Ya'all should have just told me about this...


10 kW
Dec 22, 2023
I mean it was inevitable, you have a 250pound 6'4 gimpy guy wanting to be a wee bit safer on his kinda numb legs.

Then I found this

ermagurd it's adorkable.

The wife is gonna leave me, the boy will be ok though, he grew up with me for a father, he obviously is gonna be defecit in the common sense department.

Now I need to see if I can order it sans all the crud they are gonna want on it. I just want the 2 biggest hub motors ya'all make and battery bank that can replace the seat portion of that sidecar.

I am gonna need to buy more bits and bobs for battery makings...

I wonder if I can get this thing up to like.. idunno... 80.?
Oh I read it, don;t let all that fancy thinking get in the way of a sheer man/machine/stupidpocalypse.

Besides, I know a guy :😆: up in Sac, he has a side car that leans, sells I kit I do believe.

Being told the rope is getting shorter makes me really want to go do something stupid...
Tac'a hack on a skinloss leaner... beckons ugly juju.🫣 Proceed w/caution.
Oh i have ridden an old indian woth a sidecar. Was tireible, but mod it as a tilt extension and get a m8 crazy enough to hang it out on turns and is the most fun...
Loading capacity is only 120kg FYI
Oh, i get it, i also want to buy the lil pink rc ebike so i can up wire it and give out torture ::coughs:: learning sessions