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Tidal Force : "The Long Ranger"

Here is some battery info for you Lipo Battery Junkies to fight over.

I took a photo of my CA results of my 66v 20AH pack halfway discharged its supposed to be at nominal voltage. In theory which is 66.6v fo 3.7v a cell. Mines sit at 3.82v a cell resting.

My nominal voltage is 68.9v This is with 10.01AH discharged and 733wh discharged.


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Perfectly educated about the LiPo setup for everyone. 8)
Hey IC57, that seems like a much more pleasant ride! How far did you go. It certainly was quiet.
Critical Mass for Atlanta has stopped. There was a bad rep and crack down. But this was the Friendly Smaller Alternative created by an Atlanta Bike Association
Here is a post ride rant from Friday. Friday I did something called 'The Mobile Social". Its a smaller friendlier Critical Mass except they obey all the usual traffic laws I was almost late for it. I had a flat tire that seem to have split along the seam. Anyways I swapped it out at home. When I get there there was a small group of people 30-40. The turn out was low because of BRAG which is a bike race going on in georgia now. It was a casual laid back crowd. I thought about wearing my helmet but its 95F and I have a full pace helmet then i thought I would be over prepared for such a casual ride. The ride averaged 10mph and I peaked at 18mph so that shows you how slow the ride was.

The whole entire time I kept having this bobbing/swaying sensation. It was probably from the the rear tire I think. The tire pressure was probably to low so it had a bobbing/swaying effect like My rear tire flat but it wasnt. Im going to have to double check things before I go out for serious rides. I dont carry any spare parts other than a multi tool. I have slime in the rear but the flat was on the front with no punctures.

The ride was so slow that it was like I was having problems keeping balance and my motor was in that state to where you were lugging it so it stayed in that deep low pitch growl. There was no significant heat build up or anything from lugging the motor but man is it noticeable when I do it. So the ride progresses and it gets technically harder then a few people in the team blast off ahead to let the bar know that we were coming so I saw this as my chance to stretch her legs out. So there was a young guy on a early 2000 road bike but not quite a road bike. He was fit and was making good progress. There was another guy who was on a fixie and man did he know how to work that bike. He was getting aggravated by the slow pace. You would see him weaving on hills or take off circle back around to keep his momentum up and stuff but once he took off with us he really shined. We get to the bar in good time. About 10 minutes ahead of everyone else.

We all sat down had beers... chatted up a while. The entire time I though i didnt have my camera running and I wanted to shoot some video so I left early but the camera was acting wonky so I just rode back to where I parked my car... about 5 miles away. It was late 830ish...losing daylight. I was in the street taking the lane and I was realizing that these cars are really slow. I pulled a GinDC move and I opened her up got into a turning lane zoomed ahead... passed 3-4 cars cut back in flew through the intersection passed like 7-8 huggin the yellow line but there was no oncoming traffic... I cut back into the traffic lane and made a yellow light crossing an intersection and quickly ducked onto a trail system. Man it was a rush. After I ride the path system like 3 miles I get of on some surface streets to get back to my car. Im still in the street taking a lane... Little to no traffic. A car pulls up behind me. The light goes green and we pull off but you hear that engine rev that says this guy is slow... I need to pass him and I was going the speed limit which was 25 and he crosses over into the other lane to pass... Im like no way man... The slope of the street was to my advantage so i just opened the throttle up and zoomed ahead. I get up to 45mph... Ofcourse its a car and he was trailing me in the other lane but it was the type of trailing that says I can pass you but I cant belive what im seeing... then he peeled off cause there was another red light. I knew I couldnt get him on this light because it was a slight up hill. I just look at him and motioned for him to go... I then tailed behind him to get a free draft up the hill... But I was giving him the business with my Lumenator in his rear view. I pulled into my parking deck and found my car. You smell the odor of slightly heated windings in the 90F humid air. Its not a bad smokey smell but it was the smell of sweet victory.

