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"We don't believe in that sort of thing...."


100 W
Apr 8, 2009
Central Coast Caifornia
Since I finally found a buyer for my car, I will have some funds freed up to make the bike I want. I went to one of my LBS today to look for a nice bike to convert as an electric bike.

When I told the guy what I wanted it for, he told me "We don't believe in that sort of thing, after all we are called Pedal Power" and he pointed to his sign.

needless to say, I left

I guess i will have to go spend my money somewhere else...you showed me!
Ya, I got completely ignored in a bike shop when I first started Ebiking. I mean as soon as I said "electric" the guy turned to another customer that just came in the door with his spandex on. After that he refused to even give me a quote on an internal hub for my rear wheel. Since then I've done everything myself. Gonna' get a wheel building stand and build it myself. Bike snobbery is what I've heard it called.
Seems to be the prevailing attitude at LBS's. The one time I mentioned the E word in a bike store the response was: "Why would you want that. You should pedal so you get strong."

I didn't bother mentioning that I had been doing my work commute by bike and bus for two years and was already reasonably fit. Or that I wanted to get there faster. Or that I would like to arrive sweat free. Or any of the other great reasons to Ebike. I just thanked him and left.

I still don't have an Ebike but I will be making one soon and I will happily motor past his store every day with a big Egrin on my face. :D

Who's more green, a guy who pedals his ultra-light for 30 miles on Saturday with his friends and drives his Nissan Pathfinder to work,...or a guy who rides 8 miles each way to work and back 5 days a week on an electric (160 miles a week)?

I know I'm not going to change anyones attitude at the LBS, especially the mechanics. When cars came along, the railroads had the money to make a big splash developing trucks and busses, but they didn't. They thought they were in the train business, but they were actually in the cargo and people transport business. Just like the Phoenicians 2500 years before. At that time Lebanon was an influencial power-broker and economic power-house in the Mediterranean. Today? they either didn't change enough or changed in the wrong way, and they got left behind...

I understand why they dont carry cheap childrens bikes. That would tie up capital and floor space with thin profit-margin merchandise, and they will never be able to compete with the big-box stores on those. But E-bikes....it just doesn't make sense.
Same story with all four in town bike shops. They don't want to touch the stuff themselves. If I didn't have ties to one I would get total bike snobbery around here.
Biking is very popular in my area -- and that is even more impressive when you consider how often it rains here. Since becoming hooked on ebikes I've been in at least four LBS for accessories and advice. I've made a point of mentioning that I have an electric bike -- the reaction has varied from somewhat puzzled (but polite) to actually interested. Also, each of these shops sells at least one expensive readymade ebike, though they don't seem to know much about them. Looking back on it, I've probably spent as much money on biking accessories -- jacket, mirror, pumps, tires, etc. as on my original bike. If nothing else, snubbing potential customers indicates a deep ignorance of basic good business practices.
My first post, and my two cents:

I do not think this argument always has a lot to do with "being green". A lot of it is just snobbery, pure and simple and I really do not understand it. I mean, why do they care if someone wants to ride an e-bike? I know several VERY avid cyclist and none of them are into cycling because it is green. To them cycling is a sport. If they are on their bike they are either competing or training for a competition, end of story. To them, an e-bike is cheating. But who are we cheating? Some people just can't separate the sport from the hobby.

My first e-bike is on the way, I cannot wait to start riding it. I plan on doing all maintenance myself. 8)
I'm not sure if this is typical but this store in my hometown has a better attitude. Don't care for their selection though.


Trying to discourage people from cycling is suicide for a cycle store. Better to sell a good donor bike to convert and then try to upsell to a 'sports bike' later.
I live in a bike friendly town with many bike shops, but only one has any electric bikes and they actually have a few different models and have them right near the door and right near the cash register. I think they also sell the bolt on kits. They also sell many models of mopeds too. Freakin great bike store. I don't even bother with the other stores anymore if I need a bike part I go straight there http://www.e-wheelworks.com/
I totally agree with the snobbery at most bike stores. When I wanted to replace the pitted cones in an old hub I went to some other stores and they told me, well we have some, but we'd actually have to hunt around to find the right one and we're not going to do that. :shock: Then I went to wheelworks and they looked for awhile and came back with some very nice machined cones not the cheap ones I usually see. Ever since that day, I've been a loyal customer (no I don't work there :) )
Here in Colorado Springs, we have two shops very supportive of ebikes, and they are very good bike shops.
Ted's and Old Town. They both sell ebikes.

