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E-S Stealth Electric Bike Owners

DunkenKBliths said:
Currently on ebay


Let me help you guys out, I'm sure you're all very confused. This is a street bike.
There's also a bomber near me on gumtree for $7500.
I'm happy to check it out for anyone who's not local who might be interested.

Hyena said:
There's also a bomber near me on gumtree for $7500.
I'm happy to check it out for anyone who's not local who might be interested.


I have been chatting to him about picking it up off him. I'm pretty close to buying it.
Hyena said:
There's also a bomber near me on gumtree for $7500.
I'm happy to check it out for anyone who's not local who might be interested.


Hey Jay, so I bought it. Do you know any decent freight companies that could deliver from where the bike is in Sutherlandto me in adelaide??
Cheers buddy.

Theodore Voltaire said:
Allex said:
Can some one give me the dimentions of the original bomber crate?

Allex, it's 14"x36"x66"

I should have known this, but I scrapped my both my Fighter and Bomber crates, I knew I wasn't selling either machine, then my dad came along, rode my Bomber, and wouldn't give it back. :mrgreen: HAHA :!: :lol: . I am okay with that.
Rix said:
Theodore Voltaire said:
Allex said:
Can some one give me the dimentions of the original bomber crate?

Allex, it's 14"x36"x66"

I should have known this, but I scrapped my both my Fighter and Bomber crates, I knew I wasn't selling either machine, then my dad came along, rode my Bomber, and wouldn't give it back. :mrgreen: HAHA :!: :lol: . I am okay with that.

Having you dad around is a treasure.
Hey, does anyone know where the serial/build number is on the 2014 stealth bombers? I thought it was on a little metal plate on the front of the frame but it's not there?
My brothers, today I want to talk to you about something dear to me. This isn't going to be easy for me to say, Because I'm going to have to open my heart for all to see, and to do so means I'll have to drop my shields and be defenseless. Some of you may not like some of the things I'm about the say. Afterwards if you feel the need to hit me, I'll not fight back. Here goes, and I'll try to keep this as short as possible.

We Stealth owners all share a common bond. Love of our brand, Stealth bikes. There's no secrets here about Stealth bikes, we all share the same knowledge, so when I say this you'll know first hand I'm speaking the truth.

This one thread out of the entire internet is our only safe haven in the virtual world. In the outer world we're not loved. We're not loved at all !. Go on any other forum and try to have an honest discussion about the virtues of Stealth's and you'll be lucky to get three posts, before some jackass starts attacking your bike, because it's too fast, or it's too heavy, or it's to expensive, or it's only got a throttle, it's not an eBike, it's a motorcycle. And dozens of other whinny ass complaints.

Any what's our bike's only fault? It's that they're too good. Let's be real here. Compared to a normal production eBike, a Stealth is like a god. The second best production bike, maybe a Stromer, compares better to a Walmart izip than our bikes. A Stromer racing through a turn would be passed my any of us, while cruising with one hand, eating a cheese sandwich. That's why they hate us. Our bike are just flat so superior there's nothing anyone can say.

So it's understandable why whoever the op of this thread was, came to es, and started a Stealth thread to be populated by only like minded Stealth owners where we can share talk about our bikes, and not have to be concerned about jerk a-holes attacking us. Where else in the virtual world could he go? If you doubt what I'm saying try it for yourself, but I think you already know. I had a guy tell me that my bike is too heavy to be pedaled. He boldly asserted that Bombers are far too heavy to ever be pedaled in any way, other than for show. He shut the F up after I informed him my frickin bike has a thousand dollar, 9 speed pedal gearbox, and I wish he'd have told me all this before I pedaled it 17 miles one day on 0.57 ah. After that it was crickets.

So I totally understand why you like to post here in this thread on es in our own little safe haven. I've only been here for about a year and a half, and in that time there's been several attempts where dicks dared come on our thread for the sole purpose of ragging on our bikes, but that chit doesn't fly here. We don't have to brag about our bikes, we know what we have. Our bikes are for real, the greatest production eBikes ever made.

So please take this in the nicest way. You guys are totally blowing it. Now it's time you moved on. This is our foster home, but now big daddy, I think his name is John? He's finally built the Stealth brand to legendary status, and seen fit to go to great trouble to build us our very own home. And you're all ignoring it. It's where we belong, our home. Come to it, please. Rix started a thread there exactly like this one. Now the only people on it are me and him. This how it's going so far. I say, it's sure lonely in here. and then a week later he says, yep. And two weeks later is say, still quiet. And then 18 days later he says, sure is. LOL.

