things. I didn't know how to use em really, but they scared the crap outta the stompers, since the'd seen the things in kung fu movies. A freind actually did get to use em, and shattered a guys kneecap with em before they knew what what going on. If you actually have to defend yourself, they are hard to beat against all weapons short of guns or samurai swords. Anybody with a gun can have all my shit.

But seriously guys, who's gonna catch up with one of us ebikers? Anybody jumps out in front of me is going to wish he'd just jumped in front of a charging bull.
Ulock dangling loosely on the handlebars or mini ulock in a back pocket...
that's what those giant chains are good for, self defense...
Anyone able to re-stream or upload the clip somewhere ( ?) I'd like to watch the story.

It won't stream properly for me and I'd like to watch it. Youtube, Vimeo etc are working fine so it's not directly an issue of my connection.

Cheers guys!
Don't leave home without it:
That's amazing. I didn't even know I-90 had a bike path! I must find it now!
I'd carry mace. If you carry a gun and then use it inappropriately, you'll be facing a long stretch in prison. It doesn't really pay to carry guns or own guns in this country because you have to practically be a lawyer to use one properly.
swbluto said:
That's amazing. I didn't even know I-90 had a bike path! I must find it now!
you've never ridden to mercer island or bellevue? it's actually quite the popular route.
Fishmasterdan said:
45ACP and a permit. Not that hard to get a permit in are state.

Yeah but are you allowed to use a gun if someone is trying to steal your bike. I wouldn't want to be investigated for 6 months after shooting someone who is trying to steal my e-bike. I'd rather let them have it and just buy another one. I'd just rather spend $1000 than do 15 yrs in prison but that's just me.

You are only allowed to use your gun if your state has one of those home robbery laws and not all states have them, only a few. Or, if you are in immediate danger of being hurt, and if someone is just stealing your bike, you might have a very hard time convincing the prosecutor or a jury that you were in danger. In my opinion, I'm all for the 2nd amendment but with the laws on the books as they are now, it really doesn't make a lot of sense to own a gun because you are just asking for problems later on if you happen to use it. If you want to research the laws zealously and own a gun, sure, that's fine but lots of people don't really know the laws well enough to use a gun properly.
If you carry a gun and then use it inappropriately, you'll be facing a long stretch in prison. It doesn't really pay to carry guns or own guns in this country because you have to practically be a lawyer to use one properly

Depends on where you live. I was in a small town in Central Oregon and was told it's an ordinance that people have to carry a gun. :shock: I was quite shocked, but it was a small town in the middle of nowhere so I guess everyone must fend for themselves because there's no law enforcement within miles.
mud2005 said:
If you carry a gun and then use it inappropriately, you'll be facing a long stretch in prison. It doesn't really pay to carry guns or own guns in this country because you have to practically be a lawyer to use one properly

Depends on where you live. I was in a small town in Central Oregon and was told it's an ordinance that people have to carry a gun. :shock: I was quite shocked, but it was a small town in the middle of nowhere so I guess everyone must fend for themselves because there's no law enforcement within miles.

That's my kind of town. That's how it should be.
Move to New Mexico. In this state only two places you can't carry a non concealed weapon. A bar or a voting booth. So you can pack openly, even right up to the bank teller window! Amazing how nobody carjacks you with a rifle on the rack in the pickup window! Seriously, nothing inspires politeness like an unconcealed weapon! Another story, a local hot spring began to be a popular site for local and non local outlaw biker gangs. Most of my hippie friends stopped going there after a few got my ass kicked, or at least got run out of there by bikers storys. I simply put the pistol on the edge of the pool, hammer cocked. Too funny to see these big scary bikers, going, oops, excuse me sir, I didn't know this pool was occupied, and slinking away.

As for the ping sound, I ride full throttle at all times, so I doubt they'd see me in time to get ready to jump out before I was long gone. Even 22 mph is stilll pretty fast. A hilltop would be where I'd be vulnerable. A similar thing happened in Albuquerque last summer, beat the crap out of a biker on the riverside trail and took his wallet. Mace is a good idea actually, would carry nice in a waterbottle cage. Like the dogs at my house, it's all about making the tweaker choose somebody else.
Fishmasterdan said:
45ACP and a permit. Not that hard to get a permit in are state.

I prefer my tiny 22 magnum 5 shot revolver...louder than a 45 and small and light enough to go anywhere. I don't want to shoot anyone, but if they're close enough to do me bodily harm, then they're close enough to hit in a vital place with this thing that will go right through.

Carry a knife. Check in your state the longest you can carry. My state has a 3 inch blade limit so that's what I carry all the time. You can openly carry a gun but that would just bring you more trouble since many people are ignorant of the constitution. Carry a knife. I carry a Spyderco Native with the S30V steel. Pictured is the same model I have.


Try to look for an EDC/ secondary tactical style knife. Oh and make sure you get it in a high shine finish and NOT black. Part of having a knife is for intimidation factor. Make sure it is highly visible when deployed. My friend was almost mugged by 3 guys late at night. He pulled out his knife, said, "I don't want any trouble guys..." and walked away untouched. They were ragging on him calling him "a little bitch.. with his knife" but they didn't touch him. Be very careful. You'd better be prepared to use it once it's deployed.
Any young folks reading this thread should remember that your bike is not worth your life. Anyone who is daringly stupid enough to mug you for your bike is probably violent, probably has his own gun or knife or other weapon and probably knows how to use it a lot better than you do.

You have the right NOT to escalate the situation into felony assault by using a gun or a knife or other weapon. For most of us, it’s best to avoid any attacks on the mugger and simply let him have the bike. In Washington, California and many other states, the guy stealing your bike has greater protection under the law than you do, and it is likely that you’d be thrown in jail for teaching him a lesson.

Just remember the main issue... $1400 bike versus being stabbed by a meth head with Hepatitis who smells like urine and has open sores. Probability that you will be physically harmed, maybe killed; Possibility you may be sued or spend some prison-time yourself.

You may have visions of Dirty Harry or The Terminator bringing justice to the streets but that’s best left to the movie screens. I recommend that

1. You cycle with another person if possible and keep a cell phone within easy access.
2. You avoid dangerous places and situations
3. If you see trouble ahead, don’t go there
4. If confronted, ride away if possible but by all means, don’t fight back
5. Be able to identify your bike if recovered
I respectfully disagree. You have the right to defend yourself and your property. I'm sorry but if we all agree with your POV, we'd all be out $1400 bikes left and right. Carrying a knife, mace, locking your bikes. All of these things keep honest people honest. Using common sense is universal in all situations. If you see a gun, don't be an idiot. If I see 2 guys in hockey masks, I will draw my weapon. Nobody has a right to take what is mine. Remember guys, we are talking about SELF-defense.