What's the best treatment for KFF?

Ypedal said:
I still want pictures ! :D

OK, not from this incident, but a good visual when discussing the treatment of EV induced burns:
Note the plasma deposited metal on the thumb :wink: That's gota hurt...
kentucky fried fingers.jpg
No imbedded metal, but mine did look worse initially. I wonder what the black stuff is. It has a kinda oily residue making me think it might be flashed vaporization of water and oils on the surface of the skin without actually burning the skin. Soap and water made things look close to normal in a hurry, but man they look bad before washing. Down near my ankle looked close to that with a real burn where it took a while for me to realize my socks were still on fire after rolling in the sand to put my shirt and pants out. I wouldn't wish real burns on anyone.

Next time I'm at the pharmacy I'll ask if there's a generic Silvadene available down here for a reasonable price and let you guys know.
In a jiffy (a.k.a. McGyver) situation, I'd go the vinegar/mustard route. #1 tip though from my searching on the topic, is really running cold water over it for about 20minutes.
Silvadene creme worked well for me on two hot liquid scaldings, one from a tractor radiator and the other when I poured coffee from a thermos onto my lap missing the cup in my other hand. Got it from the Dr. at work. No KFF yet, fortunately.
Hillhater said:
If you live near the beach...get in the surf !
cool, foamy, salt water is magic on flesh wounds, and an hour in the surf will take your mind of all pain as well as make you appreciate life generally ! :wink: :lol:

After a bout of chicken pox, I just surfed everyday until the scabs disappeared. Very relieving too! Though I have a scar from stepping on a nail that never disappeared. A surfer friend said because I was in the ocean so much it turned into a "open sea wound" and would slow the healing.
There are a lot of myths surrounding ice treatment for injuries.

Ice is a big 'no no' for burns. It can do more damage than good by causing frostbite. Cold running water is recommended instead.

For future reference ice for reduction of swelling and muscle injuries is an even bigger faux pax and does more harm than good slowing down recovery times and blocking the production of growth-healing hormones which need swelling to be effective.
Depending on how bad, truth is I always washed it in cold water with mild dish detergent ASAP, I've only had a burn once... AAA antibiotic ointment on that but I suppose since I've had KFF a dozen or more times, thought I was blinded twice and once thought I'd actually removed my left thumb (black as night against black background, numb and flash vision)... in most cases, things were fine.

Before I would rinse them gently but not wash them and they actually hurt, got worse, etc.. Not sure if you will have the same results..

If they are real - burns beneath the KFF then there are plenty of webmd type sites for first aid and treatment of various stage electrical burns so I won't waste time here but really washing them fast with cold water and soap really seems to minimize potential pain and suffering - hope it helps!

Here is the aftermath of my last KFF incident. Didnt get a before picture of my blackened hands mainly because it was bad enough to warrant a trip to the emergency department and photography was the last thing on my mind.

Anyway, 2 week later and constant dressing with sterile bandages and Solulgel to keep the burn moist has paid dividends with some nice new pink skin coming though. Looks like I will loose most of the skin between my thumb and first finger but luckily have avoided a skin graft.


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Simple lack of concentration when connecting 4 x 6S 5ah LiPo in series. Mixed up the plugs and connected a dead short between 3 of the packs. The plugs were vaporized down to solder joint. Not my finest moment :oops:
Damn! That's proper KFF'in Kepler. Did you get balls of molten copper plasma spray deposited into your fingernails by chance? I find it beautiful.
Thanks for that. I have some lipo connections in my future, so I'll definitely treat them with respect.

I shorted the pack from my Honda Civic hybrid once, but I pulled the wire away fast enough to avoid a major plasma event. I was wearing gloves at the time.

I have one of those cool little copper balls embedded in the lens of my eyeglasses. It's like welded to the glass and won't come off.
I see you can buy Flamazine online in Canada. As usual there are some concerns...

Flamazine Cream 1% in some individuals can cause allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing, chest pains, vision loss and swollen tongue etc. It is critical that your doctor cross examines Flamazine Cream 1% with any other medication, supplements, and vitamins you are taking to prevent complications. In the rare case of allergic reaction when using Flamazine Cream 1% seek immediate emergency medical assistance. Use Flamazine Cream 1% as directed by your doctor.
etard, March 2012


Well I have joined the club!


It was a 48v 11.6 ah rectangular battery I was picking up with one hand and my palm pushed the connectors partially together, 5mm bullet connectors.
I must have bent one of the connectors as I have handled it this was probably 20x.

Negative connector was unprotected while the positive was shrink wrapped to the end. Time to make a permanent mounting board to keep these connectors apart!

Hospital visit, arrived 9:30 pm, saw doctor at 1:45 am. I am just glad there was minimal pain and by 11 pm there was really no pain.
I went to the hospital to get some pain meds just in case it became a problem, but I think I caused myself more pain by sitting in the waiting room!
I have tasted KFF three times, 2 very minor incidences with a slight burn and lots of black stuff. Very minor, its like a few days go by, no visuals but the warm water I notice a little sensation. Problem was extending wires but mixing the colors and not paying attention.
For me I was able to wash the majority of the black soot off and underneath there were still some burns but not as deep.

I had some pain for 2 hours after the burn, but after that I didn't have any pain.
It oozed for a couple weeks, but healed fairly quickly.

People asked to see my hand after it had healed and couldn't tell which hand it was. I have 0 scars and feel very fortunate.