Looking for a DIY Arduino remote Tutorial

Sep 11, 2013
I'm looking for a tutorial to make an Arduino remote (with nunchuck)
Couldn't find anything understandable enough here in the site...
Thanks a lot!
You have seen my posting? http://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=70021

I haven't written a tutorial yet, but I'm happy to start describing steps to create a controller and receiver using Arduino.

Are you OK with using two Arduino Nano, with nRF24L01+ transceiver and a little bit of soldering?

Can you ask some more specific questions about specific steps in creating the controller and receiver?
Thanks for the quick answer,
Yes! I have seen your post.
I was actually looking for an even simpler solution, and more standard one.
more similar to taking a regular wireless nunchuck controller and 1 arduino and then just connecting between the two.
The steps I need are:
1 - shopping list - already have and arduino nano laying around, what other hardware do i need except the nunchuck?
2 - connect what to what
3 - what code do i load
4 - calibration
Use the search function. Seriously.
I found this forum when I was looking for arduino Nunchuk code. So it is available, dont be lazy.