Some of the other bike shops are just as described above.
Justin related a funny story of one experience he had at OCB! when he went looking for a frame for another Xtracycle conversion.
OCB! worked its magic so there was a Tidal Force frame hanging from a ceiling hook when he walked in the door.
He asked to see it but instead got a lecture on what a poor choice that was for a bike.
He never got to mention that he wanted for an ebike before the employee started telling him it was "too heavy", "too many useless braze-ons" and it was "made for those stupid electric bikes". That was the intro.

Justin may have asked another question but the guy just continued telling him what's wrong with ebikes.
By that time other employees, who know or at least recognise Justin, were stifling guffaws or trying to get the guy's attention to tell him to shut up.

Mostly the attitudes and tastes are individual. They don't reflect shop policy. There is no elitism regarding what you ride because they ride and repair all types of bikes.

Except one:
The only customers' bicycles they refuse into the shop are the ICE conversions.
You can park it and work on it outside.
It stinks too much to bring inside.
Yea, what's with the snobby attitude around bike shops :? So, next time anybody hears some of that 'we don't believe in that sort of thing' talk, say "well, anybody can pedal a bike". :mrgreen:

I wiki 'bicycle' and there is a picture of an e-bike near the top of the page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycle. Interesting.
I Think that snobbery extends to all products a LBS doesn't sell. I was in yesterday for a 7 speed freewheel and a chain guard. I got lectured on how it was a bad Idea to change a bike from the factory configuration, it being dangerous and life threatening. And apparently they make hundreds and hundreds of bolt patterns for front chain rings, and he didn't care what tooth count freewheel I needed because I really needed to switch to the new 10 speed cassettes they were going to be getting in soon.

I had the measurements and tooth counts I needed, But the sales guy's snobbery was so great he simply refused to even check to see if he had the parts I needed. He wouldn't even look the parts up for special order unless I brought the bike in for service. I left after 15 minutes without the parts. Without even knowing if they even had them.

At no point had I mentioned it was for an electric, I just came in needing 2 parts for a bike I didn't buy from them.
I guess my local bike shop is an exception to the norm, Tim is fantastic
loved my trike even took it for a spin and he is a full on Lycra
as his his wife (shes actually a top ranked triathlete turned full time cyclist year or so ago..and yes shes HAAAAWT...)
Both thought it was fantasticas did a couple of Tims Lyra buddies that were there chatting over coffee..
i just dropped off a 20x4.25in rear rim there today to have heavy duty spokes cut for it Tim said he would lace it for me for 15 bucks no probs.
He is also special ordering in a front rim i saw in shop on a high end MTB for me, again no hint of
disinterest whatsoever, i guess he realises the components are the same electric or otherwise and hes
going to make money from me or any other ebike because of this...Shame all other LBS aren't the same.

I needed a simple sprocket to use as a guide for cutting splines. This is how the LBS experience went: (copy and paste from the freewheel spline thread.)

Luke- Hello sir, I'm looking for a sprocket out of a cassette that fits on a 9spd hub. The condition doesn't matter, as it will just be used as a template.

LBS- We don't have template sprockets.

Luke- I would imagine not, but any sprocket that slides onto a 8-9spd shamano rear hub will do fine for me.

LBS- There are no individual sprockets for a 8-9spd hub, they come in a cluster called a cassette, and you can't disassemble them.

Luke- I'm just looking for one to use as a template and guide for my file. Aren't the little ones on the end of the cassette normally not riveted to the rest due to diameter limitations? Do you have one laying about somewhere? I will gladly buy it.

LBS- We don't sell any used parts here. Unacceptable liability. We also don't have any template sprockets, and I've never even heard of such a thing.

Luke- It's not a unique species of part, just a unique application for a part you must deal with on a daily basis. I'm simply using it for a guide to file some splines into the mounting threads of a BMX freewheel so they can slide onto 9spd rear hub splines. (In retrospect, I never should have mentioned this part, as it just blew his mind)

LBS- BMX freewheels don't mount onto 9spd rear hubs, and it would defeat the whole purpose of having a 9spd hub.

