Bottom balancing?

northernmike said:
AndyH, I was worried about EXACTLY what your graph shows - cells supplied at varying SOCs.
I have a bunch of SAFT NiCads that are a little large for my project and am considering replacing them with TS cells - but the (perceived?) complexity of "managing" them is what's keeping me away.

Just a quick follow-up, Mike. John pointed out something very important with which I expect most of the 'old hands' here will agree. Folks that take the time to sift thru the cells, screen for capacity and Ri, and assemble a matched pack will have a better performing pack - but it'll still drift over time. I've only read about doing this on a large scale - they've done it. The part that I can bring is the condition of the prismatics on delivery. I've got a 21S pack of Thunder Sky 60Ah and a 20S pack of TS 40ah cells. They were delivered in varying states of charge, with apparently random Ri and capacity. Charging each cell singly before assembling the pack takes care of SOC but the other parameters are still a bit of a soup that will change with SOC, temperature, and cell age.

I've proven for myself that pack-level LVC isn't enough while cell-level LVC will protect even the cells with lower capacity, and/or deeper sag under load. Here's a side-by-side from this month. The 'with_LVC' shot of my pack is from 8Jan and a balmy 38ºF while the 'without_LVC is the same pack - on 20 Jan and a low 50s F pack. The pack is one year old TS 60Ah LiFePO4. Both sets of data from a freshly-charged pack with the same under-performing cells. The LVC input is to the throttle and limited the amount of current I could draw thru the pack. Blue line is 3.0V; each 'tick' on the left is 0.1V.

View attachment with_LVC.jpg

View attachment wihout_LVC.jpg

We already know that Gary and Richard's BMS does a great job keeping the charge side in check.

It's a lot easier and less expensive to manage these cells than it is to sift thru all the forum debates on whether one should or should not use management. :wink:

Thanks Andy.

I am coming to accept that the TS 40Ah are probably going to be manageable for me.

If anyone here is interested in supplying parts, or a complete solution, or can offer advice for sources, please send me a PM.

I'm interested in 12 cells, management and charging hardware - I have my own cases. (Pelican 1450 x2)

I won't clog this thread with details - sorry to go off topic.

Thanks again!

And Jack, thanks for pointing me to the LincVolt - I'm a huge Neil Young fan and had no idea he was up to such mischief. Awesome! :mrgreen:
<sigh...> I really don't have time to get into another pissing contest regarding all this, because hardheaded people, whatever their "color", are going to believe whatever they want to believe. :roll: In any case, here's what I have learned about Lithium-based chemistries, also going back to 2002-2003:

  • You need to use a CC/CV charge profile in order to safely charge a cell full.
  • When you start out in a CC mode, the cell voltage will rise at a steady rate, until the voltage hits a "knee" in the curve, where it will start rising at a faster rate. For LiFePO4 cells, this occurs at around 3.65-3.70V, and for LiPos it is around 4.20V. If you stop charging at that point, the cell will about 75-80% full. To get the last 15-20% into the "tank", the charger/supply needs to switch to the CV mode, and hold the voltage at the "knee" level. This will cause the cell to start reducing the current it can absorb at a rate roughly equal to how fast the voltage rose during the CC phase. When the current drops to something less than about 10% of the full CC limit, the cell is about as full as it is going to get.
  • Letting a cell's voltage rise to a significant amount over the "knee" point, will let it get somewhat fuller than if you just stopped when it first hit the knee, but only 5%, or so (if that...), not anywhere near as full as it would be if the proper CC/CV method was used. More importantly, in the case of LiPos, this can cause the cells to go into thermal runaway. Although LiFePO4 cells are quite tolerant of this deliberate, or inadvertant, over-volting, studies have shown that if done repeatedly, it will shorten the life of the cell. I intensionally used blue, just to highlight the importance of this. :roll: :mrgreen: If you are lucky enough to be able to afford a DC-3 full of 180Ah cells, you might not care. I'm guessing many others might, though.
  • As Andy graphically shows above, not at least doing cell level low voltage protection is just plain foolish. I'm not even going to qualify that with an "in my opinion" suffix. If you don't, you will eventually kill cells. I guarantee it. :roll: I also don't buy the argument that it is too complicated and that there are too many parts that could fail. That is a load of crap. It takes 2-1/2 parts per channel, period. The TC54 is amazingly robust, as long as you get it hooked up right in the beginning. I've used at least 1000 of these, and I've yet to see one fail. Same thing with the only other active part, the optocoupler.
  • All that is really required of a BMS is cell-level LV protection on discharge, and some way to keep the cells from going over the "knee" point during charging. One way to do the latter is to use individual CC/CV charger/supplies on each channel. While effective, this is not all that practical for most setups. What Richard and I have chosen to do in our BMS design (this is fun... :lol: ), is to trip the same opto in each channel when a cell's voltage hits the HVC point. The combined opto (logically "OR'd"...) signal is used to control the duty cycle of a PWM current limiter that has the net effect of keeping the voltage for that cell from going any higher than the HVC point. This is almost like having individual CV limits on each cell, without the complexity of using separate/individual chargers. Without anything else (i.e. -- without any sort of shunt/bypass circuit...), it will only let the first cell to hit this point actually get full, but at least this way, the low capacity cells will get completely full, and in a safe fashion that doesn't hurt the cell's longevity.

