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What's the best treatment for KFF?

John in CR

100 TW
May 19, 2008
Damn, it's been a few years since I slipped up with the probes, and others didn't hurt afterward. Of course they didn't vaporize nearly as much metal. Both legs of a Dean's T and half a probe are gone. Others have posted worse, so not really worthy of pics. I haven't seen anyone talk about treatment, is it like any burn, though looks far worse?

I put ice right away on the areas with pain. Anything else left to do other than just tough it out?

had a few good ones :) BURN CREAM is the only way. works wonders, down there i guess u could use cociane? (i think its called ). makes ur burn feel great.

but seriously burn cream , get from hospitol, or under the counter at pharmacy. aloe or cold drinks also suffice if ur stranded. :mrgreen:
Messed up my left hand pretty good with 24S lipo once. Whole hand was pitch black and had bad blisters. I used an ice pack with two sheets of paper towel in between the icepack and hand. I just used butter to keep it moist and prevent leaving bad scars later on. After 4 hours when the pain calmed down, I used vaseline to keep the skin tissue soft until it peeled away after a week. I've burned myself pretty bad a few times before and the only burn scar that is still visible, is the one I didn't put butter on asap when it happened. I was working in the field and had nothing to cool down the burn. That was 14 years ago and it's still visible.
i dont think butter is a good idea for burns, but it's good on toast !

burn cream, or out here at any pharmacy you can get polysporin, has anti-infection properties and keeps the skin moist while it heals to reduce healing time and cut down on scabs.

aww .. now come on.. we never have too many pictures to scare the lipo newbs off.. :p
Butter, with a little salt and pepper :wink:

Seriously, Vitamin-E during the day, and Aloe in the evening/sleeping if it is an open wound. Aloe is a natural astringent and will absorb moisture from weeping wounds. Both are great at treating skin abrasions as well as burns & sunburns. Use an anti-inflammatory to reduce redness and increase blood flow. I wash my wounds frequently to keep them clean, and frequently trim away necrotic flesh. Keeping the wound exposed to air where the skin can breathe will aid in quick healing.

My ½ W, KF
I've always read and heard that butter isn't any good. But it has always worked for me in an emergency. Cheaper vs going to the ER and paying an arm and leg for an icepack.
snellemin said:
I've always read and heard that butter isn't any good. But it has always worked for me in an emergency. Cheaper vs going to the ER and paying an arm and leg for an icepack.
Butter on a burn is from the old days. It makes it fell better but traps the heat and makes the burn worse then nothing on it at all. For a burn 15 min under cold watter. You want to cool the burn and get the heat out not trap it in. Then after words burn creams aloe etc.
Thanks guys, so just treat it like any burn. Those plasma flash burns are quite different, and I was concerned about this one since there was pain, but unlike more typical burns the pain faded pretty quickly. Now I'm left feeling like a wimp, since it cleaned up almost like nothing happened. I'll lose most of a fingernail and some skin will slough off oddly on the pads of both of my ring fingers. No pain after 30min and a couple of leathery/plasticy patches of skin that are too hard to blister like other burns, so I came out smelling like a rose. I got burned enough to need some skin graft on one of my legs, so I know about real burns and this is nothing.

One question, in such a plasma event, do they ever throw off molten metal to put out an eye where some safety glasses could help or does it just vaporize so only whatever is close enough is at burn risk?

fresh aloe vera leaf slpit like a bagel. grate up the gel til slimy goo, hold leaf on burn. works best right after burn occusr.
John in CR said:
One question, in such a plasma event, do they ever throw off molten metal to put out an eye where some safety glasses could help or does it just vaporize so only whatever is close enough is at burn risk?
I've heard stories from old telecommunications techs about apprentices ending up with copper coated face shields due to shorting exchange bus bars (48V) so eye protection is a good idea and apparently effective.
Eat some protein. Steak and eggs time. Drink plenty of water. I normally prefer hit and miss on vitamins, but during injury a multi-vitamin, vitamin E, and vitamin c is a good idea. Vasoline, or a better burn cream. Clean it lightly on occassion, but thoroughly. If there is some noticible bits of dead tissue (just bits, not covering a big area), clip it off. If you need to do something with it, cover it with some gauze and tape. Remove the gauze and tape afterwards, clean and lube.

Use your other hand for the remote.

If you are in the midwest part of America, prepare for soak it inside her jokes. If you are averse to soak it inside her jokes, become an expatriate, perhaps Costa Rica.
amberwolf said:
fresh aloe vera leaf slpit like a bagel. grate up the gel til slimy goo, hold leaf on burn. works best right after burn occusr.
aloe is good. i just found yellow mustard will stop pain and some swelling, mostly pain tho'.

also cabbage wrapped around the wound will reverse necrotic and the cabbage (gas) will heal the face of it. leave it on over night i guess, and rebind it next day? After a day and a half, it will probably cure in the breeze.

I'd make a cabbage poultice, shaved and smashed, and applied, wrapped with a big leaf, held on with a couple of cloth strap.
If you put butter on a burn, then decide that you do actually have to go to the emergency room, they will scrub the butter off...in order to get their burn ointment onto the damaged flesh.