It's up to all of you to came and support our new home. Our own safe place in the virtual world where we aren't limited to one little thread, we have full run of the whole house, and it's all ours. Sure it's great to be able to come here to es any time for highly technical information that's beyond our skill level, don't fool yourself into thinking this site is any friendlier to us once you go off this one thread.

I'll be honest with you, I may not be allowed here much longer, because I've strayed off this thread to deal with something I feel strongly about that has nothing what so ever to do with Stealth, but some jackass attacked me personally, and I'm fixing to go screaming purple fricking ape on his ass, and a bunch of shill mother F ers. I could get myself banned.

So yes, I agree the es forum is the number one forum for electric vehicle knowledge, but don't fool yourself into thinking anyone here actually loves us any more than any other eBike forum. On most other eBike forums the hate is driven by plain old jealously. Here on es at large, but not this thread, it's driven by the nature of a huge number of know it all, arrogant, engineering pencil dicked geeky types, that have no special love for us. It's time you come home.

You know where I'll be. Please come and join me and Rix so we won't be so lonely. :(
00Tj said:
Hey, does anyone know where the serial/build number is on the 2014 stealth bombers? I thought it was on a little metal plate on the front of the frame but it's not there?

If it's not there then someone took it off. It could have just fell off, If you bought your bike used you need to check to see if it's hot.
Theodore Voltaire said:
So I totally understand why you like to post here in this thread on es in our own little safe haven. I've only been here for about a year and a half, and in that time there's been several attempts where dicks dared come on our thread for the sole purpose of ragging on our bikes, but that chit doesn't fly here. We don't have to brag about our bikes, we know what we have. Our bikes are for real, the greatest production eBikes ever made.

So please take this in the nicest way. You guys are totally blowing it. Now it's time you moved on. This is our foster home, but now big daddy, I think his name is John? He's finally built the Stealth brand to legendary status, and seen fit to go to great trouble to build us our very own home. And you're all ignoring it. It's where we belong, our home. Come to it, please. Rix started a thread there exactly like this one. Now the only people on it are me and him. This how it's going so far. I say, it's sure lonely in here. and then a week later he says, yep. And two weeks later is say, still quiet. And then 18 days later he says, sure is. LOL.

TV once who ever is in control of the stealth thread fixes it I'm sure more people will switch over. Problem is that it's slow and has problems. This one does not. I don't agree at all that we are "blowing it". This is still the most functional and useable thread. messy... possibly but functional. Until something better comes along why switch?
Theodore Voltaire said:
My brothers, today I want to talk to you about something dear to me. This isn't going to be easy for me to say, Because I'm going to have to open my heart for all to see, and to do so means I'll have to drop my shields and be defenseless. Some of you may not like some of the things I'm about the say. Afterwards if you feel the need to hit me, I'll not fight back. Here goes, and I'll try to keep this as short as possible.

We Stealth owners all share a common bond. Love of our brand, Stealth bikes. There's no secrets here about Stealth bikes, we all share the same knowledge, so when I say this you'll know first hand I'm speaking the truth.

This one thread out of the entire internet is our only safe haven in the virtual world. In the outer world we're not loved. We're not loved at all !. Go on any other forum and try to have an honest discussion about the virtues of Stealth's and you'll be lucky to get three posts, before some jackass starts attacking your bike, because it's too fast, or it's too heavy, or it's to expensive, or it's only got a throttle, it's not an eBike, it's a motorcycle. And dozens of other whinny ass complaints.

Any what's our bike's only fault? It's that they're too good. Let's be real here. Compared to a normal production eBike, a Stealth is like a god. The second best production bike, maybe a Stromer, compares better to a Walmart izip than our bikes. A Stromer racing through a turn would be passed my any of us, while cruising with one hand, eating a cheese sandwich. That's why they hate us. Our bike are just flat so superior there's nothing anyone can say.