You will notice that I made no mention of balancing, top or bottom, in my comments above. This is the one area where I can see some value-added in Jack's endless sphere of rants and attacks. :lol: The lowest capacity cell will determine the maximum range the pack is capable of delivering. It doesn't really get you anything to bleed off current on the low capacity cell every charge, waiting for the higher capacity cells to reach the same completely full level. It doesn't hurt the cell at all, however, to do this, because no current is actually going into the cell anymore. Simply stated, you could safely get the maximum range out of a pack if you charge until the low capacity cell is full, and stop discharging when the low capacity cell is at the cutoff. What this doesn't account for, however is that you might very well have a case where there are multiple low capacity cells, which end up drifting apart in their relative states of charge. In this case, as long as you still charge until the first cell that hits the cutoff is full, and stop discharging when the first cell hits the LVC, the pack/cells will be protected, but the range of the pack will be reduced. At this point, some sort of re-balancing is necessary, to get the range back up to the maximum allowed by the lowest capacity cell(s). Lots of ways to do this, like using some individual CC/CV chargers or supplies to manually charge the low SOC/low capacity cells so they are at the same level, but this is a "tinkerer's" solution that is not something most will want to do. You could use commercial RC-type balancers, but these only have balancing currents of 100-200mA. This is marginally okay for use on smaller e-bicycle packs, but I can't imagine trying to do this on a 100Ah+ pack. It would take days if there's a significant difference. Even 2% difference on a 180Ah pack is still 3.6Ah, which would take a 200mA balancer about 18 hours.

Balancing at the top, using shunts that will bypass a significant amount of current (i.e. -- 1-2A...), may not be the absolute most efficient method, it is the simplest, and the quickest. Even doing it on every charge is not really a problem, as long as you are still doing cell level LV protection. All that happens in that case is that the higher capacity cells are just not going to be as empty. In theory, if you charged the pack at that point, the will all reach the full point at roughly the same time, so they stay in balance. In the real world, however, if the LVC point is low enough that the low cell is just at the edge of the voltage cliff, it will end up being a bit out of balance with respect to the rest of the cells. In that case, it is better to just balance each time, as it won't take as long as if you did it once every 10 cycles, for instance.

With LiPos, and also higher C-rated LiFePO4 cells, I find that even going to LVC cutoff pretty much every time, the cells stay pretty well balanced in capacity, so it doesn't really need to be balanced with every charge, or even every 5 charges. Because of this I wanted to do the new revision of our design, which Richard and I have been testing for the last 6 weeks, or so, in a way that could be used both ways for charging, just safely charge until the lowest cell is full, and then stop, and also be able to keep going and let the rest of the cells get completely full as well. We have a selectable jumper block that lets you stop when the current drops to the level of the shunt current, which says no more current is going into the low cell, or continue on for a period up to 4 hours (a single resistor controls the timing range, so the limit could just as easy be 8 hours or 16 hours...).

For my own setups, I'm going to do a "split BMS" implementation, where I'm going to have the LVC, HVC and charger control logic in one box that I will mount on the bike, near the 24s3p 89V/15Ah LiPo pack, and then have the shunt circuits in a separate box with active cooling that I can plug in at the time of charging, when the pack needs it. The way I tell when it needs it is to simply watch the individual LEDs when charging. Normally, they will all light up within about a minute from when the first one lights up, to when the last one is on. When the difference in time starts to increase, I'll plug in the shunt box on the next charge, and let it balance.

-- Gary
Regression to the mean tells us that as batteries get larger, differences get smaller. 2% would probably be a huge aberration in capacity on 180 Ah cells.
GGoodrum. Sensible post, useful summary - I don't see much to argue with there overall, but the one thing I have picked out of Jack's intemperate prose that does seem to have some value is this question of what are we actually measuring with LVC cutoff/protection? It is clearly true that this number varies a great deal with load, SOC and temperature, and it seems to me (admittedly inexperienced in EV battery world) that whilst it is a simple and convenient measure, it is not by means an accurate one of SOC or 'damage'/excessive wear, which I guess are the things we really want to measure if we could. I suppose that in practice because load makes it sag, it is a conservative measure in practice and that's good: we like an alarm that goes off slightly early over one that is a bit late, so long as it is not excessively early/sensitive.

But lets say that we really want to measure the discharge endpoint/point of possible degredation better, do we actually know how to do that? And is it worth the (presumed) increased complexity? If we measure temp and current can we adjust the LVC value accordingly? I reckon that needs a microprocessor but then our BMS designs are headed that way anyway so it may not be difficult to do, or even make things less reliable. Is a factor sufficient or do we need a fnacier correction curve? What is the magnitude of the LVC variation over temp, SOC and say 1-20C?
I personally cannot see a problem with a low voltage protection on each cell or parallel bank of cells. Regardless of the SOC the cells shouldn't be loaded to less than 2.0V or thereabouts. Obviously it is easier to hit 2.0V towards the end of the discharge, but what is the problem with that. IMO if you are pulling the cells down to 2.0V when they are still say 50% SOC your pack is not up to the job simple. Either too small or insufficient C rating, or both.
cell_man said:
I personally cannot see a problem with a low voltage protection on each cell or parallel bank of cells. Regardless of the SOC the cells shouldn't be loaded to less than 2.0V or thereabouts. Obviously it is easier to hit 2.0V towards the end of the discharge, but what is the problem with that. IMO if you are pulling the cells down to 2.0V when they are still say 50% SOC your pack is not up to the job simple. Either too small or insufficient C rating, or both.

Or the pack is to cold, and needs a hot box :wink:
This is a headways vivisection for Jack Rickard which I filmed to show the obvious presence of carbon used extensively in both the anode and cathode of the cell. It's kind of a no-brainer that carbon needs to be used for any sort of high performance LiFePO4 cell, because the materials themselves have excessively poor conductivity. The carbon black in the coating of each side both greatly increases the surface area for ion exchange, as well as greatly lowering the resistance of the cell. This of course lowers cell heating, improves efficiency, and enables faster discharge/charge etc. A LiFePO4 cell could have roughly 40% higher energy density if no carbon were to be used, as it's not chemically necessary, and it's weight and volume could be replaced by additional LiFePO4 salts. Unfortunately, the C-rate would be in the 0.0X range, which would make it useless for most all of it's otherwise well suited applications (like EVs).

northernmike said:
Awesome video! Thanks Luke!


Thanks Mike :)

My favorite part is "Are you building a telescope?" as the lady lets her dog put it's face right in the parts of the cell. :)
Thanks for posting that Luke.

The cell appear to had a noticable temp increase!

btw, are you aware about the nano particules that can be dangerous for the health if penetrating into your skin? or it's just a myth?

Doctorbass said:
Thanks for posting that Luke.

The cell appear to had a noticable temp increase!

You know, I started out with the hot-pad, thinking this thing was going to dump a big load of energy as heat, maybe even melt the hacksaw blade, which also would have been fun. It felt slightly warm at the cut-line, maybe as warm as my hand, and the rest of the cell stayed cool to the touch.

You've got headways cells laying around, grab your hacksaw and cut one in half. You will be very surprised with the lack of heat.

Doctorbass said:
btw, are you aware about the nano particules that can be dangerous for the health if penetrating into your skin? or it's just a myth?


