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So, I pitched the idea of E-bikes to the local bicycle cops

MikeFairbanks said:
But avoiding DUIs is really easy. It's as easy as avoiding jumping off tall buildings.

Just don't drive after drinking. That's an easy one.

Once, with my dad, we were at a bar drinking quite a bit. Silly, laughing type of stuff. When it was time to go home I insisted on a cab. There were several out front of the bar. He said, "I'm not paying for a cab....it's only a couple miles."

I insisted, and my dad was ticked off the entire way home. The cab ride was twenty bucks. My dad bitched at me and the cab driver. He was mad because his truck was still at the bar (but it was safe, and the bar owner knew we were taking a cab....the owner is also a good friend of my dad).

It was twenty bucks! That's nothing compared to what a DUI costs.
Good advice, but you don't live in rural New Mexico. There aren't any cabs!
My point is that there are stupid people (perhaps even myself) that do stupid things, but you don't need a freaking army to stop someone from doing something stupid! Look at airport security (talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water) we have gone from reasonable to security to full blown radioactive body scanners and complete genital pat downs!
MikeFairbanks said:
But avoiding DUIs is really easy. It's as easy as avoiding jumping off tall buildings.
Just don't drive after drinking. That's an easy one.

I've always wondered how to get those two dots above the "I" in "naive". Well, maybe they aren't needed.
You can get a DUI for pot too. You could smoke a joint on the 1st of the month, get pulled over the 30th and end up with a DUI (if you're stupid enough to provide a UA). Even though you're not impaired the next day (or even 12hrs later, usually) it can stay in your system for a long time.

War On Drugs...
Yes, there are a ton of people who don't understand the current dui laws as written. They think only someone else could be in trouble. The fact is that almost all of us could face those charges one way or another. The laws have swung too far and need to be corrected. Going to be tough to change with all the money being made...Oh and by the way, as to the origional post, I would have voted B because of the simple fact that most cops, who would sign up for bicycle duty, would be more of the (purist attitude) bicycle type. It comes back to the short sitedness of most people seeing bikes as exercise only and not as transportation/etc. If they saw it as a transportation tool (like riding a horse) it would be embraced. No one slanders a cop riding a horse or motorcycle for not getting exercise while doing his job in this manner.
When I got my 1st dwi I was placed on probation. I have no problem with that, but there are more dwi supervision officers than supervisors for felons! Child molesters get less attention than first time dwi offenders. The amount of money and resources wasted on this kind of crap just blows my mind! I mean I can understand for someone who has 3 4 and 5+ dwi's, but WTF?
The funny thing is I actually know someone who lives down the road on the way to the winery that has 16 dwi's ! And yet I see him driving his car almost daily and I can tell sometimes he isn't exactly sober.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Here, many who are on probation for DUI buy E-bikes, mostly the scooter type. Then they sell them cheap when they recover their driving licence, and they buy another one when they lose them again. :)
I wish they had some usefull FS bike builds, it would make for cheap spare parts.
Back to the issue of cops and e-bikes.....sorry about the drunk comment. I didn't think anyone would come on and actually say Hey! I'm a drunk and....well I'm not really a drunk but.........but anyway

I had my first experience with the cops in our new town last night. We got pulled over for a faded....ish.... tail light. The officers were ultra professional and respectful even though we were in the junky toyota. Once they checked us out and figured out we were nice people with clean records, we chatted for bit and I told one of the officers that I was starting an electric bike business. He said, "Neat!", paused for a few seconds, thought about it, and said it again with twice the enthusiasm. I think it was genuine. His partner nodded and smiled enthusiastically in approval too. I tried not to get into too many details and changed the subject pretty quickly so we didn't have to have an hour long e-bike explanation session while sitting in the parking lot with flashing lights behind us but once I get a bike that is high powered and street legal ready, I think it will go over well here.

Check out the first video. Drunk lady drives so fast up to the toll booth that she hits the partition between booths, gets launched a good ten feet high (while continuing forward) and slams on the other side. She gets out, the car bursts into flames, and she's so drunk she tries to get back in and drive again.

These are funny (videos called Follow the Drunk).



There is no defense for drunk driving. Sure, lots of good people get busted for it, but it sounds as if some on here are defending the practice of driving drunk. It's not okay.

And I'm not naive for saying it's easy to avoid drinking and driving.

God invented Taxis for a reason. He also gave you feet to walk, cellphones to call, and alleys in which to sleep.
This video is amazing (takes a while to load). Drunk school bus driver. Kids are freaking out.


