"Storm/Sondors" thread for parking contentious posts

Hi, I'm new here... but pretty up to date about this CF... But it seems to me there are 2 Theodore Voltaires posting that I'm aware of... one here and one on the IGG site? Funny this is they have what seems like the opposite opinion of each other... in other words.. This TV is pro... The one on IGG is anti.. So can ES TV tells us which one is the "real" TV?? Thanks
scmike said:
Hi, I'm new here... but pretty up to date about this CF... But it seems to me there are 2 Theodore Voltaires posting that I'm aware of... one here and one on the IGG site? Funny this is they have what seems like the opposite opinion of each other... in other words.. This TV is pro... The one on IGG is anti.. So can ES TV tells us which one is the "real" TV?? Thanks
The Theodore Voltaire posting here on ES has been doing so since September 26, 2013.
The one on Indiegogo, probably since february at the earliest.
There you are! So, are you posting on the IGG Sondors site as well as here?? Because these 2 TV's appear to be different posters??
scmike said:
There you are! So, are you posting on the IGG Sondors site as well as here?? Because these 2 TV's appear to be different posters??

The TV on igg is obviously not me. It's a troll from this thread that went over there to become a $1 troll.
If someone wants to point out all the holes in the Sonders campaign, what's the problem?

If the yellow bargain-of-bargains actually is a success, then you Sonders fan-boys (and girls) can have the last laugh.

Doesn't look good so far...

By the way, delivering a few piles of junk does not equal success. Ok?
scoot-e said:
Update -
The Storm IGG campaign's new marketing staff are considering suing funders of the Sonders ebike who post factual remarks from the IGG campaign page regarding delay in shipping, increase in shipping cost (were originally told it would be "much less than $194" in the US...and isn't) as well as for discussing prior and current fraud judgements against Sonder's own partners and previous marketing agents...all according to comments they are currently posting in the comments section of the IGG campaign website
...ouch, why would a campaign threaten their own funders for asking factual questions about the campaign and whether it will actually ever come to fruition, doesn't seem like a smart marketing move imho

Too bad it's not true. There's couple people I've love to see get sued.
BrandonB said:
Joined a Sondors Ebike Group on Facebook and talked to some of the supporters. Apparently, many of the supporters don't have any problem with the bike not even getting close to the range provided. They are satisfied and trust 100% that these bikes are going to be built and shipped on time. I could make a lot of dirty money if I had such a loyal following of sheep as well. Posting pictures and providing ship dates are very easy to do. I was kicked out of the group for asking questions and challenging those who were wearing blinders to convince themselves that there hasn't been anything shady going on with this campaign. This campaign and the slew of other clone campaigns that have followed will end up hurting the ebike industry as a whole.

That's not true at all. You were removed from the group because it's a closed group reserved only for funders. It's says so at the top of the page. I was the one that removed you. As soon as you became aware of the rule, you should have removed yourself from the group on your own accord, because you were being disingenuous to be there after that.
Theodore Voltaire said:
BrandonB said:
Joined a Sondors Ebike Group on Facebook and talked to some of the supporters. Apparently, many of the supporters don't have any problem with the bike not even getting close to the range provided. They are satisfied and trust 100% that these bikes are going to be built and shipped on time. I could make a lot of dirty money if I had such a loyal following of sheep as well. Posting pictures and providing ship dates are very easy to do. I was kicked out of the group for asking questions and challenging those who were wearing blinders to convince themselves that there hasn't been anything shady going on with this campaign. This campaign and the slew of other clone campaigns that have followed will end up hurting the ebike industry as a whole.

That's not true at all. You were removed from the group because it's a closed group reserved only for funders. It's says so at the top of the page. I was the one that removed you. As soon as you became aware of the rule, you should have removed yourself from the group on your own accord, because you were being disingenuous to be there after that.

That's where you are wrong...how did you know that I wasn't a funder? Would you have known at all if I hadn't posted here? I can already tell you that the answer is no, because I purposely made sure that all my posts in the group were ambiguous as to whether I was a funding party or not. I'm wondering how many disgruntled backers you have removed for the same reason, just because they have the ability to see all of what's going on, good and bad, and have formed an opinion based on all of the information.
Theodore Voltaire said:
You were removed from the group because it's a closed group reserved only for funders. ...I was the one that removed you.