I don't know enough to answer that my friend. I have learned to respect the ability of trans-dermal compounds though from the muscle spasms and weird effects I get after handling various types of coral in my home reef aquarium. I would assume the organic solvent would likely be trans-dermal capable, but I detected no effects from it, other than a funny new-car type odor of moderate strength.
liveforphysics said:
It felt slightly warm at the cut-line, maybe as warm as my hand, and the rest of the cell stayed cool to the touch.
...and this heat might have just been generated by the friction of a "very dull" hacksaw blade cutting through the metal casing...
Lock said:
liveforphysics said:
It felt slightly warm at the cut-line, maybe as warm as my hand, and the rest of the cell stayed cool to the touch.
...and this heat might have just been generated by the friction of a "very dull" hacksaw blade cutting through the metal casing...

Certainly could be. I know the cutting process at least warmed my body up. :)
Is the diode wired between the converter & fuse?
If the diode is wired otherwise, as in converter -> fuse -> diode
Will it still function the same?

Doctorbass said:
What is beautifull i sthat these Dc-Dc have an isolated input from the output so you can link their input in parallel and their output in serie!.. I added a shotky diode to prevent reverse polarity on each Dc-Dc and a 20A fuse.

shinyballs said:
Is the diode wired between the converter & fuse?
If the diode is wired otherwise, as in converter -> fuse -> diode
Will it still function the same?

Doctorbass said:
What is beautifull i sthat these Dc-Dc have an isolated input from the output so you can link their input in parallel and their output in serie!.. I added a shotky diode to prevent reverse polarity on each Dc-Dc and a 20A fuse.


It's curious having my old multi Dc-Dc charger balancer project in this thread..... back in 2008 again..

anyway.. to answer your question, yes i installed a shottky diode in parallel to the output to protect each Dc-dc against reverse current and i also added a fuse in serie with each positive output. Then each negative output goes to a 0.01ohm current sense shunt for future independent current monitoring on each of the 12 channels ( 6ch x 2)

This dc-dc based charger-balancer charge and balance at up to 20A each channel and can be precisely set to 4.200V or 3.650V depending on the cell chemistry.

Each of the dc-dc input are connected to a 1500W 48V power supply

You need an idea diode rather than a schottky for each channel. ;)

Indivdual cell charging for EV's really doesn't seem like such a bad idea. It's terrible efficiency, but it will always ensure a perfect charge on every cell everytime, and with no balance related time delays, or issues with things getting too far out of balance to be balanced.

For a typical EV, and extra 20-30lbs in DC/DC converters being mounted on the vehicle or assembled into the pack doesn't seem like such a terrible idea as a BMS alternative. You could still have a port to bulk charge the whole pack in a string when ever you want to be as fast as possible. Then whenever you want to balance the pack, you power up the DC/DC converters, and let it sit overnight or whatever it takes to put the whole pack into balance.
liveforphysics said:
You need an idea diode rather than a schottky for each channel. ;)

Indivdual cell charging for EV's really doesn't seem like such a bad idea. It's terrible efficiency, but it will always ensure a perfect charge on every cell everytime, and with no balance related time delays, or issues with things getting too far out of balance to be balanced.

For a typical EV, and extra 20-30lbs in DC/DC converters being mounted on the vehicle or assembled into the pack doesn't seem like such a terrible idea as a BMS alternative. You could still have a port to bulk charge the whole pack in a string when ever you want to be as fast as possible. Then whenever you want to balance the pack, you power up the DC/DC converters, and let it sit overnight or whatever it takes to put the whole pack into balance.

I agree for the Ideal dide.. it might become an update on the project.

What was the most interesting is that i reverse ingenerred these Artesyn 5V 30A DC-Dc to be able to modify the current limit inside to avoid they overload when connected to an empty cell... As you can seee I have 3 little 10 turns potentiometer on each Dc-Dc.. One to set precisely the 4.200V, one for the 3.650V and one for the current sense op amplifier SIOC 8 chip pins to modify the resistor divider value that set that oem limit. I also got a part of the schematic of that DC-DC serie.. that helped alot!!.. I needed to open one first DC-DC using the magic sauce to disolve the grey filler inside. Then with the 3 axis CNC of my friend ( the same that also love coral, led and BIIIIIG aquarium with various Nemo style fish ( just like you) we machined the exact location of each of these 8 pin IC on each DC-DC to mod their current limit for the CC-CV. I know that Gaia DC-Dc is offering DC-Dc for battery charge that have a CC-CV sdjustable but they are not offered on ebay for 10$ like the Artesyn...