So it's understandable why whoever the op of this thread was, came to es, and started a Stealth thread to be populated by only like minded Stealth owners where we can share talk about our bikes, and not have to be concerned about jerk a-holes attacking us. Where else in the virtual world could he go? If you doubt what I'm saying try it for yourself, but I think you already know. I had a guy tell me that my bike is too heavy to be pedaled. He boldly asserted that Bombers are far too heavy to ever be pedaled in any way, other than for show. He shut the F up after I informed him my frickin bike has a thousand dollar, 9 speed pedal gearbox, and I wish he'd have told me all this before I pedaled it 17 miles one day on 0.57 ah. After that it was crickets.

So I totally understand why you like to post here in this thread on es in our own little safe haven. I've only been here for about a year and a half, and in that time there's been several attempts where dicks dared come on our thread for the sole purpose of ragging on our bikes, but that chit doesn't fly here. We don't have to brag about our bikes, we know what we have. Our bikes are for real, the greatest production eBikes ever made.

So please take this in the nicest way. You guys are totally blowing it. Now it's time you moved on. This is our foster home, but now big daddy, I think his name is John? He's finally built the Stealth brand to legendary status, and seen fit to go to great trouble to build us our very own home. And you're all ignoring it. It's where we belong, our home. Come to it, please. Rix started a thread there exactly like this one. Now the only people on it are me and him. This how it's going so far. I say, it's sure lonely in here. and then a week later he says, yep. And two weeks later is say, still quiet. And then 18 days later he says, sure is. LOL.

It's up to all of you to came and support our new home. Our own safe place in the virtual world where we aren't limited to one little thread, we have full run of the whole house, and it's all ours. Sure it's great to be able to come here to es any time for highly technical information that's beyond our skill level, don't fool yourself into thinking this site is any friendlier to us once you go off this one thread.

I'll be honest with you, I may not be allowed here much longer, because I've strayed off this thread to deal with something I feel strongly about that has nothing what so ever to do with Stealth, but some jackass attacked me personally, and I'm fixing to go screaming purple fricking ape on his ass, and a bunch of shill mother F ers. I could get myself banned.

So yes, I agree the es forum is the number one forum for electric vehicle knowledge, but don't fool yourself into thinking anyone here actually loves us any more than any other eBike forum. On most other eBike forums the hate is driven by plain old jealously. Here on es at large, but not this thread, it's driven by the nature of a huge number of know it all, arrogant, engineering pencil dicked geeky types, that have no special love for us. It's time you come home.

You know where I'll be. Please come and join me and Rix so we won't be so lonely. :(
I would go over but the forum doesn't work using Taptalk (Android app agregates all of my forums into one mobile app). Honestly it's the same deal with other interests such as gaming laptops....people who want to discuss Alienware laptops go to notebookforums.com instead of the main brand's websites. It's the nature of the beast really.
TV, I have never met negativeness on this board regarding my stealth. But we have to understand one thing, people of this board like to build all kind of crazy or sometimes ugly bikes and at the same time use minimal resources to do so, they are tech geeks - they know the real values of the components stealth uses and it is hard for them to justify the total cost of a stealth. It is like a fanboy apple user vs android tech nerd.
Allex said:
TV, I have never met negativeness on this board regarding my stealth. But we have to understand one thing, people of this board like to build all kind of crazy or sometimes ugly bikes and at the same time use minimal resources to do so, they are tech geeks - they know the real values of the components stealth uses and it is hard for them to justify the total cost of a stealth. It is like a fanboy apple user vs android tech nerd.
Yep I second that thought. There are so many issues I have with the Stealth that I'm leaning toward building my own. My friend bought Morati's Bomber and has the exact same issues as me. Broken rims, water damage, flats, controller shutting off etc. I'd rather discuss "enthusiast" solutions for these issues on a forum like ES then bitch about it on the brand's website.

As it stands, a stock Stealth cannot handle the demands of daily commutes of 80 km to 200 km per day in my city.

However I will try to pop over on the Stealth forum. It doesn't work too great using Chrome mobile browser since Tapatalk isn't supported.
Allex said:
TV, I have never met negativeness on this board regarding my stealth. But we have to understand one thing, people of this board like to build all kind of crazy or sometimes ugly bikes and at the same time use minimal resources to do so, they are tech geeks - they know the real values of the components stealth uses and it is hard for them to justify the total cost of a stealth. It is like a fanboy apple user vs android tech nerd.

Right, and not only that, I have a lot of respect for your friends in Russia. I only wish America had an eBike culture like they have. We have a very strange situation here in the states. It's like corporate interests have a strangle hold on us. They dictate high prices and high profits, for low quality crap. If anyone comes along and tries to break their hold, they get out their corporate shills, that they also own, and start trashing them.

