XPD: open-source keywin e-bike lab replacement

Steve65 said:
Has anyone tried the Download and Upload functionality in XPD Version 0.4.1a with a 124110ST-MII-LYEN EDITION controller ?

I've been able to Download the parameters OK but when try to upload the same values (no changes) I get :-

"Upload failed: byte must be in range(0, 256)"

It looks like the default PySerial version in pip breaks XPD at the moment (v 3.4).

Uninstall PySerial v3.4 and install version 2.5

On Linux:
pip2 uninstall --user pyserial
pip2 install --user pyserial==2.5

(Not sure how python packages are handled on windows, don't need that kind of negativity in my life, frankly. :p )

Very interesting device ^^, thanks for posting
Thanks for your contribution, today I installed xpd, that is the 3 programs (as specified) and it worked well with window 10.
I put the defaut on the 2, 100%, and the 3 position switch on the 2.
my 2018 cable usb already had the bridge,
(EB3 12 FET cellman).
I've made some adjustments, nothing else.
The Pas now works better, it stops almost immediately.
zeccato said:
Thanks for your contribution, today I installed xpd, that is the 3 programs (as specified) and it worked well with window 10.
I put the defaut on the 2, 100%, and the 3 position switch on the 2.
my 2018 cable usb already had the bridge,
(EB3 12 FET cellman).
I've made some adjustments, nothing else.
The Pas now works better, it stops almost immediately.

Would you mind telling us the ( current ) version used, and source for the installation, to amend your post?

Trying to pawn through 10+years of iteration, multiple supported, and unsupported Prolific info, different pinout USB > TTL software, flashing procedures, boards, revisions, and other infos... can get a little tedious, to say the least. There is alot of questions in this thread and some very well laid out answers, but having up to date confirmation as to the current hardware and soft wares used is imperative.

Thankyou if you could. or anybody that could, reference. I think I got it, but.. for a program that flashes a controller designed on the other side of the earth well covered ten years ago..... and doesn't read, or sometimes even directly respond to the actual set data b/c of different configuration and hardware, but has a very specific flashing procedure with no confirmation of a successful flash save conjecture.. or experience... now it is like walking a heavy bike uphill. So to say :) .
DogDipstick said:
zeccato said:
Thanks for your contribution, today I installed xpd, that is the 3 programs (as specified) and it worked well with window 10.
I put the defaut on the 2, 100%, and the 3 position switch on the 2.
my 2018 cable usb already had the bridge,
(EB3 12 FET cellman).
I've made some adjustments, nothing else.
The Pas now works better, it stops almost immediately.

Would you mind telling us the ( current ) version used, and source for the installation, to amend your post?

Trying to pawn through 10+years of iteration, multiple supported, and unsupported Prolific info, different pinout USB > TTL software, flashing procedures, boards, revisions, and other infos... can get a little tedious, to say the least. There is alot of questions in this thread and some very well laid out answers, but having up to date confirmation as to the current hardware and soft wares used is imperative.

Thankyou if you could. or anybody that could, reference. I think I got it, but.. for a program that flashes a controller designed on the other side of the earth well covered ten years ago..... and doesn't read, or sometimes even directly respond to the actual set data b/c of different configuration and hardware, but has a very specific flashing procedure with no confirmation of a successful flash save conjecture.. or experience... now it is like walking a heavy bike uphill. So to say :) .
I followed the instructions of this post, I don't remember well and I didn't fully understand what you're looking for.
zeccato said:
DogDipstick said:
zeccato said:
I installed xpd, that is the 3 programs (as specified) and it worked well

Would you mind telling us the ( current ) version used, and source for the installation, to amend your post?
I followed the instructions ? this post ?, I don't remember well and I didn't fully understand what you're looking for.

I am asking what version, and where is the download link, pls.

So many different answer on this thread.

PySerial v3.4

version 2.5?


0.4.1 alpha?

Xpd 0.3.2? XPD 0.3.3? What?

Is this the correct download link?


Yes? No?
DogDipstick said:
zeccato said:
DogDipstick said:
zeccato said:
I installed xpd, that is the 3 programs (as specified) and it worked well

Would you mind telling us the ( current ) version used, and source for the installation, to amend your post?
I followed the instructions ? this post ?, I don't remember well and I didn't fully understand what you're looking for.

I am asking what version, and where is the download link, pls.

So many different answer on this thread.

PySerial v3.4

version 2.5?


0.4.1 alpha?

Xpd 0.3.2? XPD 0.3.3? What?

Is this the correct download link?


Yes? No?

I don't really remember, because of the stress of today's world.

I have these programs in my computer:
python 2.7.1
pyserial-2.7 win32_py3k
Thanks for providing such a great platform independent tools also running under Linux. :thumb:

I grabbed the tar package from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B09H_OVSYJ1tTVlLaThiOU11ZEU
for XPD 0.4.1a

Connection to my guinea pig, a EB312 sensorless 12 FET controller works fine and I can "download" the settings stored on the controller into a new profile. Unfortunately I get an "Upload failed: list index out of range" when I try to upload the profile again with modified parameters. Is this related to the fact that a new entry in the profiles was generated ?