Doctorbass said:
It's curious having my old multi Dc-Dc charger balancer project in this thread..... back in 2008 again..
Your fantastic idea back in 2008 is still that good as it is now cause it is still a viable and affordable alternative for high current charging/balancing.

Going back to my 2nd question which still remains...
shinyballs said:
If the diode is wired otherwise, as in converter -> fuse -> diode, Will it still function the same?
What happens if the fuse is wired first from the converter and then followed by the diode in parallel? I figure it will have the same protection for each channel when either trips, but not completely sure.

I don't think an efficiency of 80% is terrible - based on the Meanwell p/s=91% and VSX40MD23 dc/dc converter=89%. As electricity as being cheap, I don't mind paying 250watts more charging my 1.1Kwh pack that gives me a 30 mile range. I wonder if the Chinese-made chargers & bms are close to that combined efficiency.
For mounting configs, it would be more practical on a larger EV like a trike or car. In my mini 11s charger/balancer, I carry it on my backpack and can balance on the road if I have to. I fast-charge at .5 to 1c, and when any of the cells reaches 3.62v, decide if it needs balancing or not.
On my Mean Well/VSX40MD23 24s charger build, it wouldn't be as compact and portable. But it will be charging at 11A, is also "plug and shag" :wink: and not worry about balancing/overcharging. 1930s dancing is way more fun baby...

liveforphysics said:
You need an idea diode rather than a schottky for each channel. ;)

Indivdual cell charging for EV's really doesn't seem like such a bad idea. It's terrible efficiency, but it will always ensure a perfect charge on every cell everytime, and with no balance related time delays, or issues with things getting too far out of balance to be balanced.

For a typical EV, and extra 20-30lbs in DC/DC converters being mounted on the vehicle or assembled into the pack doesn't seem like such a terrible idea as a BMS alternative. You could still have a port to bulk charge the whole pack in a string when ever you want to be as fast as possible. Then whenever you want to balance the pack, you power up the DC/DC converters, and let it sit overnight or whatever it takes to put the whole pack into balance.
shinyballs said:
Doctorbass said:
It's curious having my old multi Dc-Dc charger balancer project in this thread..... back in 2008 again..
Your fantastic idea back in 2008 is still that good as it is now cause it is still a viable and affordable alternative for high current charging/balancing.

Going back to my 2nd question which still remains...
shinyballs said:
If the diode is wired otherwise, as in converter -> fuse -> diode, Will it still function the same?
What happens if the fuse is wired first from the converter and then followed by the diode in parallel? I figure it will have the same protection for each channel when either trips, but not completely sure.

I don't think an efficiency of 80% as terrible - based on the Meanwell p/s=91% and VSX40MD23 dc/dc converter=89%. As electricity as being cheap, I don't mind paying 250watts more charging my 1.1Kwh pack that gives me a 30 mile range. I wonder if the Chinese-made chargers & bms are close to that combined efficiency.
For mounting configs, it would be more practical on a larger EV like a trike or car. In my mini 11s charger/balancer, I carry it on my backpack and can balance on the road if I have to. I fast-charge at .5 to 1c, and when any of the cells reaches 3.62v, decide if it needs balancing or not.
On my Mean Well/VSX40MD23 24s charger build, it wouldn't be as compact and portable. But it will be charging at 11A, is also "plug and shag" :wink: and not worry about balancing/overcharging. 1930s dancing is way more fun baby...

liveforphysics said:
You need an idea diode rather than a schottky for each channel. ;)

Indivdual cell charging for EV's really doesn't seem like such a bad idea. It's terrible efficiency, but it will always ensure a perfect charge on every cell everytime, and with no balance related time delays, or issues with things getting too far out of balance to be balanced.

For a typical EV, and extra 20-30lbs in DC/DC converters being mounted on the vehicle or assembled into the pack doesn't seem like such a terrible idea as a BMS alternative. You could still have a port to bulk charge the whole pack in a string when ever you want to be as fast as possible. Then whenever you want to balance the pack, you power up the DC/DC converters, and let it sit overnight or whatever it takes to put the whole pack into balance.

In that suggested case:
What happens if the fuse is wired first from the converter and then followed by the diode in parallel?

The diode is not installed to fully protect the DC-Dc.. I would preffer doing this:A diode in parallel from the converter(dc-dc output) first... and then followed by a fuse in serie on the negative or positive.

