Selecting the best value 18650 cells


100 µW
Jun 21, 2015
Hi. It's my first post here.

I'm shopping around for lithium cells to replace my old SLA, 48V12Ah. I think I'm going to settle with 75 panasonic ncr18650 PF, 5P15S. I included a pic to show my train of thought. I'm riding a stock PB710, about 10Km round trip to work and back, in Canadian winter weather soon again... maybe I should go 6P?? I came here to see what you much more experienced people would have to say.

ps. thanks for saying so much already, lurking this forum has been a huge help to me a few times now.
So how much for a 15s 5p pack. Does it come with bms and how about a charger ?
Price with shipping.
Welcome to E.S. lot's of reading here on all 18650 cells. What's the amp rating of your controller ?
Reread I guess 375.00 for what a bms too ?
Check price of shipping.
Just for the cells. The rest is on me.

Its a 17 amp controller. I plan to make the pack using 10 gauge so I may go bigger in the future.

I feel the need to clarify. The picture in the OP is a checkout bin full of all the different cells I could select for my pack. I made all the red writing.
Let me rephrase my question.

What cell would you recommend me?

I want 15s for 63volts I drive a 48v pb710 with a 17A controller. Commute is 10km windy avg 15A draw. I use the bike all year round in -20c sometimes, but keep the battery indoors. I have old saggy SLAs, they won't last much longer.
Those 10a rated cells are more than enough. Get them spot welded at the source in a series you can live with. 5s,6s and then you can solder across the spot welded tabs keeping the heat off the cells ( damp sponge ). I guess you have 75volt caps or higher in your controller ?
Thanks. Yeah the cap says 63volt max, 15 in series at 4.2 v hot of the charger is 63volt exactly... match made in heaven

ps. those things are usually rated at 80% actually real life limits. wouldn't push it to full rating on anyone elses bike, but I'll risk my own controller. My SLA comes off a fresh charge at 58volts.
Looking at your picture. If your red writing is correct. 25r's all the way!

Since you are Canadian, which province :?:
Whats the website :?:
Where are they selling from? Canada, USA, China :?:
If China, min. $100 in s/h, then you need a charger, if from same company will add ~$20 s/h.
markz said:
Looking at your picture. If your red writing is correct. 25r's all the way!
25r's... that does seem to be a good choice, I may even bump it up to 6P 15Ah... With the 35A rating they should hold up best at ~3A/cell I want something that will last me a few years.
markz said:
Since you are Canadian, which province :?:
I'm in rural Niagara region, Ontario.
markz said:
Whats the website :?:
Where are they selling from? Canada, USA, China :?:
from, free shipping, from Hong Kong, i have read some not so good reviews though so I may go with a North American supplier if I can find one. The prices vary by supplier, but most stay at a close ratio as for what cell costs more than others and how much.
markz said:
If China, min. $100 in s/h, then you need a charger, if from same company will add ~$20 s/h.
A charger... I'm still not too sure about how I will be wiring this pack. My initial plan was simple 5P1S packs with two 10 AWG leads, marrette them in series for riding (with a fuse/set), then all in parallel for charging at 4.2V, but I'm sure if i read up on BMS's I'll figure out a better/faster system.

999zip999 said:
Do know the limits. 63v battery 63 v caps ?
If the cap blows at it's rated 63V then so be it. Now I feel like I'm tempting fate.
A bms works on series cells. So 15s or a 14s is a more common bms. 1p 15s or for a bike 4p, more the better of quality cells. I like 15ah or bigger battery. Plus a proper charger cc~cv. No a sla charger.
I did say buy them spot welded in parallel set like 4or 6p ? Then you will be able to solder on the tabs as YOU SHOULDN'T SOLDER ON THE CELLS. You would need a big fat tip 60 or better 80 watt soldering iron. To solder in the middle of the tab ( no on top of cell. Do it quick with flux and a wet sponge to cool it down Fast.
Or just buy a ready made pack plug and play with charger and good cells to last. It must be the cells then ? What it's the cells ?