When Trump Loses - Then What?

There is a neo-Nazi movement rising in Germany - and they seem to worship Trump. Perhaps that is a place he can head to along with all of his loyal followers?

nicobie said:
When trump looses, if he's smart he will immediately resign
making Pence president who will quickly pardon him of all past and future crimes.

It would be fine by me just to be rid of the ass.

He's already proved his lack of intelligence. But his corrupt mind would indeed think of such a scheme. I just hope he doesn't read your post.. :wink:

ZeroEm said:
This is not about left and right!

Trump voted left before he ran for Dictator of the USA. Biden is a moderate he is not left or progressive no mater how much brain washing everyone does. I blame Biden and the democrat party for Trump being in there. I don't expect much out of Biden, he will be for the country, not a Dictator. Trumps people can not see the big picture. If we go to war will any country stand with Trump? Biden just needs to have people around him to run the USA. Hearing trumps thoughts on the military is wild, if you serve your country, your a sucker and if you Die! for your country you just a loser. Anyone who agrees with that should not be in this country. I did not serve, my father was in the Navy, brother a Marine and Uncle was in the Airforce.

Very perceptive. I believe you have captured the essence of what may come. I am a veteran of 20 years in the Air Force. I was in France when the French president Charles de Gaulle kicked us out of the country. Probably half of the people here don't even know who he was. I was in Iran, as an advisor, when Ayatollah Khomeini returned. Facing the business end of a gun, not knowing if I was going to see the next sun rise, let alone see American soil ever again. It makes my blood boil, and I want to vomit just thinking of that SOB as our Commander in Chief.

I saw Trump supporters at one of his rally's with 'Veterans For Trump' signs, and I felt like someone had yanked my heart right out of my chest. How disgusting to witness any military man or women showing their support for a man that openly says they are 'suckers' and 'losers'. Have these people no self worth?

The real suckers and losers are those that fall in behind Trump as he spews his degrading remarks about our members in uniform. Those that have no concept of what serving your country means. For them its all about their 'freedom' to do what ever pleases them. In other words...live and let die. They would just as soon return to the lawless days of the old west. Everyone carries a gun, and if you look at someone cross eyed, have to dark a tan, prepare to die.
The fingers said:
effectively debunked days ago on One America News.

That's almost as credible a source as the raving schizophrenic drug addict on the corner. But not quite. At least he has no commercial interest in spouting nonsense.

by The fingers » Sep 11 2020 12:30am

The suckers and losers story was effectively debunked days ago on One America News. :p
Nice try. :roll:

That does not fly. I think of John McCane, will not vote republican again but the Man has/had my total respect. That draft dodger calling him names over being a POW. Makes me sick to no ends.

For those of you who hope President Trump does not win re-election ... remember the saying , be careful of what you wish for .

Think about the policies that Biden and Harris would implement ,

Financial Experts are saying that a Biden/Harris win would guarantee a 40-60 % Crash of the Stock Market .
That is Huge, 40 % is huge . 60 % is catastrophic!
Resulting in
A very Long and Deep Depression here in the U.S.
Resulting in a Civil War , in which the Red and/or Conservative States and areas will prosper
and the Democrat / Progressive areas of the U.S. will become War Zones and even bigger Shit Holes .

So even if you do not like him, your future will be better under a Trump Presidency .

Do not say I did not warn you ! !
For those of you who hope President Trump does not win re-election ... remember the saying , be careful of what you wish for .

Think about the policies that Biden and Harris would implement ,

Financial Experts are saying that a Biden/Harris win would guarantee a 40-60 % Crash of the Stock Market .
That is Huge, 40 % is huge . 60 % is catastrophic!
Resulting in
A very Long and Deep Depression here in the U.S.
Resulting in a Civil War , in which the Red and/or Conservative States and areas will prosper
and the Democrat / Progressive areas of the U.S. will become War Zones and even bigger Shit Holes .

So even if you do not like him, your future will be better under a Trump Presidency .

Do not say I did not warn you ! !
ScooterMan101 said:
For those of you who hope President Trump does not win re-election ... remember the saying , be careful of what you wish for .

So even if you do not like him, your future will be better under a Trump Presidency .

Do not say I did not warn you ! !

Yet again, the point of defeating Donald Trump IS NOT BECAUSE WE HATE HIM. What is it, about you people, that you just don't get it.

Trump could care less about you. He feeds you just enough 'favors' to keep you wanting more.

