Disable PAS (Pedal assist) on ebikes


1 W
Sep 16, 2013
Tried searching this forum, no result, tied google, none seems to know.

I'm planning to buy a Seagull (http://www.zawione-group.de/elektrofahrrad-e-bike/forca-e-bike-pedelec-arrow-26-lithium-akku-white/a-5001452/)and it comes "PAS-FREE" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rb0bq8hFqQ) as standard but the version i can buy has PAS. How can i bypass this?

on my current ebike (Tonaro/Aseako ) i can i can tweak the limit from 25 km/h to 29 km/h by turning the magnet 45 degrees.
How can i bypass/tweak it even more to 35 km/h/40 km/h. Can i fool the speed monitor? Can i remove any of the cables in the ebox (i know this works for some escooters with speedlimiters), can i add voltage or do anything else! I read a lot about this forum on http://www.electricbike.com/ and hope to find some answers.

Also is the Seagull any good?
Has no one heard of the Seagul ebike?

Does no one have any idea on how to disable PAS?

From what i heard most ebike experts hang out here so i'm surprised this has not been talked about before or that no one has any tips?

There should be many simple solutions for this.
Looking at the website, the bike is using an 810 display. This display goes with a KU65 controller which means you should be able to connect a throttle to the controller and override the PAS. Also there is speed limit wire bridge fitted to these controllers. I would look at making sure the speed bridge wire is disconnected first.

Problem is that I imagine the controller wiring will be custom for the bike so you may need to open up the controller to go any further.

This is the probably the controller being used http://www.bmsbattery.com/controlle...-250watts-brushless-hub-motor-controller.html

This website give lots of great information on these controller including a reverse engineered wiring diagram of the controllerhttp://www.avdweb.nl/solar-bike/electronics/ku63-motor-controller.html
thanks! Excellent answer! great links!!

A question that comes to mind is how to control the speed (input from the motor), should i connect a gas throttle or simply push the off button before slowing down or are there other options?
The PAS setup on these controllers has 3 settings from the display so if using PAS, the speeds are set. I would connect a Hall throttle http://www.bmsbattery.com/accessory/395-thumb-level-throttle.html The PAS will still work but the throttle will override the PAS when you want to control the exaxt speed (or not pedal) Of course the bike is no longer legal with a throttle. Modify if you are happy to do so (like most people on this forum :D )
To disable the PAS, you simply unplug the PAS sensor from the controller. It's a small connector next to the controller While you're there, you will almost certainly see a spare standard connector for an Ebike throttle, so you buy an ebike throttle and plug it in.

Actually, the PAS system is very good. It's much easier than using a throttle. You should try it before doing anything. Bear in mind that independent throttles are not allowed in the EU except in UK.
Thanks for all the great tips!

The 25 km/h limit on PAS is the most irritating one, Normal bikes travel at 30-35 km/h with an experienced driver on a light bike.

Is there anything that can be done to alter the speed limit of the PAS system?

1. On my current eBike (Tonaro) i can twist the magnet 45 degress and change the limit from 25-30 km/h.

2. Another tip i heard is to exchange the wheels to a bigger size and then you would add a few extra km/h before the PAS kicks system kicks of the engine.

Are there any other general tips on how to tweak th pas system?