Electric quad 36v 1000watt


1 µW
Dec 25, 2023
I have a little Leopard girls electric quad an it has a fuse cover in red an take a little green fuse can some body tell me if it’s easy to swap or we’re do I buy 1 from some times it won’t move an when I jiggle the fuse it works fine but am guessing it’s not charging right either as the charger show red an flashes green. It’s had all new battery’s an things so was wondering if any1 can help
Inside the fuse holder there should be 2 90 degree angle spade connectors. As mentioned above, if the fuse isn’t sitting right, you should be able to pinch them with pliers. Or perhaps the spade connection isn’t crimped properly on the wire. If it’s all corroded, then it’ll be best to replace the fuse holder
Looks like the fuse is not fully pushed down into the holder, in your first image (IMG_0619).

If that is not it, then the fuse holder is probably bad; for that I'd replace the holder itself, depending on your DIY abilities and available tools. The hard part is connecting the new fuse holder correctly to the existing wiring so it makes a good connection. Most of the replacements just come with wires, no connectors, etc., so you would have to know how to (and have the tools for) soldering them or crimping them to the original system wiring. If that part isn't done correctly, it is just as bad as the problem you already have.

How is yours connected to the wiring of the system?

If replacing the holder isn't an option then pinching the terminals inside it together *just a little bit*, gently, with needlenose pliers so that they more tightly hold the fuse blades can help the connection. Before you do it, carefully look at how the holder holds the fuse so you can see what you will have to do. If you squeeze them the wrong way or too hard, you can damage it in a way that will require replacing it to correct.

Be sure to use the same actual fuse rating (the number that's printed on it). If the fuse itself is bad you can get them at any automotive store (they may also have fuseholders).

Amazon and other sales sites have bajillions of fuseholders to choose from, like these
just remember that most of the stuff out there is no better than what you have already.