Captain Obvious Checking In!


10 kW
Oct 27, 2011
North Carolina, Southeast US
So used car sales will start with the line of : "always charged slowly, only 2 quick charges in the last 3 years."

Instead of "regular oil changes every 3,000 miles, all highway miles"
Good comment! I wonder what WILL be the "sales advantages" delineated for electric cars?

If I ever purchase (or make?) one, I may never get rid of it - just replace the pack every 5-10 years.
jkbrigman said:

I kept looking for the "big news" but never saw anything. It's what we talk about here on E-S without even thinking about it: slow charging (and it's benefits) vs. fast charging (and it's battery life sucking disadvantage)....

What next? "Amazing research reveals that electric cars use electricity!"
jkbrigman said:
jkbrigman said:

I kept looking for the "big news" but never saw anything. It's what we talk about here on E-S without even thinking about it: slow charging (and it's benefits) vs. fast charging (and it's battery life sucking disadvantage)....

What next? "Amazing research reveals that electric cars use electricity!"

Yeah, for us, it doesn't teach much. But for an ICE driving person, it might get them to understand something about batteries.
cal3thousand said:
Yeah, for us, it doesn't teach much. But for an ICE driving person, it might get them to understand something about batteries.

Good point. There's a tremendous amount of FUD about batteries.

I guess that FUD is what makes a used LEAF such an awesomely great deal!
jkbrigman said:
cal3thousand said:
Yeah, for us, it doesn't teach much. But for an ICE driving person, it might get them to understand something about batteries.

Good point. There's a tremendous amount of FUD about batteries.

I guess that FUD is what makes a used LEAF such an awesomely great deal!

On the other hand, conventional, or slow charging, recharges the battery in a more balanced manner, at 230 volts of alternating current, thus reducing the effect on the battery’s life expectancy. This means that using fast charging exclusively will cause EV owners to replace their cars’ batteries with new ones much more frequently, which probably very few of them can afford, considering that they can cost anywhere between $2,000 and $3,000.