Wait, Theodore, you removed Brandon from the official Storm facebook page? I thought you said you weren't a proxy/connected to the Storm campaign in any way and were just a loyal funder? Clearly just outed yourself
If you like the Storm bike, Theo, you must have purchased the Wave bike as well, right? Since it's faster (28mph) longer range (52+ miles) and cheaper ($549) lighter (50lbs) more powerful (48v 750w) has a 1 yr warranty, is delivered in July and can actually travel on sand and hills:

The Storm campaign is clearly in trouble and the fact is nobody even knows what the product is or if it will ever be delivered, everything is taken on faith at this point which is stunning

Even though it's only been a month since the campaign officially ended numerous people have requested and supposedly received refunds, a prior fraud judgement (uncollected to this day) against Storm was revealed for a prior product, his co-partners Jon was removed from the entire campaign even though he is the one that created the original ebike, and Storm is being sued for $500,000+ by his previous marketing Agency 2.0 for breach of contract. There are already delays to shipping (on the IGG campaign page it still says shipping to begin May 1st which has come and gone and the only updates say testing is ongoing and pictures will be coming soon which they have been saying for a month already and with minimum 2 months to prep, ocean ship and deliver to US funders individually even if they were to have everything ready tomorrow to send from China (assuming they are even in China which nobody knows for a fact) I'd say it's a good thing the funders are patient since they may be in for a long way (or never...)

The saga continues...
scoot-e said:
Theodore Voltaire said:
You were removed from the group because it's a closed group reserved only for funders. ...I was the one that removed you.

Wait, Theodore, you removed Brandon from the official Storm facebook page? I thought you said you weren't a proxy/connected to the Storm campaign in any way and were just a loyal funder? Clearly just outed yourself
If you like the Storm bike, Theo, you must have purchased the Wave bike as well, right? Since it's faster (28mph) longer range (52+ miles) and cheaper ($549) lighter (50lbs) more powerful (48v 750w) has a 1 yr warranty, is delivered in July and can actually travel on sand and hills:

The Storm campaign is clearly in trouble and the fact is nobody even knows what the product is or if it will ever be delivered, everything is taken on faith at this point which is stunning

Even though it's only been a month since the campaign officially ended numerous people have requested and supposedly received refunds, a prior fraud judgement (uncollected to this day) against Storm was revealed for a prior product, his co-partners Jon was removed from the entire campaign even though he is the one that created the original ebike, and Storm is being sued for $500,000+ by his previous marketing Agency 2.0 for breach of contract. There are already delays to shipping (on the IGG campaign page it still says shipping to begin May 1st which has come and gone and the only updates say testing is ongoing and pictures will be coming soon which they have been saying for a month already and with minimum 2 months to prep, ocean ship and deliver to US funders individually even if they were to have everything ready tomorrow to send from China (assuming they are even in China which nobody knows for a fact) I'd say it's a good thing the funders are patient since they may be in for a long way (or never...)

The saga continues...

Let's add the facts which are missing from this, estimated delivery May 2015 (not a chance), shipping guarantee cost of less than $194 - update on IGG MUCH LESS - but then $194 was lowest we could go (surprise, surprise), range of 50 miles..... amended to range of 0 miles with pedal assist...... Sondors tested the one ebike in existence to 23 miles (700 yards does not make .7 of a mile) on the flat with the LCD display reading LEVEL 2 pedal assist whatever that means..... and now to the "glorious sight" of hundreds of frames, motors and batteries before his very eyes (two weeks ago) and not a single picture to show, when he photographs cardboard boxes with his one ebike to show how the bikes could ship... I won't go there regarding the battery charge time but lets just say that I don't accept the protests of the fanboys and girls who say that 90 minute charge is accurate because it depends on the battery charge level before you start charging.

Trust this man with your money or seek a chargeback is may advice..... and don't accept a repayment in the form of a cheque, just ask Chris Olenik of Agency 2.0 why...

There seems to be a news blackout re the hearing on May 6th!??!!?
scoot-e said:
Theodore Voltaire said:
You were removed from the group because it's a closed group reserved only for funders. ...I was the one that removed you.

Wait, Theodore, you removed Brandon from the official Storm facebook page? I thought you said you weren't a proxy/connected to the Storm campaign in any way and were just a loyal funder? Clearly just outed yourself

The saga continues...