What I said doesn't apply to everyone here, I know that.
The Russian culture of ebiking is only a side effect(positive for the users) when you other wise live in a Mad Max country :)
The countrys with regulations will never have this freedom.
proper159 said:
There are so many issues I have with the Stealth that I'm leaning toward building my own. My friend bought Morati's Bomber and has the exact same issues as me. Broken rims, water damage, flats, controller shutting off etc. I'd rather discuss "enthusiast" solutions for these issues on a forum like ES then bitch about it on the brand's website.

As it stands, a stock Stealth cannot handle the demands of daily commutes of 80 km to 200 km per day in my city.

However I will try to pop over on the Stealth forum. It doesn't work too great using Chrome mobile browser since Tapatalk isn't supported.

Proper, I totally understand your frustration. But I'll just say that it's often the nature of the beast. It's common that extremely high performance cutting edge vehicles like Lamborghini, Ferrari, or in this case Stealth Bombers, often are very finicky creatures. They're not like a Ford that you basically drive till the tires wear out in all weather with little or no maintenance. Typically it's always been the case where they have to be fussed over constantly to stay on top. Some of us have almost zero trouble, and others have problems. You have to try and find out why some people don't, and what you might me doing differently that makes a difference. Than you can take corrective action whatever that might be. Until then, you'll keep having problems, but that's what we all want to help with.

The Stealth site will not be offended when people come there with problems honestly trying to find answers, and on the contrary that's the true purpose of the site. It's our true home, give it a try if you can.
Allex said:
The Russian culture of ebiking is only a side effect(positive for the users) when you other wise live in a Mad Max country :)
The countrys with regulations will never have this freedom.

We basically have total freedom here too, right now. The problem is Americans are all too arrogant and opinionated to try to understand electrics. I know all about it, because up until a couple short years ago I was one of the biggest protagonists. Now I eat my own words.

And they taste pretty good. :)
Allex said:
Yet you are the country who gave Tesla to the world!

Yes, we're completed. :)

A Tesla is high end status symbol. Exactly what a rich snob yuppie American likes. Ebikes aren't on the snob radar, says the regular guy with a Stealth Bomber :roll: but trust me, if ebikes become popular in America, Stealth sales will skyrocket.
Theodore Voltaire said:
My brothers, today I want to talk to you about something dear to me. This isn't going to be easy for me to say, Because I'm going to have to open my heart for all to see, and to do so means I'll have to drop my shields and be defenseless. Some of you may not like some of the things I'm about the say. Afterwards if you feel the need to hit me, I'll not fight back. Here goes, and I'll try to keep this as short as possible.

We Stealth owners all share a common bond. Love of our brand, Stealth bikes. There's no secrets here about Stealth bikes, we all share the same knowledge, so when I say this you'll know first hand I'm speaking the truth.

This one thread out of the entire internet is our only safe haven in the virtual world. In the outer world we're not loved. We're not loved at all !. Go on any other forum and try to have an honest discussion about the virtues of Stealth's and you'll be lucky to get three posts, before some jackass starts attacking your bike, because it's too fast, or it's too heavy, or it's to expensive, or it's only got a throttle, it's not an eBike, it's a motorcycle. And dozens of other whinny ass complaints.

Any what's our bike's only fault? It's that they're too good. Let's be real here. Compared to a normal production eBike, a Stealth is like a god. The second best production bike, maybe a Stromer, compares better to a Walmart izip than our bikes. A Stromer racing through a turn would be passed my any of us, while cruising with one hand, eating a cheese sandwich. That's why they hate us. Our bike are just flat so superior there's nothing anyone can say.

So it's understandable why whoever the op of this thread was, came to es, and started a Stealth thread to be populated by only like minded Stealth owners where we can share talk about our bikes, and not have to be concerned about jerk a-holes attacking us. Where else in the virtual world could he go? If you doubt what I'm saying try it for yourself, but I think you already know. I had a guy tell me that my bike is too heavy to be pedaled. He boldly asserted that Bombers are far too heavy to ever be pedaled in any way, other than for show. He shut the F up after I informed him my frickin bike has a thousand dollar, 9 speed pedal gearbox, and I wish he'd have told me all this before I pedaled it 17 miles one day on 0.57 ah. After that it was crickets.