Then go to this link and check out Barry the Probation Officer getting his first DUI. He is PISSED!

In any case, the fed law still does nothing to regulate riding the thing on the road. In new mexico, any kind of bike with a motor is a moped. We're really backward, and like it that way. Legal speed for me is 30 mph. :mrgreen: But in practice, if you look like a bike here, and are not exceeding a posted speed limit, cops don't really care. So if you faux pedal, they never even see you as a motor vehicle.
Bike cops here in Chicago love the idea of Electric Bicycles. Every bike cop I have talked to have been really receptive to the idea. They tell me the city is broke and cant afford for the police to go electric. Their regular mountain bikes are donated by Trek supposedly.
999zip999 said:
Hay winerboy if I fly out of New Mexico I will get genital pat down. I'm flying out of New Mexico.
@ MikeFairbanks: Drunk is someone who is affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior. If I drink 2 glasses of wine with dinner over a 1 hour period I am not drunk!
That's the problem with drag nets sometimes you catch Dolphins when you were looking for Tuna.
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MikeFairbanks said:
And I'm not naive for saying it's easy to avoid drinking and driving.

Would you expect naivety to see itself?
In recent years, there have been numerous death-row convicts who were exonerated by DNA testing. But “ For every case that involves DNA, there are thousands that do not.” http://www.innocenceproject.org/understand/ And these crimes were given the full justice system show. Lesser charges on lesser defendants don’t get even the semblance of justice.
DUIs are wanted by the cops, judges, and prosecutors. To people like you, it appears bigger numbers mean this gang is doing its job. But justice people don’t care a bit guilt or innocence.
I know of a case where both the driver and passenger were charged with DUIs. The driver was released on recognizance, but the passenger spend 19 days in jail in Pueblo Colorado unable to make bond. Finally, the passenger pled guilty to get out of jail. Everybody knew he was just a passenger. And that’s just one story.
Well, all it takes is a few characters like my brother in law, to create a big crack down and no tolerance policys for dui. He went to court thinking he was "unimpaired" since he'd had hil last drink 24 hrs previous. The judge took one look at him, and had him hospitalized. His blood alcohlol was so high it was at a level considered potentially lethal by the dotor. And his judgement was that he was sober. He made the national TV news that night. Others just like him, unable to judge thier own impairment have killed over and over and over. Invariably, they really believe they weren't drunk.

I don't disagree that 4 oz of alcohol, such as two wines, two beers, etc shouldn't impair somebody. That's about my rule of thumb too, two drinks is ok, if taken with food, over at least 1 hour. But it can impair you sometimes, and the fact is, you can't judge it for yourself too good if you have crossed the line. My bro, for instance, simply can't metabolize alcohol with his addiction destroyed liver.

All this doesn't make over prosecuting, or over ticketing, whatever you call it OK. Our wonderful new governor in NM was famous for it as my county DA. Always going for 1st degree murder when she should have been taking a plea for less. Then she'd lose the case on lack of good evidence, and the killer walks. Perfect.
from ebikes for cops to dui discussion.. lol..

Personally, i would rather get in the passenger seat with a few of my friends after a pitcher than get in the passenger seat with my neighbor's inlaws sober..

Some people just canot drive, sober or not, while some people can be totally alc'ed up and maintain exceptionally well.....

i am NOT saying it's ok to drive impaired.. but them's the facts as i see them. :lol:
He he, some are naturally impaired. One of my ex-wives, who doesn't drink, has an average of 7 accidents per year. Insurance companies don't want to hear her name. :D
I think they need to hand out DUIs for driving while eating. My step-dad isn't a good driver anyway and he'll hit the drive-thru and drive away with a big burger in one hand, a shake in the other and somehow he adds fries (dipped in the shake) to the equation. Even without distractions he drifts all over the lane, sometimes way over the lines and when he notices he jerks the wheel like an idiot.....I've had to follow him before and if I didn't know better I would assume he always drives drunk off his ass.
O.K. police go to class for what to write into a police report promotive by the D.A. office so as to win a case. It's not about what happen but how the D.A. can win a case with. They are supose to be indepented but work hand in hand for a convition so both have a better record. PO-LICE, record = WECKER. Equals $$$$$. Try and file a police report on a stolen bike first they say why, and then when you call back they said there was no dna or something to go on dna ? Every year they steal bikes at the same place same day at the same event. All big events have thiefs. Beware.
Just remembered that I was in Santa Fe(3rd largest NM city) for the wine festival this last fourth of July and I rode the bus downtown and got hammered as usual LOL. Anyways, I called this number for a taxi and got a ride no problem, but as the caddy and I was talking he was saying that his company is the only Cab company left in the town and if it weren't for subsidies the cab company wouldn't exist etc. etc. The moral of the story is if we didn't have so many f### regulations on Taxi companies it would be a hell of lot easier to take a cab! Actually, MikeFairbanks this pisses me off! THERE ARE NO TAXIS WHERE I LIVE! Put that in your proverbial peace pipe and smoke it! Now that I think about it's like a f### trap and the authorities like it that way!
When I was in Germany I drank like a fish ( I still do) and didn't have to worry about getting home, because transportation was all around ( not to mention numerous bars!).
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When I was younger I was in a band and we got a nice slot in a little festival in Brittany, France. Turns out this event was held in a little village in the middle of nowhere....

