Trumpistas will die from Covid at **much** higher rates

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South Dakota has the highest rate of infection IN THE WORLD. Why might that be you ask? One word: Sturgis. The mistake folks make is that they assume that an event like Sturgis (or Trump rallies) will only peak 2 weeks later. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are now seeing the "seeds" planted and growing exponentially since that fateful 1st week in August. How stupid are Americans? Apparently very.

The bikers infected the community of Sturgis.
Then the bikers infected everyone along their driving path home.
Then the bikers infected everyone in their home community.
All was allowed to happen by the city, the county and the state.
The bikers caught it from the Antifa that showed up to riot but were quickly dispatched because, you know, bikers. But the Antifa of course brought it from their many riots that caused this great upswing we have now that the hospitals were forbidden to track because of the politicians wanting to grant unlimited tolerance for the intolerant Antifa rioters.


The airports are where people are catching it now, packed airports

Why can't people just stay home

Was at a few stores the other day, lots of pairs of people in the store.
by ZeroEm » Nov 22 2020 9:40am

We have jumped in cases again over 500 cases per day of the ones tested. Trumpistas can not tell if they have the flu because the Covid is so bad.

Update as of yesterday we are at 945 cases per day up from 500+ in Bexar County where I live. Warning stay at least 50 miles from the Texas border. Now if you are from North Dakota or Oklahoma then come on down it is safer here.

Sturgis is a ghost town when the rally is not going on. Yea, I watched them go up and party. It's not just bikers it drunken bikers. :roll:

I did not watch politics when Jimmy Carter was in. I know he put solar panels on top of the White House did not take long when he was out of office for them to be ripped down.

How many remember in January when South Korea offered us their testing and Kits so we could keep this under control. Oh but nooooo, Orange God was going to do it better, faster. Still waiting.......... I wonder if the offer still stands because we don't have enough test yet.

Biden stated that he would not go easy on trump but now is changing his mind. What do you think full pardon?
Two School Districts Had Different Mask Policies. Only One Had a Teacher on a Ventilator.
SNL last night had audiences that were not socially distanced, but were wearing masks. SNL's background actors were wearing masks and sitting 2' away from each other. Hopefully they are testing everyone, hate to see Jost get infected, then no more SNL News Headlines

Organizer of anti-COVID lockdown rallies in PA tests positive DURING meeting in White House
ZeroEm said:
Trumpistas stay home don't come to the City I live in. Remember they Virus does not exist and you are not sick so stay home!

Why are you living in the Trump Belt if you don't want to be surrounded by Trump supporters?

by Dauntless » Dec 04 2020 1:45am

ZeroEm wrote: ↑Dec 03 2020 7:39pm
Trumpistas stay home don't come to the City I live in. Remember they Virus does not exist and you are not sick so stay home!
Why are you living in the Trump Belt if you don't want to be surrounded by Trump supporters?

Stayed away for 30yrs and look what happened. These are my people i'm 7th generation Tejas (Tejas, a Spanish name derived from the Caddo táyshaʼ, from which Texas is derived. In an ethnological context)

These are good people, have Germans to the north, French to the East, Mexicans to the West and Fish to the South.
Just need better education. I was the same as them before collage and still have conservative underpinnings. Don't like a bloated government, waste of money. I'm a capitalist heart. Have no doubt that our government needs some work. Don't believe in slave labor wages or treating people different or using those differences as a stepping stool.
If you are wondering, if not ignore. I'm Scottish-Irish with some English and a good portion of French thrown in. Yes part of my family comes from were Trump is from. It's ok the Scottish do not clam him.
ZeroEm said:
Stayed away for 30yrs and look what happened.

These are good people, have Germans to the north, French to the East, Mexicans to the West and Fish to the South.

My family has been there since, oh, I don't know when the Cherokee Indian part of my ancestry got there. My then 6 year old great Grandfather arrived in 1846 from Saxonny. My Anglo Saxon (From Saxons who migrated to England) great grandmother wasn't born for awhile yet, but she'd be getting to Kansas after the Civil War and he would find her in the 1880's and take her home. The Welsh family their daughter would marry into would be arriving about the turn of the century, while my Bohemian grandfather would arrive in the 20th century as a teenager and grow up to marry an American Indian, and their son married into that other side of the family. Grandpop was one of those bakers referred to in 'Bohemian Belt.' There are quite a number of thought to be "Traditional" Texas staples that arrived from Bohemia as people like my grandfather made them.

I make the point that if anything Texas is indeed farther left than it was 30 years ago. I was born in California but guess where my relatives are. It was Democrat only when it was the Democrats that were the extreme right wing party and the Republicans were 'Progressive' because they didn't like the 'L' word, but those Republicans kept putting black people in elected office and legalizing women voting and all sorts of things that outraged Democrats.

Oh, if you knew REAL U.S. history. Or if you knew Socialist history, which is the BIBLE of enslaving people.
The Liberals' are moving here with the influx of people. Every year they say Texas will turn blue. Think it will be a decade or so away.

Bohemian's, Oklahoma has quite a few, do not know any here. First wife from Oklahoma was half Bohemian and quarter Indian. Her Grandmother, Grandfather was from Czech Republic. So my oldest children are a real mix.
ZeroEm said:
The Liberals' are moving here with the influx of people. Every year they say Texas will turn blue. Think it will be a decade or so away.

Bohemian's, Oklahoma has quite a few, do not know any here. First wife from Oklahoma was half Bohemian and quarter Indian. Her Grandmother, Grandfather was from Czech Republic. So my oldest children are a real mix.

maybe its both fed up dems from Cali but isn't it more Latino's moving into Texas and multigenerational Latino's with growing families. I dunno but I read an article on the Latino angle, havent kept track of the issue but I should since Texas is an industry hub.
Texan Latinx voted for Trump in huge numbers.

Not proportionally as many as the Miami Cubanos but still, very unexpected.

Gringos expect minorities to vote in their own interests, but just as with the classic "working class" and "less educated" whites

that has not been the case for decades now.
That is the media trying to group and predict. I would just use the educated and lesser educated. I knew a lot of Latino Males here are Republican but most do not vote at all. They believe the option news here.
We have had 40% of the elderly assisted living, etc., As Democratic Governor's send people with the Democratic Governor's virus to infect these people.

Just think, if Democratic Governor's had not claimed it for their own, the Democratic Governor's virus would not have killed over 100,000 who died of having a Democratic Governor.
Lying Dems

SF Mayor London Breed, CA Gov Gavin Newsom, LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, and NY Gov Andrew Cuomo.
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