By that way if a reverse current occur, the diode will block it and it will be the fuse that blow. so the diode will have 100% protected the Dc-Dc by making the fuse to blow and disconect the reverse current if that current is too high.

GGoodrum said:
<sigh...> I really don't have time to get into another pissing contest regarding all this, because hardheaded people, whatever their "color", are going to believe whatever they want to believe. :roll: In any case, here's what I have learned about Lithium-based chemistries, also going back to 2002-2003:

  • You need to use a CC/CV charge profile in order to safely charge a cell full.
  • When you start out in a CC mode, the cell voltage will rise at a steady rate, until the voltage hits a "knee" in the curve, where it will start rising at a faster rate. For LiFePO4 cells, this occurs at around 3.65-3.70V, and for LiPos it is around 4.20V. If you stop charging at that point, the cell will about 75-80% full. To get the last 15-20% into the "tank", the charger/supply needs to switch to the CV mode, and hold the voltage at the "knee" level. This will cause the cell to start reducing the current it can absorb at a rate roughly equal to how fast the voltage rose during the CC phase. When the current drops to something less than about 10% of the full CC limit, the cell is about as full as it is going to get.
  • Letting a cell's voltage rise to a significant amount over the "knee" point, will let it get somewhat fuller than if you just stopped when it first hit the knee, but only 5%, or so (if that...), not anywhere near as full as it would be if the proper CC/CV method was used. More importantly, in the case of LiPos, this can cause the cells to go into thermal runaway. Although LiFePO4 cells are quite tolerant of this deliberate, or inadvertant, over-volting, studies have shown that if done repeatedly, it will shorten the life of the cell. I intensionally used blue, just to highlight the importance of this. :roll: :mrgreen: If you are lucky enough to be able to afford a DC-3 full of 180Ah cells, you might not care. I'm guessing many others might, though.
  • As Andy graphically shows above, not at least doing cell level low voltage protection is just plain foolish. I'm not even going to qualify that with an "in my opinion" suffix. If you don't, you will eventually kill cells. I guarantee it. :roll: I also don't buy the argument that it is too complicated and that there are too many parts that could fail. That is a load of crap. It takes 2-1/2 parts per channel, period. The TC54 is amazingly robust, as long as you get it hooked up right in the beginning. I've used at least 1000 of these, and I've yet to see one fail. Same thing with the only other active part, the optocoupler.
  • All that is really required of a BMS is cell-level LV protection on discharge, and some way to keep the cells from going over the "knee" point during charging. One way to do the latter is to use individual CC/CV charger/supplies on each channel. While effective, this is not all that practical for most setups. What Richard and I have chosen to do in our BMS design (this is fun... :lol: ), is to trip the same opto in each channel when a cell's voltage hits the HVC point. The combined opto (logically "OR'd"...) signal is used to control the duty cycle of a PWM current limiter that has the net effect of keeping the voltage for that cell from going any higher than the HVC point. This is almost like having individual CV limits on each cell, without the complexity of using separate/individual chargers. Without anything else (i.e. -- without any sort of shunt/bypass circuit...), it will only let the first cell to hit this point actually get full, but at least this way, the low capacity cells will get completely full, and in a safe fashion that doesn't hurt the cell's longevity.

You will notice that I made no mention of balancing, top or bottom, in my comments above. This is the one area where I can see some value-added in Jack's endless sphere of rants and attacks. :lol: The lowest capacity cell will determine the maximum range the pack is capable of delivering. It doesn't really get you anything to bleed off current on the low capacity cell every charge, waiting for the higher capacity cells to reach the same completely full level. It doesn't hurt the cell at all, however, to do this, because no current is actually going into the cell anymore. Simply stated, you could safely get the maximum range out of a pack if you charge until the low capacity cell is full, and stop discharging when the low capacity cell is at the cutoff. What this doesn't account for, however is that you might very well have a case where there are multiple low capacity cells, which end up drifting apart in their relative states of charge. In this case, as long as you still charge until the first cell that hits the cutoff is full, and stop discharging when the first cell hits the LVC, the pack/cells will be protected, but the range of the pack will be reduced. At this point, some sort of re-balancing is necessary, to get the range back up to the maximum allowed by the lowest capacity cell(s). Lots of ways to do this, like using some individual CC/CV chargers or supplies to manually charge the low SOC/low capacity cells so they are at the same level, but this is a "tinkerer's" solution that is not something most will want to do. You could use commercial RC-type balancers, but these only have balancing currents of 100-200mA. This is marginally okay for use on smaller e-bicycle packs, but I can't imagine trying to do this on a 100Ah+ pack. It would take days if there's a significant difference. Even 2% difference on a 180Ah pack is still 3.6Ah, which would take a 200mA balancer about 18 hours.

Balancing at the top, using shunts that will bypass a significant amount of current (i.e. -- 1-2A...), may not be the absolute most efficient method, it is the simplest, and the quickest. Even doing it on every charge is not really a problem, as long as you are still doing cell level LV protection. All that happens in that case is that the higher capacity cells are just not going to be as empty. In theory, if you charged the pack at that point, the will all reach the full point at roughly the same time, so they stay in balance. In the real world, however, if the LVC point is low enough that the low cell is just at the edge of the voltage cliff, it will end up being a bit out of balance with respect to the rest of the cells. In that case, it is better to just balance each time, as it won't take as long as if you did it once every 10 cycles, for instance.

With LiPos, and also higher C-rated LiFePO4 cells, I find that even going to LVC cutoff pretty much every time, the cells stay pretty well balanced in capacity, so it doesn't really need to be balanced with every charge, or even every 5 charges. Because of this I wanted to do the new revision of our design, which Richard and I have been testing for the last 6 weeks, or so, in a way that could be used both ways for charging, just safely charge until the lowest cell is full, and then stop, and also be able to keep going and let the rest of the cells get completely full as well. We have a selectable jumper block that lets you stop when the current drops to the level of the shunt current, which says no more current is going into the low cell, or continue on for a period up to 4 hours (a single resistor controls the timing range, so the limit could just as easy be 8 hours or 16 hours...).

For my own setups, I'm going to do a "split BMS" implementation, where I'm going to have the LVC, HVC and charger control logic in one box that I will mount on the bike, near the 24s3p 89V/15Ah LiPo pack, and then have the shunt circuits in a separate box with active cooling that I can plug in at the time of charging, when the pack needs it. The way I tell when it needs it is to simply watch the individual LEDs when charging. Normally, they will all light up within about a minute from when the first one lights up, to when the last one is on. When the difference in time starts to increase, I'll plug in the shunt box on the next charge, and let it balance.

-- Gary

You know, this is so nicely worded and such an excellent summary, that I find myself agreeing almost 100%. Then I stop and review what I know, and have to reverse myself and say, you know, this guy really knows HOW to summarize 100% bullshit into such a palatable form that even knowledgeable people could be mislead. And imagine the damage it does to those who haven't a clue.

If you hit the knee of your curve on ANY Li ANYTHING cell that I have ever seen, you are NOT at 70-80%. You're at 95-98%. And you have people chasing bullshit buying blue elephant guns with cash money hard come by to get 1/2 mile additional range and very possibly burning up their pack in the process. And for what?

JUST STOP CHARGING! Run it up to n cells x 3.65 CC and then CV it there until the current declines. Then don't overdischarge it. Count AH. IT'S NOT THAT HARD. And all these people GUARANTEEING YOU WILL LOSE CELLS. Find me one making that guarantee that ISN'T somehow selling a BMS. I've heard it all.

And AndyH. Sent me some data. I took an interest in a part of it he DIDN'T think I would. His graphs are BULLSHIT. I spent hours restesting this, sent him the data, and asked him to retest. He responded with a RESUME of how long he's been a goddamn expert. THEN he tells me he's sending my e-mail to his junk mail folder and not to talk to him anymore. BUSTED. His graphs are BULLSHIT. If you put anything by them, note that he FAKES HIS DATA. Like a science whore.

Where are all the engineering geniuses I'm told lurk in Endless Sphere. NOWHERE. No data. No measurements. A bunch of kids TYPING THEMSELVES SMART in public. Posturing and posing. Poseurs all.

Oh, and LIVEFORPHYSICS DISCOVERS CARBON in a headway cell. He knows its carbon because it is BLACK. I don't even know what to do with this BS. That's what he knows about physics. He can detect carbon because as any fool can see, it is BLACK. And carbon is BLACK. I was warned about the color code in this forum. Bunch of carbon biggots if you ask me.

I gotta tell you, there is 160,000 gas stations selling twinkies, the Federal Government which makes $18 billion a year off gasoline, all 50 state governments who rake in $25 billion, the entire middle east, and EXXON, the largest most profitable corporation in the world, and I'm telling them to surrender because they are indeed surrounded. But when I look behind me, I've got a peacenik who just wants everyone to get along and thinks the batts are 80% charged when they're overflowing, a physics professor who thinks everything that's black is carbon, a guy who FAKES data with pretty colored graphs, and someone who is warning me to get with the color scheme in their forum. This is like the army of the lost and clueless. We ARE little and ugly and our mothers dress us funny. This is why no corporation wants to sell us anything and would prefer to sell to OEMs. This is why components are 3 times their production price. You guys are hysterically inept. Your grovelling around in the carpet trying to sell each other on bogus BMS systems for quarters instead of building electric cars that work. The issue isn't BMS. It's instrumentation. LOOK at the displays in the Volt, the Leaf, the Volvo, etc. etc. Have all you geniuses developed anything like that? No. You're too busy trying to sell bullshit current shunts to each other to "bleed" your batteries into submission. It's discouraging I have to tell you.

And as best I can tell, the endless sphere is indeed endless....and pointless.... If any of you GUYS really want to work on the technology and change the world, contact me. We are going to change the world and transportation. You girls can stay at home and start a book club or something with wine and cheese.....maybe some discussion about your "feelings" and who agrees with whom.

Step 1. Type yourself smart.
Step 2. Vote on it. More of you can't be wrong.
Step 3. Get a job. Work at a piggly wiggly or something. Free coke for employees.
Step 4. Complain about the world as it is. Somebody ELSE should change it.
Step 5. And then you die....

Jack Rickard
OMG! :roll: ...

I can see you can't explain why we are so many people here that use that BMS principle for years now and understand perfectly how it work and CAN ACTUALLY DO WHAT WE EXPECT WITH OUR BATTERY...

You know... We are over 6000 members here... and believe me.. the reason they come and STAY here is not because they find bullshit just like you say...
Every new members here are proud to have discovered the great advices that make them better understand theyr EV stuff.

I and many other receive great appreciations from people that come here and get the info they need and that satisfy their understanding on many principles...

You would have better appreciated the E-S like if you would have discovered us in 2007-2008 and have the chance to see the hard work some of us did to better understand any EV components.

People here share knowledge. Just like you with your

I still think you dont know this forum, and that you call bullshit everything that is different than the way you think Jack.

Personally anyway i dont agree with you on everything i can watch your video and believe what i want. But i will never say you do bullshit anyway i'm not 100% agreeing of what you say..

You should have more respect for people anyway you dont agree with them.

This thread must be remaned like that:

Jack Rickard -- DIFFERENTs advice for lifepo4 users

Best regards

Personally anyway i dont agree with you on everything i can watch your video and believe what i want. But i will never say you do bullshit anyway i'm not 100% agreeing of what you say..

well you see doc, that's because you're not a pompous dick. I could watch the videos a hundred times more and I wouldn't have a fraction of the knowlege compared to what I have gained here and I most certainly wouldn't and haven't seen any tech that will "change the world". Where's your elephant gun jack? Um's and lip smacks won't change the world. For the most part all I've really seen is some long winded back patting sessions with some rich guy and his toys. Not that I have anything against rich people, just rich and arrogant people. There really is something to be said for the spirit of comradery and helpfulness that goes on here and in all the time I've spent here I've never seen someone come around with such a huge axe to grind.

For me a BMS is necessary because I don't have the time to care for each individual cell and I also can not afford to loose any. Sure I might be some uneducated prole but I can see what works and what doesn't. I need my pack to last and after scouring forums and articles across the interweb it has become clear to me that LVC and balancing are necessary. In addition to instrumentation which is covered in other threads If jack cared to look around here. I suppose all of the people who have never heard of the sphere are in on the blue elephant gun scheme as well. seems like a pretty lame conspiracy to me, but then again I'm just a rube right? And specifically I have seen no evidence as to how the F&G BMS would bleed cells dry, and jack has been lacking in any explanation of that in particular, resorting to insults and supposed witty quips that are now at this point in the thread quite tired.