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Fired because of Coronavirus

nicobie said:
Dauntless said:
markz said:
That is a Russian sounding name, remdesivir

What does Fauci sound like?

Unlike trump, he sounds like a smart, informed, reasonable man who cares about our health and well being, not just our votes.

Wow, I've neverheardof thatcountry. And you say Fauci's name soundslikeit'sfrom there. What continent would that be?

Ah, you don't care. You're just happy because yougottoTROOOOLLLLLLLLL.
Dauntless said:

Oh my, seems Mini-me owes us all on this forum a mea culpa. Our sad once-great country is now on board for 250,000 dead by November*. Pity the poor folks that have listened to the promoted deceit from him and his ilk.


* see: [/url]https://www.cbsnews.com/news/zeke-emanuel-covid-deaths-250000-americans/[/url]
Doesnt look like most Americans are following simple, basic precautions like wearing a mask in public, staying 6' away from others, cleaning hands. No no, crowded beaches why not!
MJSfoto1956 said:
Oh my, seems Mini-me owes us all on this forum a mea culpa. Our sad once-great country is now on board for 250,000 dead by November*. Pity the poor folks that have listened to the promoted deceit from him and his ilk.


So you're saying that less than half of what real pandemics do (Spanish Flu was about to hit 1 million by then) is a bad thing? Seems hoto owes us a wakeup call. Just think of how much less it could have been without the rioting. Oh, you slept through that, too?
Oh hey, it's not as bad as that meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs either.

The point is, this devastation that turns out has barely started in the US - both human health and economics, there is no difference

is 100% preventable with sane, competent and caring leadership.

Has been from the beginning, Every. Single. Other. developed nation is proving it.

Unfortunately we will be a full year behind by the time a change is possible, and even then we'll now be dealing with a large segment of the population

brainwashed into thinking that those sane competent people working to save us are the enemy pursuing some whacko conspiracy theory.

Basically like the Congolese attacking the health workers fighting their Ebola outbreak last year.

This is the fruit of the rise of alt-right Bannon / Miller "Trumpism" , vastly accelerating our descent into third world status.

At this point I can't see how we will avoid millions dead.

And in no way an accident, "burn it all down" was the strategic goal from the start.

That's the side you're fighting for Dainty
Activities outdoors, with proper social distancing and wearing masks

are 1000x safer than any indoor gatherings, or close communications without masks.

We have not seen many clusters emerging from the protest activities, nor the violent police attacking unarmed civilians.

The crises they are protesting are worth the risk even so.
Dauntless said:
So you're saying that less than half of what real pandemics do (Spanish Flu was about to hit 1 million by then) is a bad thing? Seems hoto owes us a wakeup call. Just think of how much less it could have been without the rioting. Oh, you slept through that, too?

Oh great! Another telling quote that we can use a year from now to have you booted unless you apologize to this forum. Keep it up, you're being mastered dude!

MJSfoto1956 Oh great! Another telling quote that we can use a year from now to have you booted unless you apologize to this forum. Keep it up, you're being mastered dude! Priceless. :lol:
The California woman who refused to wear a face mask in Starbucks is considering suing to get half of the barista's $100,000 in GoFundMe tips
john61ct said:
At this point I can't see how we will avoid millions dead.
Consider that with this virus, for every death there are a number people who live, but with serious/permanent medical issues. Exactly how many and with what issues is still not clearly defined, but from the reports at this stage it is definitely not negligible. And in a country with a third world health system, those people might even be better off dead, unfortunately. Many of whom may have already been out of work, and out of health cover, due to the virus. Not to mention the follow on effects for an already sinking economy.
this is fine.jpg

Unless you live in New Zealand. Talk about doing things the right way.
john61ct said:

That's the side you're fighting for Dainty

That's the most foolish of your lyings, you pretending that I'm 'Fighting' for a 'Side.' I realize you see yourself as some sort of disinformation hero, but you're kidding yourself. That voice you keep hearing in the echo chamber briefing room is your own.

I've heard your type and your prattlings about I must be the point man from some major think tank sent to take you down because of your sheer genius. Trust me, I'm just the underemployed news junkie that group of think tanks said I am. What's that? You're wondering why those think tanks got together and considered that? Well, we intelligent people talk about one another behind the others' back. Of course you wouldn't know anything about that.

Oh gee, did I just burst another of your bubbles? It's NOT an army of geniuses conspiring to take you down? All your 'Best' (Coff) efforts shot to pieces on the spur of a moment when the guy has time? Of course it's to be expected that I'll side with the heroes against the likes of you.

MJSfoto1956 said:

Oh great! Another telling quote that we can use a year from now to have you booted unless you apologize to this forum. Keep it up, you're being mastered dude!


Now there was a cognitive decline comment. You sure you're not Joe Biden? Oh wait, he's not sure HE IS anymore, eh? Dang, it would take a REAL flying monkey to not find that statement of yours doltish.

slacker said:
MJSfoto1956 Oh great! Another telling quote that we can use a year from now to have you booted unless you apologize to this forum. Keep it up, you're being mastered dude! Priceless. :lol:

Yeah, like that one. We gotta keep that skylight closed.

slacker said:
MJSfoto1956 Oh great! Another telling quote that we can use a year from now to have you booted unless you apologize to this forum. Keep it up, you're being mastered dude! Priceless. :lol:

Hey slack, you can cut and paste! Dude, you are the man.
Well now, come on. If you want to engage in aerial combat with your fellow monkey, you should get up the nerve before he's been banned or whatever for weeks now. Is your low blow he can't respond to really fair?

He deserves the chance to make an equally witty comeback, such as 'And you are the mastered,' or whatever.
I know I make you laugh. I could make you do all kinds of positive things you'd never do voluntarily. But I didn't make you screw that one up, he was paraphrasing YOU.
MJShoto said:

Meanwhile, your fellow monkeys are having a 'Dumb and Dumber' fest, you of course would be the favorite of the odds makers. Dang, you've never had the chance to be favorite before, so get after it.
MJSfoto1956 said:
Dauntless said:
So you're saying that less than half of what real pandemics do (Spanish Flu was about to hit 1 million by then) is a bad thing? Seems hoto owes us a wakeup call. Just think of how much less it could have been without the rioting. Oh, you slept through that, too?

Oh great! Another telling quote that we can use a year from now to have you booted unless you apologize to this forum. Keep it up, you're being mastered dude!

Hey MiniMe -- as of today we are now at 2+ million deaths worldwide and Biden hasn't even been sworn in yet. Looks like we are on track for double that before it all ends. Care to apologize to this forum for your active deceit early on in the pandemic? (the internet never forgets dude)

MJSfoto1956 said:
MJSfoto1956 said:
Dauntless said:
So you're saying that less than half of what real pandemics do (Spanish Flu was about to hit 1 million by then) is a bad thing? Seems hoto owes us a wakeup call. Just think of how much less it could have been without the rioting. Oh, you slept through that, too?

Oh great! Another telling quote that we can use a year from now to have you booted unless you apologize to this forum. Keep it up, you're being mastered dude!

Hey MiniMe -- as of today we are now at 2+ million deaths worldwide and Biden hasn't even been sworn in yet. Looks like we are on track for double that before it all ends. Care to apologize to this forum for your active deceit early on in the pandemic? (the internet never forgets dude)


Well, no, the U.S. STILL hasn't reached 400,000yet. Caught lying again, the deceit is all yours, as always. And YOU can apologize, but you won't, and the internet WON'T forget, we can link this post. But we won't bother, we've already had so many of your lies to link and people accept that you're lying every time you post.