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Destroyer 12s Urban Racer Build

That's sick! I don't dare going any faster than 40 km/h yet... Good job
That is crazy fast for a board I think, I startet feeling uncomfy at about 25kmh! Guess it takes some practice. Nice to know that the brakes work so well even with only on/oft switches, gives us a lot of new options!
brilliant built, congrats!
as far as bigger wheels are concerned, I think the original idea showed up from Sk8norkal along the daverobson thread, I joined ES around that time with my big wheel e-skate...
I am really impressed that you target 12S... I personnaly gave up. maybe an idea for the brake: if it would not be simplier to make a mechanical actuator that you would activate with your foot, rather than using a servo ...
Thanks for the kind words.. specially from a builder crowd with awesome builds of their own.

I agree with you murfix around 40 kph is where it starts being more scary than fun.. however the bragging rights of it being able to go 53 are priceless.. LOL
Alp legacy.. you are just being modest. Your build rocks and fully inspired this one.. concerning the button system.. Im looking into it.. so if my servo/esc/transmitter fails there will be an alternate brake.. remember my playground is flat.. Within 8 hours of where I live the greatest elevation is cerro azul which is 950 meters above sea level I believe.. so my braking is more in order to obey stop signs as opposed to luge-ing down the Mont-Blanc...LOL. The 12s setup was just plain ignorance on my part.. I had no idea then what the power available on 12s batteries was like. It is not fun, it is not cool, it is not something you want to do voluntarily.. I tried it for about maybe 5 minutes and did not enjoy it.. it was like skateboarding on a Saturn V rocket on steroids,,, any movement of the trigger meant just unrestrained acceleration.. went from 0 to 20 kph in perhaps 2 secs.. maybe less.. and I was being careful. So I went down to 8s.. and down geared from a 14 tooth sprocket to an 11 tooth.. The original design for this board would have allowed a 12s system to go 53.8 (divided by 8 multiplied by 12) x (divided by 11 tooth sprocket multiplied by 14 tooth) = 102 kph IDIOTIC!!!

I bet you'll keep those bragging rights for a while, I'm not about to break that speed :D

I've ordered the same brake system as yours. For those who want it too: some of the kids bikes in Decathlon have that brake and they were willing to sell me the brake only ^^
I've tested (can you imagine?) the baby bike and I was amazed how well it braked, and yes in 1 direction only!!
While being there, I also bought the brake cable and mantle.

It's probably a good idea to have a brake system for when all else fails... However, since you don't have ESC braking, will you enjoy it if you have to re-position your foot every time?
Probably it's possible to keep the servo but split the brake cable to have a parallel mechanical foot brake!

I'm a servo noob! Can someone confirm if this servo will work fine for this application? (The exact same is out of stock atm):
Hi this servo should work well... if you have any other questions I'll gladly take closeup pica of anything. .
Awesome ride today.
Rode through some really crappy streets and the tires really ate up the bumps.
Recomend thinking about the onda wheels to anyone who limits their riding due to road conditions.
Interestingly enough the chains I was so annoyed to have to use rock! They also make the motor vsound likeca little jet. I really like them. And of course slipping is impossible.....
Murfix said:
I'm a servo noob! Can someone confirm if this servo will work fine for this application? (The exact same is out of stock atm):

So I bought this one and it arrived yesterday. When using the throttle (2nd) channel of my GT2, The servo swings about 120° max (60° in each direction when throttle/brake). when I put it on the 3rd channel, the steering wheel, the swing is much smaller, about half. I think both channels' reach are too small to use the servo to brake.