I do not want to live under an authoritarian rule. I've lived where you can't enjoy a drink outside on a hot summer day, unless you want to be arrested.
So don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about...I've experienced it. And I see the beginning signs happening right now as we throw dumb ass insults back and forth at each other. Wake up America...Wake UP!

THAT my friends is what an authoritarian government under your autocratic president will become. It's happening (bit by bit), (executive order by executive order) and the American public will wake up one day, after you and I are dead and buried, and ask... how did we get to this point.

Then they will look back at this generation and they will find their answer.

Do not say I did not warn you !

I say yet again, learn about narcissism, totalitarianism, autocratic societies and the authoritarian leaders. Are those the type of societies you want to live in?

You Trump followers are ONLY looking out for your own welfare, and are not concerned about our Democracy (or Republic) what ever label you want to put on it.

The defiant Trump rallies with no masks, no social distancing, no regard for scientific warnings, up your ass attitude, demonstrates the low regard they have for the rest of the country or their fellow Americans.
ScooterMan101 said:
Financial Experts are saying that a Biden/Harris win would guarantee a 40-60 % Crash of the Stock Market .
That is Huge, 40 % is huge . 60 % is catastrophic!

So even if you do not like him, your future will be better under a Trump Presidency .

Do not say I did not warn you ! !

You do know that the US economy has historically done better under Democratic presidents, don't you?

If you don't believe me, just do the google on; "Has the economy done better under Democratic or Republican rule."

Maybe I should change my signature here to, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink."
The best economy of the last 40 - 50 years now has been under Trump ... until the covid 19 shutdowns .
Under Trump
Black employment has been the best , Ever .
Latino employment has been the highest ,
The stock market has risen to Historic levels . ( However Personally I think it is about 15- 20 % over valued )

Even all the Democrat/Leftists were saying , just before the covid 19 shutdowns that the only way to take down
President Trump is for the Economy to tank. These are the words of the Left .

Keep in mind that I live in a area of the Country that gets over 95% of its news feed to us from Far Left activist's
disguised as journalist's . So I see and hear their narrative everyday .

nicobie said:
You do know that the US economy has historically done better under Democratic presidents, don't you?

If you don't believe me, just do the google on; "Has the economy done better under Democratic or Republican rule."

Maybe I should change my signature here to, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink."
Ed, Wrong .... it is you that does not get it .

First of all I am not a Trumper , or what ever other name you want to call/label the Millions of people who have realized the Scam of the Democrat politicians . The # walk away movement is much larger than you can even imagine . And for Many Good Reasons .

The Hate that is coming from the Left / so called Progressives towards President Trump is so vile that for most on the left it really is about their hate of him.
I watch the news , they really do hate them .

Under Trump's Presidency we here in California can finally help ease the Homeless Problem in the state , Last year 2019 President Trump sent Ben Carson to California to tell the governor to lower the permit fees in half for building low income housing and housing such as what is often called Granny Flats , and even to put a small under 1k Sq. Ft. trailer on your property . He also told the governor to get rid of many of the restrictions that hinder the building of low cost and small housing .
and sure enough in January of this year 2020 our governor of California had to finally address the Homeless Problem with Solutions ( Trump's Solutions ) .

You Ed call this Trump's authoritarian rule . We need more of this so called , " authoritarian rule " to help everyday American's .

Wake up Ed , President Trump for many reasons , is the Best President for the Common and Working Person in this country .

Just_Ed said:
Yet again, the point of defeating Donald Trump IS NOT BECAUSE WE HATE HIM. What is it, about you people, that you just don't get it.
authoritarian rule = minority rule
Wake up Ed , President Trump for many reasons , is the Best President for the Common and Working Person in this country .

Yikes. I wonder if this guy actually believes that the homeless problem was caused or exacerbated by the cost of building permits/fees.
What is our current GDP?
The current U.S. GDP growth rate is 1.9% . That means the United States economy grew at a rate of 1.9% in the third quarter of 2019. The third quarter is July through September. The U.S. economy is within the ideal growth rate of between 2% and 3%.
Nov 5 2019
This is trumps 3rd year or last year, before the virus. The hard fact is 1.9 is less than ideal. He is a loser. Now add the toll that the virus has taken. You were promised 4% GDP.
I have known for many years that the Homeless problem in California is mostly caused by the simple Supply and Demand , , , Rule .
for at least 30 + years now .

Drug and Alcohol and Substance Abuse problems are just a small part of Homeless Problem , they are just more visible than what I call the invisible Homeless .

