[Very n00b] Charger for 28x3.2V at 20-30A


10 mW
Jul 3, 2014
Good day All,
This is a n00b question as I have made the classic n00b mistake... I spent everything on the battery pack with the intention of using 8x12V server PSU's (HP 140A!!!), but never managed to get 8 of them and the idea of 8 floating supplies scares me a little, that and I do not know enough to get them to do the constant voltage stuff. (Ie didnt do my due diligence on LiFePO4 charging requirements)

My battery pack is 28x 100AH sinopoly LiFePO4, standard charge current 0.3C 30A. Repower for 84V Pb system from thunderskye (Sevcon early generation controller and D&D SepEx... too small will beef up soon)

So the question is, are there any mods to existing cheap supplies that will get me a charger for these bad boys? There is a local company that makes an Amazing charger for NZ$1500 (http://protechnz.com/products.html), but is more than twice too much for me atm, and would prefer a hands on solution.
I am in New Zealand so we have 240V 50hz if that matters (Buck converter I guess)

I would like to leave the charger permanently attached in the vehicle as it is electrically certified as a caravan 8).

Ideas/options/or ready made from alibaba/aliexpress/ebay, econd hand.. etc etc gratefully received 8)

Right, off to pull the Pb out and remake the battery boxes, wohoo!