Today Im going to do the Stone Mountain Trail should be a 20-30 mile ride... as soon as I charge my pack from Friday's ride.. Fridays ride was a shallow discharge on my 20AH pack. I think i managed 6-maybe 7Ah but I still like to ride out on a fully charged back. It should be a nice ride. I will do a highlight video. Throw some nice high res pics in there.
Well here is another post ride rant. So went to do the Stone Mountain Route Today. While I was prepping I decided to change my tire pressure. I figured since there will be a lot of street transition where the path crosses streets I needed to increase my tire pressure to ward off any pinch flats. While pumping my rear tire up my valve stem developed a slow leak. I was baffled. the only thing I could think of to do was to swap valves but I didn't have the tool. Autozone was a mile away so i went up there paid 2.13 for a tool and took the valve outta my busted tube from the last ride and replace the one that was leaking. I took the leaking valve out it was clogged with what seemed to be fibers. I guess its used to patch the holes and that's what was causing the slow leak. I popped the new valve in and she was fixed. Pumped 45psi in the rear and 40 up front... loaded the bike up and went on my merry way.

I get to the trail and it was lack luster at best. The first mile I'm like what have I gotten my self into. All these bumps and uneven sidewalks and driveways and street crossing and detours. I think i chipped a tooth riding the trail. My extra stiff tires were wearing me out . I found my self standing on my pedals just to smooth the ride out a bit. Ive seen the trail dozens of times on the map but there were areas where the trail disappeared but there is a sign point to go that way or this way... So it branches off onto surface streets and it picks back up some where else. I speed an hours plus looking at maps on my phone or waiting for another cyclist to pass me so I could follow them.

My bike performed flawlessly. I know one thing about my speed switch is that it starts to feel anemic after your pack is half way discharged. Of course with lower voltage your speed is lower but the switch is locking in a throttle position not the speed so as your pack drains your performance gets worse instead of it maintaining your speed like cruise control. I could simply use cruise control but I use the speed switches for self control and on the second half of my pack its forcing me to flip into the 120% mode to set cruise.... then I get addicted to the speed and start flying through amp hours like its Whoppers at the Drive In.

The was one hill at the mountain I came around the corner and I'm like oh frock. It was a long hill I would say between 15% grade. There was already a Cyclist in granny gear trying to get up the hill. The thing was going through my mind is how long could I sustain 4kw before my connectors in my pack decide to give me the finger... I basically said frock it and went WOT. I was riding in the low 20s. I pass the cyclist.. I think I startled her. On rides like this If I didn't have an ebike I probably would have gone on this trip.

I met several guys and gave them the usual ebike spill. I raced a guy kinda... I think he was building some speed up for a section of road but I think he was testing me also cause I had just passed him minutes before. I was toying with him cause I didnt have my helmet on but his power was impressive. I comforted one roadie with a flat tire waiting on a ride. He noticed my Big Apples joking he needs some of them.. He asked me a few question. We talked about 30 minutes and then is a storm started knocking at my back door so I had to jet to out run it.

The 25 mile ride took a lot more wh than I expected but I was going through any nook I could find which often resulted in me climbing out of a steep hole somewhere. When I think about it i didn't pedal alot either. I went through 75% of my pack. Cell voltages were around 3.75v resting. All cells were in .01v of each other. All was well.

To wrap things up I think I still need to experiment with air pressure. High power is something that should be used sparingly and not to showboat with It will leave you stranded without power or some gooey connectors. 20mph can get you some places pretty quick. I think people are well accepting of ebikes if you are not being an ass on them.
Since the forum cant seem to keep any pics.. Previous ones got lost in one of the many crashes... Here is recent picture of my bike. She just got raped 30 minutes earlier... She blew off some steam but we made up.


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thanks icecube57,that explained alot to me.im still a bit weary of lipo :oops: .but this vid made me less anxious.
Yesterdays ride made me realized how much I miss my speed switches. I dont have the 4 possible speed settings and 1 reverse like on standard Lyen controllers. The Lyen sensorless controller only has 2 speed settings. SL mode and Speed 2(Default).

I currently had my switches set to SL was set to 55% which gave me a simulated top speed of 22mph. Speed mode two was either set to 90-95 or 120% I forget. Im thinking probably 120% because I had unusual spikes at current at top speed and the timing advance makes you have an efficiency hit and it draws more power cause increases the KV of the motor. I was seeing up to 4500w of battery current. Anyways I miss having at least three settings. A high medium and low.