Much of the Homeless Problem comes from hundreds of thousands of homeless people in other States coming to California to continue their Homelessness in a Warmer Climate , and the Millions of people who have come in from Countries from South of the Border for around 30 years now , thereby creating a Bigger Demand for Housing .

The Real Estate industry loves High Demand and Low Supply . And Liberal / Progressive politicians love High Taxes .
In other words the Liberal/Progressive politicians love taking your money , money that you probably worked hard for .

for every Street Homeless with Drug/Alcohol/Substance abuse problems there are many Homeless you do not see.

I call them the invisible Homeless , They live in Cars, Vans, RV's , Trailers , and going from one Relative to another on a rotating basis .
They are around everywhere in my part of California, for several years now .

Taxes and Permit fees are much higher in California that other States .

LeftieBiker said:
Wake up Ed , President Trump for many reasons , is the Best President for the Common and Working Person in this country .

Yikes. I wonder if this guy actually believes that the homeless problem was caused or exacerbated by the cost of building permits/fees.
He is Not a Loser , I just checked the Politifact website , ( Trump - O - Meter )
they say that he did achieve close to that on 2 quarters , 3.5 %

Here is a Quote from them

" Until February 2020, a fair-minded observer would have given the Trump administration a decent grade for U.S. economic performance in its first 36 months in office," said Brookings Institution economist Gary Burtless. "However, a fair-minded observer would have given the administration a failing grade for living up to its promise to deliver 4%-per-year economic growth."

Meanwhile, the onset of the pandemic-driven recession "means the president will not achieve his goal of 4% growth" by the end of his first four years, Burtless said.

"Even if there is a quick turnaround in the second half of the year, something that is now viewed by many economic forecasters as unlikely, few economists would give the administration much credit for a quarter or two of 4%-per-year growth if GDP remains substantially below its level in the 4th quarter of 2019," Burtless said.

We'll also mention our usual disclaimer: Presidents are not all-powerful on the economy, so they don't deserve too much credit or blame for the economic performance. "

Note the last sentence above ^

ZeroEm said:
What is our current GDP?
The current U.S. GDP growth rate is 1.9% . That means the United States economy grew at a rate of 1.9% in the third quarter of 2019. The third quarter is July through September. The U.S. economy is within the ideal growth rate of between 2% and 3%.
Nov 5 2019
This is trumps 3rd year or last year, before the virus. The hard fact is 1.9 is less than ideal. He is a loser. Now add the toll that the virus has taken. You were promised 4% GDP.
If Trump did somehow lose that would mean the 'Then What?' was a $4 trillion tax hike that he promised Elizabeth Warren. Let's see, by traditional theory that's 40 million jobs lost. Except with the way things are there is no $4 trillion to take out of the economy.

But Biden has turned around and promised Wall Street that he was lying to Warren and he'll do nothing of the kind. Trump's $1.5 trillion cut gained 1%, Biden's tax hike would lose -2.7% then, right? When Biden admits he's a liar and can't be trusted, you should believe him.

Trump rebuilds the US Army

Biden is in business with the Chinese, he owns 49% of a company supplying weapons for the Chinese army and China owns the other 51%

if Biden wins, does Hunter have to give china back the 2.3 billion?
Hog wash, has not build nothing. All this China bashing, you need to learn who is lending all this money that is being spent. What is it 3 trillion now. When the last administration spent 850 billion to get out of the banks out of trouble. This is not counting the money being dumped to keep the Stock market up. All of this will need to be paid back, it's not free money.

Ed firing line (republican show) talk about "then what" last night. The republicans are talking about what to do when/if the big loss happens.
Dauntless said:
When Biden admits he's a liar and can't be trusted, you should believe him.

Trump has over 20,000 documented/televised lies, falsehoods and misinformation ...lets trust Trump. Yeah Right? A very, very cold day in hell.

This defines Trump perfectly...Trump lied. People died. His supporters high-fived.
(Thanks MJSfoto1956)
goatman said:
Trump rebuilds the US Army

Biden is in business with the Chinese, he owns 49% of a company supplying weapons for the Chinese army and China owns the other 51%

if Biden wins, does Hunter have to give china back the 2.3 billion?

Hunter was paid nicely by foreign entities with zero skills, must be nice to have an inside connection.
That makes me think of Ivana the younger.

I reckon Hunter Biden's qualifications are probably about the same as the other folks on the board at Burisma. Rich fux usually don't have any real ones.