Tesla owners in deep freeze discover the cold, hard truth about EVs

I'm 100% sure you are intentionally wasting my time here and i really don't appreciate it.
I already explained what i meant on page 3.
motors are “Run disengaged”….from what ?.
There is no clutch in the drive train.
From the wheels. The inverter drives the motors with an intentionally "bad" field, which results in heat generation but little to no motive power. The malformed field generates a racket; apparently it's not 100% non-motive, so the motors/inverters make a lot of noise while this going on. The ~4kW of heat thus generated is used as a heat source for the "cold" side of the heat pump, and the battery becomes the "warm" side.
I'm 100% sure you are intentionally wasting my time here and i really don't appreciate it.
I already explained what i meant on page 3.
No, i am simply asking you to explain your statement,….
“The controller can increase it at the expense of ever dwindling efficiency.”.……refering to the battery output power.
Your reply (page 3) did not even mention a controller, let alone how it mightperform that power increase.
All you mentioned was how tesla batteries ..and others ..discharge under load and at low temps.
since we already know that the “frozen” battery discharge is fully limited by low temp ,…how then can a controller make the battery produce more power ?
Go back and read the last two pages again.
how then can a controller make the battery produce more power ?
Think of the battery in the simplest terms, as an ideal voltage source in series with a resistor.
And similarly think of the load as just a resistor as well.
You'd get maximum power in the load when its resistance equals the internal resistance of the battery.

Bad things would happen in a hurry with a lithium battery if this were done in real life; thus the load resistance is always considerably higher.
But there's always "room" for the controller to reduce its effective load resistance, physical (thermal) consequences not withstanding, to extract more power from the battery.
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