Luke- I need it to freewheel independently of the rotation of the splined freewheel built into the hub. It's for a motorized bicycle application, and I'm trying to avoid the motors from spinning the pedals when it runs, and the pedals from spinning the motor.

LBS- I've got BMX hubs, and the BMX freewheel will mount right onto them. I can lace one into a mountain bike rim for you.

Luke- That would only give me a single rear freewheel, which doesn't solve the problem of the motor spinning the pedals, or the pedals spinning the motor.

LBS- You shouldn't have a motor on your bike to begin with, it's for lazy people.

Luke- It's also for people who get sleepy from riding at 15-25mph, and I'm not all that fond of pedaling.

LBS- You should get a motorcycle then.

Luke- I have 4 motorcycles. This fills a different variety of niche in my transportation equipment.

LBS- (now for some reason he is getting huffy-puffy with me) Well pal, I've got bad news for you. BMX threads are larger diameter than a 9spd spline, so what you want to do isn't even possible.

Luke- They are close, but there is just enough material in the ID of the BMX freewheel to make some strong splines.

LBS- No there isn't, I've been working on bikes for 15 years, I KNOW. Also, you can't cut splines on the inside of something, they have to stamp the sprockets out to get the splines on them.

Luke- I assure you there is room. I've seen the completed work of a friend who has done it all ready. Also, it's called broaching, or using a file to broach, and you can certainly cut ID splines in anything you like if you are clever. I've all ready done it for my E-bike.

LBS- Are you calling me stupid? If you've all ready done it, then WTF are you here talking to me for?

Luke- In my E-bike, I did it to a large diameter 96T sprocket, not the inside of a freewheel. Can I please just buy a sprocket from a cassette? It seems like we are getting no where by talking about it, and I don't have a lot of time to spend right now.

LBS- Large sprockets have large open centers, not splined centers. And I told you I don't sell used parts, the liability remember?

Luke- Ok, then your cheapest cassette please.

LBS- Here you go ( grabs a box under the counter), it's $58.

Luke- Hmm... That seems like a little more than I was looking to spend for a template.


Luke- Ok, I think I will try somewhere else... (turning around to leave)

LBS- Thank's for wasting my time with your stupid questions about making a slow ass heavy POS motorized bike!

Luke- * resisting urge to jump over the counter and RNC (rear naked choke) this old bike shop guy into sleepy time. * *resisting* *resisting urge* *resisting...* Finally, I say, "Likewise", and walk outside to my car.
I wish i had your diplomacy Luke, DAMN i would have turned that into a HUGE scene
quicker than your Civic gets off the line mate LoL.. I have had similar experiences
with retarded counter hoppers at PC Stores, several times in a packed shop on Saturday
morning, i have a rather loud speaking voice when i need it, everyone in the shop hears the drama
the soon change their tune when customers start starring or walking out LoL..

Personally i would have opted for the 'sleep time old timer' apparoah and disappeared before he woke LOL

I have two 9 speed clusters here Luke, one i bought off ebay is ONLY the sprockets no center at all
unfortunately though they ar both the 'screw on variety' or i could post you a sprocket for template ;-(

AussieJester said:
I wish i had your diplomacy Luke, DAMN i would have turned that into a HUGE scene
quicker than your Civic gets off the line mate LoL.. I have had similar experiences
with retarded counter hoppers at PC Stores, several times in a packed shop on Saturday
morning, i have a rather loud speaking voice when i need it, everyone in the shop hears the drama
the soon change their tune when customers start starring or walking out LoL..

Personally i would have opted for the 'sleep time old timer' apparoah and disappeared before he woke LOL

I have two 9 speed clusters here Luke, one i bought off ebay is ONLY the sprockets no center at all
unfortunately though they ar both the 'screw on variety' or i could post you a sprocket for template ;-(


Thank you for the kind offer KiM, I did find a sprocket the next day at a different shop, and it was free. :)
It was very tempting to put this guy to sleep... it's never going to be worth it in the long-run though. Gotta always keep telling yourself that somedays :)
Part of the reason I started buying old bikes, and bike fragments at the flea market. Now I just go to the parts department of my really local bikeshop, in my garage. For some reason the guy there never gives me any crap. When I do need something new, I do have a bikeshop I favor for racks, pannier bags etc. That shop doesn't exactly jump when I walk in the door, but they will take my money without giving me a bunch of bull.
dogman said:
For some reason the guy there never gives me any crap.

