Strange controller problem


1 mW
Jul 10, 2023
Hi all,

So I have a strange problem with my controller. Its a scooter in case. I run a EV repair shop and fixed hundreds of bikes and scooter but I haven't had problem like this.

When I turn on scooter motor is hard to turn. Like all 3 phases are shorted. When I measure diode mode turned off all mos are good. When turned on all phases show short to +. When I disconnect hall wire wheel can spin bit all halls are good I tested them with 3 separate devices. They are not shorted to anything.

Than I took controller from another same model pf scooter, Ducati pro 2, placed that controller and the same thing happen.

I tested the motor with completely different controller and motor works absolutely fine.

It's a mistery I can't solve. Only thing I don't have spare is display but could display make such error. Like it's giving signal tu run all phases at once. Never had a case like that.

Anyone had some similar problem?

Thank you all
One possibility is the controller has some kind of “anti theft“ mode.
It sounds like you have done a good job of troubleshooting so there’s not much left other than the display.
Hi fechter,

No anti theft. Customer just drove it and it suddenly started "breaking", due to the shorted phases. I think I will replace both display and controller just to be sure.
Does the scooter have regen braking? Can you reset the display?
It does not have regen and I can't find any info on reseting display. Tried breake lever throttle and power on but didn't do anything. That Ducati scooters are very badly supported in any way.
Does the scooter have regen braking? Can you reset the display?
Oh wait. It looks like it does have e breake on motor. I just rrad it on one site. Could it be the breake lever than? Maybe breake lever is activated all the time? Ill go change lever and see how it acts.
Nope. It's not break lever. Also i think e break can't be activated while under some speed. This happens after turning on. I'll go and replace display and controller. Can't afford no more time in diagnostic. Weird problems do happen.
Did you try with the brakes disconnected?
I did. With the error showing on display motor was still stuck. I was thinking can a display send some signal to controler to run all phases at once but still that won't be the case it can only send throttle voltage signal. Only if it sends a braking signal somehow without brake lever connected.
I did. With the error showing on display motor was still stuck. I was thinking can a display send some signal to controler to run all phases at once but still that won't be the case it can only send throttle voltage signal. Only if it sends a braking signal somehow without brake lever connected

Try reversing the polarity on the brake switch to see if it works.