What to do initially? I don't know.
spinningmagnets said:
What to do initially? I don't know.

Ice as quickly as possible is what I've always heard to stop the burn from going as deep.

Thanks for the info on the Telcom guys Ricky. I'm done checking voltage with probes on the male end of Deans T connectors. I got lucky for way too long. I haven't had a plasma event since I was running 17s, and I switched to 20s almost 4 years ago, so I was overdue. 20s was notably stronger. I've got a couple bikes that will get 30-33s, so I'm gonna be paranoid careful with those after today's little saftey reminder that still has my ears ringing a bit.


They use it in ERs. Not sure if you can acquire it over the counter since I've never tried to get it that way. You can try. Never hurts to ride to your local pharmacy. Not unless your ass is burned, then your out of luck... :lol:

And use a frech stick of butter please if your going to do it. You can cause further infection from butter. Not recommended, but I'm sure there is a bit of relief from it.
melodious said:
And use a frech stick of butter please if your going to do it. You can cause further infection from butter. Not recommended, but I'm sure there is a bit of relief from it.
It pushes the burn deeper. this is something people used to do because it give instant gratification but turned first deg burns into 2ND or 3rd etc.

Cold watter or ice on a burn asap is the best way. You want to cool the skin not insulate i!
Butter = fail on many levels.

IMHO, anything that stops or limits gas exchange = fail (this includes most burn-specific cremes etc). I've been welding since kindergarten. I've been burned my share of times. I've tried a zillion things, what works best for me is just ignoring it completely, aside from trying to keep it clean, and obviously never pop the blisters, they are sterile and in the ideal new-skin growth environment while the blister is sealed. They are annoying, but if you want something to heal quickly, with lowest infection and scarring risk, be gentle enough to avoid popping any blisters for as long as possible.
I got 100 volt kff ( big flame) two weeks ago and just spayed some burn spray on them at work then came home (in the rain which felt great on my kff) then packed ice on the burns and they never got a blister or any bad scabs just some slight pealing about a week later. Good luck!
a little something I picked up in the restaurant business is to use vinegar instead of water, works like a charm. that might be why someone earlier said something about using mustard, which is made with vinegar. and usually there is some in the house ready to go right away.
melodious said:

They use it in ERs. Not sure if you can acquire it over the counter since I've never tried to get it that way. You can try. Never hurts to ride to your local pharmacy. Not unless your ass is burned, then your out of luck... :lol:

And use a frech stick of butter please if your going to do it. You can cause further infection from butter. Not recommended, but I'm sure there is a bit of relief from it.

Yeah that Silvadene stuff is da bomb. That's what they gave me 34 years ago when I got a real burn.
Ypedal said:
I still want pictures ! :D

Maybe if I'd taken a pic while the black stuff was there. Now all you'd see is a slightly discolored fingernail. :oops: Like I said, I feel like a wimp now.
liveforphysics said:
Butter = fail on many levels.

IMHO, anything that stops or limits gas exchange = fail (this includes most burn-specific cremes etc). I've been welding since kindergarten. I've been burned my share of times. I've tried a zillion things, what works best for me is just ignoring it completely, aside from trying to keep it clean, and obviously never pop the blisters, they are sterile and in the ideal new-skin growth environment while the blister is sealed. They are annoying, but if you want something to heal quickly, with lowest infection and scarring risk, be gentle enough to avoid popping any blisters for as long as possible.

Doing nothing last time worked perfectly, because it just went away. I think the skin was thick enough there that it just turned into a harder deeper callous. It's definitely a different kind of burn than the type that blister, which is why I started the post. This time is worse, but still no blistering at all, at least not a surface blister. The fingernail is probably gonna suck, but we'll see.

I definitely agree that if possible, just let your body's healing mechanisms do the work, and that's the plan now with all the tenderness deep under a thick leathery protective layer. For a bad burn that turns into an open would, that Silvadene stuff is like magic by keeping it infection free and something in the formulation makes new skin grow incredibly fast. Back in '79 it was something like $50 a 12oz jar, so no telling what it is now despite patent protection long expired.

Silvadine was what they put on me in 76. Great stuff. Kept me from having any deep scars on my arms and face. When I get a burn these days, I ice it immediately. Cool it off ASAP, and keep icing it for awhile. If an open blister wound, then the antibiotic creams seem good, but more like the next day.

Back when I worked shirtless a lot, I used to treat sunburns with vanilla. Had to be real vanilla extract, not artificial. Somehow it not only cooled immediately by alcohol evaporation, but it actually stopped the burning from cooking all night, and helped prevent peeling later.
I went googling for the silver sulfadizine cream and found it was prescription only here in the US. Going a little deeper, a doctor posted a recipe for home made silver sulfadizine cream. He said: "you can mix hydrocortisone cream, bacitracin, Benadryl cream and Eucerin cream together. Just empty each tube into an airtight container..." I don't think any of those has silver in it though...

Read more: is there a over the counter product containing silvadene for - JustAnswer http://www.justanswer.com/health/3zpk3-counter-product-containing-silvadene.html#ixzz2H0zueark