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Bionx PL500HS controller


10 W
Apr 13, 2008
It's a rainy day, so I decided to test my altered Bionx Kit on a bike stand to see what was actally happening during my high speed downhill runs...highest indicated speed on the Bionx consol was 51 mph, going down one of the steepest hills near my home. In a non-motorized 26 inch rim mountain bike with offroad knobby tires, I can coast down that same hill at about 48 mph top speed because I can not pedal to add speed without a Schlumpf HS drive. info at my last 4 posts on page 7 : http://www.endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5347&start=90

this reply on http://visforvoltage.org/forum/5360-bionx-battery-replacement...reply#11 by kosherrev on 09/06/2009 really had me thinking...
I'm 70 years old, at 133 lbs. Catrike is 30 lbs., batteries 30 lbs. and motor 8 lbs for total weight of 68 lbs. The ammeter indicates a max. draw of 10-15(approx.) amps on a steep 12% incline 3 miles long at max speed of 6 mph. On a steep decline bike, owing to the hysteresis effect of the motor, with fairing, reaches only 39 mph. While I can beat the bike Club's A riders up that hill by 1/2 a mile, they overtake me on a long down hill going 45 mph. However I usually catch up with them and beat them at the end of a typical 40 mile ride. My average speed on the same course riding a Titanflex Tri-bike averages only 16 mph.
One slightly annoying problem with my bionx system is that about every 3rd ride, after about 1.5 hours of riding the counsel freezes up and none of the control buttons work. I then have to disconnect the 6-pin plug at the console for 1 second and reconnect it to be able to start off again. Bionx wanted me to ship everything back to them but the hassle wasn't worth it. With the 2 battery packs in parallel all of the functions of the counsel work even when the original L-iMn battery is discharged.

What kosherrev called the "Hysteresis effect of the motor"...I felt the same effect as it slows the hub during steep downhill runs (my Bionx PL500HS hub motor is rated at 480 rpm at 36 volts), but with the Schlumpf HS drive, I was able to overcome the hub motor voltage resistance up to 43 mph, as I passed 43 mph what was the motor doing? ...because from there all resistance was gone and the bike surged quickly from 44 mph to as high as 51 mph, the feeling is unlike the smooth downhill speed of a non-motorized bike coasting down a steep hill...I can feel the motor surge from 49 to as high as 51 mph back and forth for split seconds during the long downhill run.

So, with the above questions in mind, I put the bike on a bicycle stand today and tried to simulate what happened on the steep downhill run...
Here are the results:
With the Bionx system on, I tried to spin the back wheel in the highest gear to get it above 43 mph but was unable to overcome the voltage resistance of the hub motor...so I disconnected anderson connector to the battery at about 39 mph and the motor voltage resistance was gone and it quickly speed up to as high as 60 mph before something burnt out and everything went blank...
Normally when you disconnect the battery, the Bionx consol and Watts up meter would shut off, but when I disconnected the battery at 39 mph both the Bionx consol and the Watts up meter stayed on and I was able to see the speed increase on the consol and the voltage increase at the Watts up meter....
what was interesting is the voltage readings on the Watts up meter before something burned out in the Bionx system...at about 60 mph the voltage reading at the Watts up meter was climbing beyond 60 volts because it blanked out due to excessive voltage and the consol shut down as well when something blew...I think it's the FETS at the controller in the Hub motor due to the high volts generated :shock:...

this experiment has given me a lot of new ideas about a more efficient, direct hub motor drive project :D

Does anyone on the forum know how to alter the Bionx controller so it can handle the high voltage feedback when the battery is disconnected during high speed downhill runs?