Let me know if you need more feedback. XPD doesn't log anything to the terminal. I am using Xubuntu 16.04 if this is of interested.

Edit: Closing and re-opening doesn't change a thing. The newly generated profile is shown but uploading to the controller fails.

Wow....I didn't expect THAT many responses ! :roll:

I do understand that EB3XX and other Infineon-based controllers are not the latest and greatest thing around and somewhat (out)dated. But those controllers are still available and do a pretty good job to keep Motor "Sissy" such as a MAC running very quiet and without issues. :mrgreen:

OK, here is how it worked out for me:
I exported the values from the controller into a new profile and simply took screenshots from the configured value. Afterwards I used one of the matching pre-configured profile matching the controller (EB 312 sensorless and EB 312 sensored). I only adjusted the values I wish to change and wrote the profile to the controller.

Worked fine for me with the 0.4 version of XPD under Xubuntu 18.04 x64 as well as under Windows 10 Professional x64.

Does anyone have a diagram of how to connect an Infineon 4 (KH6XX) style controller to a USB programming cable?

EDIT: Found the answer and posted it here:
pwd said:
Does anyone have a diagram of how to connect an Infineon 4 (KH6XX) style controller to a USB programming cable?

EDIT: Found the answer and posted it here:
Thank you for posting that link with the circuit diagram.
Can anyone help me, please?

I upgraded my Debian-Linux from 9 to 11 (bullseye) and now I cant get XPD installed!
It says "python-central", "python-gtk2" and "python-serial" is missing. I can't find these in the repos.

I would really appreciate someone to help me!
Thank you!
Hey there,

seems that packages have been mostly removed. I just fired up a Debian Bullseye container on my Ubuntu box but the result should be similar.

There is a package called python3-serial which should fullfil the needs of xpd (unless it is written in Python 2.X).

For python-central this seems to have been removed ages ago:

The GTK bindings for Python seem also to be gone to me:

I would try to install an older version of Debian to a USB stick, install all required packages and use XPD from there. It would need a skilled python dev to rework XPD for working with more modern versions of Linux of any flavor.
Thank you for your help!
Later I will try your solutions.
If this should not work, I think I will try installing XPD on my virtual Windows 7, which I need for configuring my "Forumscontroller".

I wouldn't want to use an USB-Stick for XPD and virtual windows for "Forumscontroller".

But if your workaround works, it would be fine!
We'll see.

You are welcome ! Although I did not really provide a solution. More like an idea for a workaround. :wink:
May be the USB-TTY-cable will work with "pass through" to the Win7 with "USB passthrough" like provided with VirtualBox. Not shure how well virtualisation plays together with the timings for XPD to the EB controller.

See you over at the Pedelecforum.de :)
Well, it does not look too good.....

Python3-serial is installed in my machine, but dpkg does not recognise ist as pyserial.
python-central.... I can't find any binaries nor source code under this link.
python-gtk... Only Sourcecode available. I don't like compiling too much, because most of the times I get errors because of missing software or libraries and can't solve them by myself.

So I will use plan b and install XPD under Win7.

Yes, I am from Pedelecforum, but questions that have to do with linux are often not answered there, so I decided to try it here. :)
Hm, the links to python-central and python-gtk were simply the package / software tracker of the Debian project itself. They show that both were removed ages ago. Python-central was removed August 2013 and Python-gtk was removed April 2020 from Debian Unstable. I guess the GTK binding are for older version of the GTK toolkit which isn't supported anyway.

I used XPD on my Win 10 notebook with success quite a while ago. For Linux the virtual Windows 7 approach or an older Linux install (if the matching repos are still available) is your best bet though.

For questions on Linux you can always contact me here or over at the pedelecforum under the same nick. I feel that XPD and the coresponding controllers are somewhat of a dying breed. Most controllers now feature a BT module plus corresponding app or a USB-TTY-cable matching a complete product branch (e.g. Phaserunner, CA V3, etc).
Felan128 said:
Hi people.
The other day I finished (almost finished) a small device on Arduino that allows you to program the controller in the field.
It is a little damp, but it works.
If anyone is interested, here is the link: https://github.com/Felan412/AVR_arduno_ebike-XPD_Ebike_based-

If something is wrong with copyright, let me know I will fix it.

Thankyou felan i just found you here .I adapted it and added the rest of the parameters thanks for the start


  • 20220517_144222.jpg
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Hi, for those who maybe interested I have compiled source for Android tested on Android version 13 with developer mode (using debug key), However, I have not tested it connected to the controller or USB TTL as of yet.


  • xpd-0.4.0-debug.zip
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