How can I make the swing range larger without mounting a longer servo arm? I'm thinking it'll need a resistor or something...?
galp said:
Is you rc transmitter programable? If so just adjust the travel for each channel.
Dude you are my hero! It was as simple as turning the "st D/R" knob. It goes from 0 to 6 where 0 means you can't move the servo and 6 gives the same reach as the throttle channel (about 120°)

Easy peasy, thanks! ^^
Awesome debugging skills! !
On my board it was not an issue since the short trav3l on my servo arm was enough to fully trigger the band brake.
Looking through this awesome Bajaboard Build http://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=53016 I recognized something that would help out my high speed stability and maneuvering . Their freebord open laces. http://www.freebordstore.com/freebord-s2-binding2.html
They seem like an answer to my high speed turning&powerbraking limitations. In all fairness they are probably a refelction of the fact that I'm a sucky skater but that is topic for another day. Also my board is miled from a flat aluminum slab, so I have no concave to "grip" me while I turn, brake or accelerate.
ScreenHunter_02 Apr. 12 10.06.jpg
A little worried on how they will perform when I faceplant... guess we will find out soon enough.
I've seen these ones - http://xtwheelz.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65&products_id=183 which are cheaper. Although, the ones you listed are better quality.

I've wanted to put one on my board but seems like it might add to the bulkyness. Let us know how they ride.
Torque... when do you sleep LOL
This item was added to their listing 1 of april and here you know all about it... honestly now.. Are you a Google Bot?
ScreenHunter_03 Apr. 12 13.11.jpg
Unfortunately It is sold out...

I agree on the bulkiness point.. Im currently not planning on add them to my cruising board.. Just to the Destroyer Build.. might also add to the "over the top" look... :lol:
The weight of the brake might be 1/4 lb max (really pushing it) including rotor... add in the servo.. holding stuff, cables ...still well under a half pound,,,
probably less...
1 unit should be enough if like me you dont have the skill to actually screech to a halt.. so my stoppings are planed and controlled.. for someone with the skill 2 sets will stop you in zero seconds flat... maybe with the design for both brakes on the front wheels... also they can be actuated with the same servo setup so the setup weight would only be for the aditional brake/rotor setup... maybe using the open laces I might be inclined to try something more ..ejem violent...
So was out skating on the new ocean front biking/skateboarding trail they opened on Sunday...
Awesome.. cool.. catching all the glances... being smooth.. all the style.. feeling the jealous stares... sooooo hoooott.. sprayer up front making a cool haze... Im so hot.. this must feel nice and cool...
then bam.. running for my life.. arms spinning widely... boots barely keeping up with my body avoiding a faceplant.. regain my balance azlthough not my dignity.... my board is twenty feet away, pull the throttle to make it come to me..... but there it sits jittering like a rabid dog, stuttering and cogging.... went over to it.. out of the spray.. and avoiding anyone's mocking eyes... manually turn the wheel and pulled the throttle.. it sputtered some and sort of spun.. tried it again and it spun a but better.. tried it a third time and the motor (probably mostly dry now) sort of hummed to sort of top speed and after about 10 secs started sounding normal again... Just to test my wet-bad/dry-OK theory I rode through the spray again and got the same cogging (albeit lower speed and no dead faceplant) same sputtering.. again spun it and after 20 or so seconds of crappy rolling got the hum of perfect running...

So I guess my outrunner Tacon bigfoots are not splash proof.. guess I have to rethink my motormount protection... this same event at 50 kph would have not been fun, and Panama's rainy season is about to start... wonder how I will do this without causing them to overheat...
I run the SK3 motors in water to a certain extent. Only on flat ground and never uphill since water and our wheels don't work well in rain. I haven't had any issues and I'll go about 1 mile or so in the rain but no puddles. Basically, just water splash.
You have a talent for writing :D

I don't know if it can transfer heat without melting, but you could try some insulation spray on the copper? That should prevent 2 phases from shorting out.

I thought most BLDC motors already have this, because you see vids of them running under water, but maybe yours don't?

Good luck!
seems like "Alu "Skyhook" color. Very strong. Good Swiss quality" are available @ http://www.sk8shop.ch
Thank you.. my contributions are meant to be technical.. but how serious can we really be when all we are are grown men and women riding around on top of radio controlled cars....
There..fixed my bad... :oops: