DIY kelly programming adapter ?


1 kW
Nov 22, 2020
Hello EV friends,

I've a kelly kbs48101x with a SM-4P output for programming but no adapter yet. I wanted to use a TTL to USB adapter but it says it only works for +3v or +5v but the output has +11.9v (and rx +5v, tx +3.34v). So i tried it with a 12v to 5v transformer but it did not work eather. So is there a easy or cheap way to build a adapter to usb that works or do i have to buy something special ? If yes, what exactly ?

I also checked following similar topic with good info but did not get a solution.

Tanks a lot.
Best regards

You need to use RS232 adapter like this one :

It wont work with 5V TTL adapter as you need 12V logic. Make sure you buy adapter with FDTI chip.

My controller came with a cable that you plug on the SM to female DB9, doesn't yours ? Idk if it will work if you connect your RS232 adapter straight to the SM without that cable provided.
atkforever said:

You need to use RS232 adapter like this one :

It wont work with 5V TTL adapter as you need 12V logic. Make sure you buy adapter with FDTI chip.

My controller came with a cable that you plug on the SM to female DB9, doesn't yours ? Idk if it will work if you connect your RS232 adapter straight to the SM without that cable provided.
Thanks a lot for your reply atkforever
I really refused to pay 44 USD for a simple cable from kelly, but in the end i did. Usually I'm quite ambitious but if i think of how long it might take me to get a working solution its worth it to pay for it angrily :lol: