Flu Shot ? or No Flu Shot ?

Are you getting your flu shot ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 30.4%
  • No

    Votes: 30 65.2%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters
Lessss said:
I'm more interested in where this virus got all it's unique gene sequences.
The gene sequence came from the DNA of Aliens captured during the Roswell incident and kept prisoner at Area 52.

Lessss said:
I'm also interested in how so few companies have a worldwide lock on vaccine production and distribution.

All the World leaders are just puppets of Big Pharma and Big Oil. They can do whatever they want. Just look at how "Big Oil" forced the government to do a controlled demolition of the World Trade Center so they could get an excuse to invade Irak and get all the oil!

Big Pharma and the government sent planes to infected us all with this virus. Then they came up with this big propaganda campain to brain wash us into getting the vaccine.

They control the media and can make people believe whatever is on their agenda. Just look how they were able to make us all believe that a man walked on the moon while this was obviously all faked and filmed in a Hollywood studio.

But I shouldn't talk about that or I will be assassinated by the CIA, just like they did to Kennedy in 1963 because he knew too much...

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Seriously, I'm quite taken a back by some of the comments I see on this thread. Is this the Jenny McCarthy / Oprah Forum ???

If you think your a tough guy and you can fight it off Chuck Norris style with no vaccine, then good for you.

However, all that toughness won't prevent you from infecting others more vulnerable people like toddlers, people with respiratory diseases or even pregnant women.
One aspect of the rush to market with the H1N1 shot, was the lack of human testing and this is a fact. I had read in the news that this made the proper dosing of the product just a guess. It is believed that if the dosage is incorrect - too small I guess, that it is ineffective.

Now, I am beginning to read here and there that children are recommended to get a second "booster shot" ( ka-ching! ) and even a third ( ka-ching ka-ching! ) in order to ensure immunity from the Swine Flu and the "seasonal variety". :roll:

So with the shortage, who gets the shot? the kid without the first one...or the kid that needs a booster? I mean, might as well give it to the kid with the first one right? At least one kid is protected and you don't have 2 kids with half a dose running around.

Ya needs 2! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33914471/ns/health-cold_and_flu

Dentists get deputized to administer a flu shot WTF!?!?! http://preventdisease.com/news/09/092809_dentists_giving_h1n1_vaccine.shtml

El_Steak said:
Lessss said:
I'm more interested in where this virus got all it's unique gene sequences.
The gene sequence came from the DNA of Aliens captured during the Roswell incident and kept prisoner at Area 52.

Lessss said:
I'm also interested in how so few companies have a worldwide lock on vaccine production and distribution.

Lessss brings up an interesting point. The Mexican lifestyle does not lend itself to be a cradle for the birthing of a flu virus. AFAIK. China is where most of this comes from, due to the apartments that are near ponds and the raising of ducks and swine in close proximity to humans. it is my understanding that the flu originates in birds, which pass it to pigs which then are close enough genetically to pass it to people. Hence, they can generate these bugs more readily. Then, folks jump on an airplane etc., and help spread the disease around the planet.

In fact, the first Flu I can remember that cased a situation on the news, was even called the Hong Kong Flu.

The second I heard this flu popped up down in Mexico and that it was all year round and not "seasonal" my radar went off and I started thinking... I got a bad feeling about it. :?