a123 killacycle - has some near lethal acceleration (vid)

well at least the guy is ok he, posted on his website that he just has cuts and scrapes. http://www.killacycle.com
Lessss said:
Sounds like they don't have an autokill on the motor when pulling the front brake.

yep fully agree however might have been hard to do a burnout with a front brake cutoff ;)
and as lowell said there should be a dead man cutoff.

I'm not really a fan of burnouts - more a fan of a nice drift. straight line acceleration is fun, but high speed twisties are better!

either way i hope he recovers fully. At least nobody was seriously injured. But this kind of thing should be kept for the track. Thank god there wasn't a family loading up that minivan etc.

and thank GOD it was A123 cells not some other explosive ones :)

but most of all - i hope this doesn't affect the possibility of more a123 based drag bikes / cars / commercial EVs.
BiGH said:
but most of all - i hope this doesn't affect the possibility of more a123 based drag bikes / cars / commercial EVs.

If anything, this has been better than spending $100 million on advertising. Now the entire world knows about the A123, even though it took an accident to make it happen, you can't buy this kind of exposure. Plus, going by the comments, everyone understands, he understands. Accidents happen and we work around them for future progress. Next time, I'm sure they won't do a burn out in a crowded public place if even one at all.
knightmb said:
If anything, this has been better than spending $100 million on advertising. Now the entire world knows about the A123, even though it took an accident to make it happen, you can't buy this kind of exposure. Plus, going by the comments, everyone understands, he understands. Accidents happen and we work around them for future progress. Next time, I'm sure they won't do a burn out in a crowded public place if even one at all.

you make a really good point actually! :D.

btw i updated the link in the first post :)

and a side note - keeping a tally of how many Kilometers i save on the electric bike - 48.9klms so far :) which equates to 5.3L of petrol :)
BiGH said:
knightmb said:
If anything, this has been better than spending $100 million on advertising. Now the entire world knows about the A123, even though it took an accident to make it happen, you can't buy this kind of exposure. Plus, going by the comments, everyone understands, he understands. Accidents happen and we work around them for future progress. Next time, I'm sure they won't do a burn out in a crowded public place if even one at all.

you make a really good point actually! :D

Maybe it wasn't an accident after all....just another inventive, and carefully scripted marketing ploy from an inventive guy. :wink:
xyster said:
Maybe it wasn't an accident after all....just another inventive, and carefully scripted marketing ploy from an inventive guy. :wink:
what like brittney spears never wearing underware when going out too clubs? :p
xyster said:
Maybe it wasn't an accident after all....just another inventive, and carefully scripted marketing ploy from an inventive guy. :wink:

Ah, then I need to wire up 150 volts on my e-bike and tear through downtown Nashville and "crash", imagine, everyone will want an e-bike then, hehehe. It's scary to think that might actually work :evil:
knightmb said:
xyster said:
Maybe it wasn't an accident after all....just another inventive, and carefully scripted marketing ploy from an inventive guy. :wink:

Ah, then I need to wire up 150 volts on my e-bike and tear through downtown Nashville and "crash", imagine, everyone will want an e-bike then, hehehe. It's scary to think that might actually work :evil:

i reckon a massive sign on the back of a bike and do some traffic weaving on lowell's old kind of bike setup at 99kph in a 50 zone - :p

that usually gets a lot of attention.

In fact many of lowell's vids have my students saying "cool!" when i tell them about electric bikes :)

edit: something like "getaway in stockholm" might work too :p
Any publicity is good :)

I've heard about this one everywhere, which is funny because before no one had even heard of the kill a cycle it seemed. Now everyone knows about it because they saw it look like it was going into warp speed from a bunch of drill batteries. 8)

Hmm ha ha, I really don't think poor mr Dube or A123 would have wanted that to happen! it could have easily killed mr Dube not doubt about that! sure it is publicity but I aint so sure its good publicity (I don't buy the all publicity is good publicity thing) A123 don't need it, their batteries speak for themselves, Mr Dube was lucky to get that pack sorted and sponsored up by A123 in the first place and I just think coz of this they will be even less likely to let us lot get out hands on the cells in their native format.

Which will mean more ripping apart of drill packs for now I think and again a kill switch would not have helped Dube in this instance, I don't know if the breaking system re-gens I doubt it, they more than likely dump the power in to a DC breaking resistor and pump it out from the rear (heat), its lethal in some ways as it cant stop as quickly as it accelerates, 60-0 in under 1 second? so therefore Mr Dube would have continued to travel a considerable distance before he hit the car.

I am glad he is ok though the EV world need more people like him to push things forward, I just hope he keeps off the bike now and sticks to something a little slower, If mr Dube would like to give me a call me and Mark will send him a modified Puma and controller :lol: swap it for some of those M cells in there! ha ha.

