2 leg centerstand type kickstand


1 kW
Jul 31, 2016
San Antonio, TX
After decades without a kickstand, and finding my wife's KS very useful, I decided to get one.

The bike uses a direct drive front hub motor, the front wheel weighs about 25 lb. The battery is on the rear rack. My wife's bike uses the same setup but her front hub motor is much smaller and lighter, as is her rack mounted battery. Her bike does just fine with a one leg center KS. Way back when, in the Lambretta scooter days, the center stand was very useful for fixing flats, so I sort of wanted a center stand. Other options are the one leg center KS and the one leg chainstay KS.

It turns out there are two kinds of two leg centerstands, one for bikes using derailleur and the normal kind. The 2 leg KS for derailleur bikes has both legs fold to the left side when retracted, so they don't interfere with the chain. Amazon had these and one was heavy duty so I got that. The link is below, I'd post a pic if I knew how.

Result: the heavy duty, two leg, derailleur type KS bolted on my Jamis Hudson like it was made for that bike. It works very well, but takes a bit more work to use than a single leg center KS. In use, one wheel is off the ground a bit which will make removing and reinstalling a wheel easier. Balance, front or rear wheel on the ground depends on battery on the rear rack or not. Also, when the bike is on the stand the front wheel can pivot to either side without destabilizing the bike. No rattling is heard when riding over rough stuff. That said, it's still faster and more convenient to lean the bike against something if that something is available.


Older now but still riding against the wind
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