We arrived at the place the night before, and the promoters hooked us up with some people who had been assigned to take care of us. We went for dinner at a little creperie with seats for about 12 people - the only restaurant in the village....afterwards, we went for a few beers at someones house, but there was about 12 of us in the group and the beer didn't last long.....

There was no pub in this little village, but someone explained that there was a pub a few miles away which was open all night, and that's where all the people in the area went for a drink....we all headed of with different people to different cars, to meet up again at this place....

As I got to the car with my new french buddy, I noticed he had a CB radio and large antenna on his Peugot 405 - common taxi in Europe....Ah, so you're a taxi driver? I asked him - My French and his English were pretty poor, and there was much confusion...he said there were no taxis anywhere for miles, but it was OK, he had his car....

Once we set off, we finally managed to communicate and when he realized what I was asking, he laughed...he managed to explain that the CB radio was because there were only a few cops in the area, and people used the CB to inform each other where the cops were located at any given time....that way people could use a different route to and from the pub....

Sure enough, when we pulled into the parking lot of this isolated country pub, there was about 100 cars parked there......*all* with CB antennas on the roof! :shock:

EDIT: I might add that this pub was full of all ages from 5 to 90 - families with kids, grandmothers, the lot, and it was 1AM :D
In our state, And I am sure it is coming to your state soon. The proclamation of "zero tolerance" is the montra of law enforcement. That is not federal standard which was lowered by president Clinton from .10 to .08 blood alcohol right before he left office. That effectively means that there is no tolerance to be human including the possible need of more medications as you get older. If you are a young brainwashed robot who also doesn't require any medication or want to socialize like most people do....YOU MAY NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. The majority of real humans do. So shame the majority of people and take their money and their rights away. It is alway the others guys fault. You go to drink the Blood of Christ here, (as has happened in this state) you can be arrested for a dui. Justify that...Does the law really care if you live or die? Do they want your money...Are you the clown being led by the ringmaster? As to the origional post, I would have hoped A...but knew it was B. There is no tolerance for people who don't ride bikes for exercise and why would we condone that? We have got to mold social standard so don't even think about it....
Great thread. I got my only DUI when I was 16 years old. I drank two beers and got pulled over. My BAC was .04, but I was under 21 so DUI time.

There is no single activity more dangerous and destructive, that we engage upon on a daily basis, than driving automobiles.
I can't count the times I've had the right of way and still been nearly killed by some fatazz not paying attention; some idiot doing her makeup; some retard texting, etc.
Just look at all those fat slobs. They would die pretty quickly without their cars. Natural selection is all f'ed up.

One more thing, what the F happened to using turn signals. Did it go out of style or something?

I could not care less what other people do so long as it does not affect me. People seem to care way too much about things that I do that do not affect them at all.

Think of how awesome this world could be if people were even a little less stupid. How many billions of people believe in magical floating Sky-Dads ruling over us from up in the clouds? Way too many. I guess the reality that we are alone and must look after ourselves and planet is far too terrifying a concept for the population at large.

There's my rant for the day.
tuxman said:
I get labeled as a conspiracy theorist from my Christian friends.

Only because I debate that a two-thousand-year-old Jewish man came back to life to save me so I could live forever as long as I symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that I accept him as my master and attend this weekly ritual for the removal of an evil force that was placed on my soul because a woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat an apple off a tree in the jungle. If I doubt this, I am told I will be doomed to hell.

So I must be a conspiracy theorist.
I wouldn't worry - it's obviously a discarded Farscape script they rejected for being too far out.