The "Sondors Storm Owners Group" is an private, independent face book group with no connection to the factory. All you have to do to join us is fund a bike. We're a small group, only 652 members, 9 new.
Philip, does the Storm Sondors Owners Facebook group have Sondors blessing and approval or is it completely independent?

I am grateful that you don't resort to the name-calling or insults on this forum that you engage in elsewhere, long may it continue.


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Philip, does the Storm Sondors Owners Facebook group have Sondors blessing and approval or is it completely independent?

I am grateful that you don't resort to the name-calling or insults on this forum that you engage in elsewhere, long may it continue.

Ian, you're a very sick man. You really need to find help. On every forum dealing with the Storm bike they've had to ask you to stop posting your repetitive posts over and over. You've already said it all 5000 times now. You can't seem to help yourself. You have multiple user names, talking to yourself on multiple forums.
This guy felt the need to (try) and scope out my Facebook profile, insult me, and insult my mother...right before blocking me, because of the comments I made on the Sondors page. Theodore, not sure who you really are, but can you tell us in all seriousness if anything I said to anyone on the page was derogatory towards an individual or baseless? There wasn't anything. Before I caught the boot I was called an idiot (maybe that was you?) If people like this had passion towards something besides blind hatred, they sure would be a great asset to the ebike community. The Sondors page is full of people that are scared to death that their bike isn't going to be delivered (for good reason) and will seemingly stop at nothing to defend a product that NOBODY has tested or received! The majority of the people that I interacted with during my short stint on the page were people that had little to no knowledge of how ebikes work or what to expect out of them.


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Theo, you must have purchased the Wave bike as well, right?

Since it's faster (28mph) longer range (52+ miles) and cheaper ($549) lighter (50lbs) more powerful (48v 750w) has a 1 yr warranty, is delivered in July and can actually travel on sand and hills:
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/wave ... AhnI8P8HAQ
BrandonB said:
This guy felt the need to (try) and scope out my Facebook profile, insult me, and insult my mother...right before blocking me, because of the comments I made on the Sondors page. Theodore, not sure who you really are, but can you tell us in all seriousness if anything I said to anyone on the page was derogatory towards an individual or baseless? There wasn't anything. Before I caught the boot I was called an idiot (maybe that was you?) If people like this had passion towards something besides blind hatred, they sure would be a great asset to the ebike community. The Sondors page is full of people that are scared to death that their bike isn't going to be delivered (for good reason) and will seemingly stop at nothing to defend a product that NOBODY has tested or received! The majority of the people that I interacted with during my short stint on the page were people that had little to no knowledge of how ebikes work or what to expect out of them.

Apparently so. What you did was the equivalent of walking into a Bears rally wearing a Green Bay Jersey.
Waiting for an answer Theo...I think others should press him for an answer as well:

Theo, you must have purchased the Wave bike as well, right?

Since it's faster (28mph) longer range (52+ miles) and cheaper ($549) lighter (50lbs) more powerful (48v 750w) has a 1 yr warranty, is delivered in July and can actually travel on sand and hills:
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/wave ... AhnI8P8HAQ

According to their page, the bike has superior specs (which means it will actually accomplish what the Storm claims it can do in terms of speed, sand riding, range, etc) for the same price as the Storm and will be delivered sooner
scoot-e said:
Waiting for an answer Theo...I think others should press him for an answer as well:

Theo, you must have purchased the Wave bike as well, right?

Since it's faster (28mph) longer range (52+ miles) and cheaper ($549) lighter (50lbs) more powerful (48v 750w) has a 1 yr warranty, is delivered in July and can actually travel on sand and hills:
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/wave ... AhnI8P8HAQ

According to their page, the bike has superior specs (which means it will actually accomplish what the Storm claims it can do in terms of speed, sand riding, range, etc) for the same price as the Storm and will be delivered sooner

No I'm like most other people that aren't interested in a Wave. I'm not knocking it though. It's an electric china girl. You probably don't have any idea what that's a reference to. It's a homemade motor bicycle, but a gas bike. The Wave is a bicycle with a eBike kit installed. The price is good, but it's not my cup of tea.

The Strom is very different. It's a purpose built eBike from the ground up, with a custom frame. Most of the other parts are off the shelf, but they're name brand. The concept is actually very similar to Stealth, except it's at the opposite end of the price / power spectrum.
Brandon B, Philip Hillis or Theodore Voltaire can dish it out too.


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