So I totally understand why you like to post here in this thread on es in our own little safe haven. I've only been here for about a year and a half, and in that time there's been several attempts where dicks dared come on our thread for the sole purpose of ragging on our bikes, but that chit doesn't fly here. We don't have to brag about our bikes, we know what we have. Our bikes are for real, the greatest production eBikes ever made.

So please take this in the nicest way. You guys are totally blowing it. Now it's time you moved on. This is our foster home, but now big daddy, I think his name is John? He's finally built the Stealth brand to legendary status, and seen fit to go to great trouble to build us our very own home. And you're all ignoring it. It's where we belong, our home. Come to it, please. Rix started a thread there exactly like this one. Now the only people on it are me and him. This how it's going so far. I say, it's sure lonely in here. and then a week later he says, yep. And two weeks later is say, still quiet. And then 18 days later he says, sure is. LOL.

It's up to all of you to came and support our new home. Our own safe place in the virtual world where we aren't limited to one little thread, we have full run of the whole house, and it's all ours. Sure it's great to be able to come here to es any time for highly technical information that's beyond our skill level, don't fool yourself into thinking this site is any friendlier to us once you go off this one thread.

I'll be honest with you, I may not be allowed here much longer, because I've strayed off this thread to deal with something I feel strongly about that has nothing what so ever to do with Stealth, but some jackass attacked me personally, and I'm fixing to go screaming purple fricking ape on his ass, and a bunch of shill mother F ers. I could get myself banned.

So yes, I agree the es forum is the number one forum for electric vehicle knowledge, but don't fool yourself into thinking anyone here actually loves us any more than any other eBike forum. On most other eBike forums the hate is driven by plain old jealously. Here on es at large, but not this thread, it's driven by the nature of a huge number of know it all, arrogant, engineering pencil dicked geeky types, that have no special love for us. It's time you come home.

You know where I'll be. Please come and join me and Rix so we won't be so lonely. :(
Well said TV, that heavy, talking Lone Ranger heavy.
1abv said:
Theodore Voltaire said:
So I totally understand why you like to post here in this thread on es in our own little safe haven. I've only been here for about a year and a half, and in that time there's been several attempts where dicks dared come on our thread for the sole purpose of ragging on our bikes, but that chit doesn't fly here. We don't have to brag about our bikes, we know what we have. Our bikes are for real, the greatest production eBikes ever made.

So please take this in the nicest way. You guys are totally blowing it. Now it's time you moved on. This is our foster home, but now big daddy, I think his name is John? He's finally built the Stealth brand to legendary status, and seen fit to go to great trouble to build us our very own home. And you're all ignoring it. It's where we belong, our home. Come to it, please. Rix started a thread there exactly like this one. Now the only people on it are me and him. This how it's going so far. I say, it's sure lonely in here. and then a week later he says, yep. And two weeks later is say, still quiet. And then 18 days later he says, sure is. LOL.

TV once who ever is in control of the stealth thread fixes it I'm sure more people will switch over. Problem is that it's slow and has problems. This one does not. I don't agree at all that we are "blowing it". This is still the most functional and useable thread. messy... possibly but functional. Until something better comes along why switch?
Not asking you to switch, asking to share comments and tech stuff on the Stealth Forum as well. For example I just wrote a short article about Vboxx service intervals. I have written them here on this thread twice before, but I can't find them, they are somewhere between page 99 and page 250. I did accidently find Alex's photos he posted and added them to my comments on the Stealth Forum. My next post will be about swaping out hub motor bearings. Both Kepler and Dlogic posted videos on how to do this. I got to find those video links. The Stealth Forum allows us riders to go directly to the subject without having to search through 406 pages of stuff. That's why TV and I are encouraging in put there as well. Like John K said when he first got the forum up and going, its not competing with ES in any way shape or form, its a toll for us Stealth owners/riders. But the reality of it is, if no one uses this tool, Stealth isn't going to continue crapping money out for a dedicated forum.
Since Rix lives closest to the future Giga Factory,I vote he seeks employment with them.Why? So we have an inside guy with access to Tesla batteries! :D

Woot Woot....

What say you Rix?

Happy Stealthing... :D

Just letting you all know that SB # 538 is on it's way to me as we speak! I should have it in my garage on Thursday!!!

I can't wait to FINALLY join the Stealth club!