Right now I have high and low. The medium which I dont have is good to use when you know you have a motor that doesnt need to be swallowing large amounts of current but you still want some top speed. Or you have had some high current fun and want a medium speed to maintain to allow you to limp home at a somewhat swift pace without worrying about melting the motor down. The switches will simulate like your are hitting the max speed of the motor put at an earlier speed than its full speed so it allows the current to taper of drastically at the simulated cruise speed. I want my medium switch to hover around 30mph. The current will peak and begin tapering around 20mph and slowly climb up to 30mph. This will give me the effective current limiting I need to keep it going critical on hard rides. I can then flip the switch to tap the rest of the power if I need it. For the low end of the spectrum I can simply use cruise control to set a low speed around 15-20mph.

I would reprogram my controller but I think Lyen has an analog solution that taps into the the throttle line. What I would do is keep the 120% setting... Different resistor values in Lyens design will simulate 3 power levels without having to use the controller programmed settings.
OK so i went to the Atlanta Critical Mass ride yesterday. I was amped up. It would have been my first true ride. There was a chance for rain... Chances... ha! I laught at Chances... ofcourse you know what happend. The bottome fell out for 30-45 minutes. The CM riders were all huddled under building overhangs. I was one of them. The wind was blowing.. it was raining sideways. I wasnt worried about my bike getting wet much. I wasnt worried about the motor ..controller or the hall sensors.... man was I stupid to think everything was going to be alright.. After the rain died down a little bit some of the Mass riders yelled moving out and so it began. I hopped on my bike and joined the chase. Man my bike couldnt coast for shit.... Im like WTF... Felt like a dragging brake pad... No throttle response.... I had power on my CA what gives. I began to realize water some how either penetrated my Switch Pod and Ebake levers and it was activating the regen brake so im stuck with a controller that wont get out of regen mode unless I raised the wheel and smack it hard on the pavement. I kept having to do these akward wheelies to simulate that motion and will give me a few seconds of power until the ebrake line shorts again. I just eventually pulled over waited for it to stop raining... popped it in a Granny gear and did the ride of shame back home. I was soak and wet from head to toe to my socks and boxers... man I never felt so nasty and dirty....

So its Saturday... Garage door torsion spring broke last night so my Garage is like a make-shift easy bake oven... I think everything is dried out... almost afraid to put power to it then again I was playing around with 75v soaking wet yesterday and nothing bad happened... Time to get the vasaline out and seal all the cracks and openings around my switches and stuff... dont want a repeat of yesterday. It also reminds me I might want to install an ebrake switch on the controller to deactivate the ebrake incase this happens again... Nothing was wrong with my throttle ...just the ebrake shorting to ground.


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bummer. how long of a ride was that? you could have probably just disconnected ebrake & switches tho, no? did the halls connector get wet? i used to think only salt water was bad, but now i think any water will corrode those... i use anti-corrosion spray now. i often carry a plastic bag and some duct tape... you had the right instinct!
GCinDC said:
bummer. how long of a ride was that? you could have probably just disconnected ebrake & switches tho, no? did the halls connector get wet? i used to think only salt water was bad, but now i think any water will corrode those... i use anti-corrosion spray now. i often carry a plastic bag and some duct tape... you had the right instinct!

I literally only made it half a mile before I turned back... So much cogging ..fighting the regen. I could turn the controller off and ride normally but then im fighting the weight of the bike.

The way my bike is wired is weird dont have any major connectors. I used category 5 cable and ran the cable into the controller and soldered connections inside the controller and shrinkwrapped them. I then ran that Cat 5 wire through the frame up to the front of the bike. On the TF fram there is that channel for the wire to be routed through. All my my soldered and shrink wrapp connections are hidden in the frame in that channel. The only connectors I have exposed are Battery, Phase,Hall, and Programming Connector the rest of the wires are in that cat 5 cable. Even the hall wires ive soldered in on my sensorless controller uses Cat 5 thats 2 long and runs down to the motor to where its terminated with 15A andersons with hotmelt behind the connector.I didnt have any hall issues. Mainly due to me using 15A andersons on the hall and sealing the back of the connectors with hot melt.No shuddering or anything. Not water got inside the motor AFAIK.
Makes for a clean build but a pain in the ass when it comes to removing the controller since its wired permenantly.
What happened? Looks like you weren't prepared for a drop off?

Are you okay?