You are one of the friendliest and helpful people on this forum Dogman, So i mean no disrespect when i say this mate, I have
seen your pic you dont exactly LOOK like a person that would take kindly to shit from a counter jockey at a local bike shop you have a rugged take no shit look about you mate LoL..Do you have any of your dogs with you when you go to the LBS by chance? that would have everything too do with their attitude too LoL...

I cant get over the ways you guys get treated though its totally ridiculous, how can they not realise you use the same parts as a normal non-ebiker would and your money is as good as theirs, thats not only a fail attitude but also an epic fail business attitude...

On the Craigslist bicycle forum, some of the guys who own 4 expensive light-weight road bikes were chatting about how the next few days after a competition they wanted to ride, but their muscles and knees needed to recuperate. I thought that this was the perfect premise for an LBS to start carrying E-bike kits. They could call them "training recuperation bikes". An ultra-light RC set-up?...
This attitude is by no means limited to bike shops, after reading this forum for a little while I suspect a lot of you are JOATs (Jack Of All Trade) like me and often trying to do something unusual with a part that wasn't strictly designed for what you are trying to do. I can't count the number of times I've patiently tried to explain my wish to buy something in order to use it in an unusual way or modify it somehow for something other than the intended purpose only to have the person behind the counter of the particular shop look at me as if I were totally daft.

Most people in today's society are quite incapable of "thinking outside the box" to use something of a cliche, additionally most people really don't understand much about technology or science in general and are intimidated or aggravated by anyone who does.
Couldnt agree more Jonathan in Hiram I have this problem alot myself, I often
use components for jobs they were never designed for, i know those blan "are you mad"
type stares all too welll! i think the degree of success has alot too do with how well one explains
what the part is to be used for if not being used in it intended application. I usually start with
something along these lines " Forget what the part is from, i am not using it for the purpose it was manufactured for,
I require this particular part for a CUSTOM project im working on," This way the can instantly forget part numbers and
models etc etc and more often than not you will get their curiosity going and they become more anxious to help,
that said, Its often hard to translate an image or idea into words so the person your
dealing with sees things from your perspective, i find taking along a sketch VERY VERY helpful, remembering always
the better you can explain this WITHOUT making them feel stupid for not understanding you the better your chances are of
a) getting help and the part and b) not ending up with a disgruntled shop assistant ...It
does obviously more often than not depend entirely on the intelligence of the aforementioned assistant though, if they
are totally unable to "think outside of the box" as you say and get even a glimpse of your idea
you will have about as much joy as pissing into a strong breeze, as you will getting friendly service.
Luke unfortunately stumbled on such a person at his LBS LoL..he calmly explained the need for the sprocket yet was told several times
by the LBSemployee he didnt sell second hand parts or templates, even after Luke had told him he understood this and offered alternative
means for this twit too sell him the parts he was chasing...Call me strange but if i was the shop owner
i would be bending over backwards to supply the customer with what he was after not trying to be a smart ass and get
one up on the customer with retarded comments :-S

You should of asked him if he owned a car and if so does he pedal his shit to his fridge or even drove to work and back. Can he provide for his his family on pedal power? And he should cut a hole in the car floor so he can push the car with his feet like the flintstones.

Then a gain not.

You told enough with your wallet.
AussieJester said:
Couldnt agree more Jonathan in Hiram I have this problem alot myself, I often
use components for jobs they were never designed for, i know those blan "are you mad"
type stares all too welll!

Arrhhg LFP post made me laugh so hard. Every boys dream is to put a motor on his BMX, tell me I'm wrong, and some boys brains change when their balls swell and thats it, a living, breathing, walkng, gonad is born. :lol: :lol:

I dont give a crap about if people drive cars, some people cant live without them, so fairy nuff. But the stinky attitudes can go out the door AFAIC.