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For The Greater Good


10 kW
Jan 16, 2020
Apple Valley, California
A Request

A request to those that are following the posts and news here and elsewhere. A sincere desire that you are able to get past the 95% BS, and find the 5% truth in what is happening to our country since Donald Trump took office.

The greater good is lost on the hardcore believers. (Cult-like in their believe and following) They are campaigning hard for a change from a democracy to that of totalitarianism, with Donald Trump as their supreme leader. A first for American democracy. Trump has already started the process. Fortunately the process has been recognized, and action is being taken to end it.

But it will take a large cross section of American society, to recognize and admit there is a political crisis brewing, and to vote for the greater good. Your vote now may not affect you as an individual, but it will affect your son's and daughters. It's their future and constitutional rights that are in jeopardy, if Trump continues his quest for total political dominance and control.

Remember Trump has absolutely no local, state, or national political experience to speak of. He is ONLY an everyday citizen with an enormous narcissistic ego, that happens to be a business man, TV celebrity, and has a knack for conning people. That's all, he is not your savior. His reign will come to an end, and then where will this country be? He will leave, with the fires and ashes still burning bright, while he goes to his penthouse, so he can look down on his work. And say... I did great, right? You know that right?
Think about that.

The Believers

These people have no understanding of totalitarianism, or desire to learn. They are the misguided, gullible among us, or much worse, they are of the same mold as Trump.

Their Greater Desire

... a leader that dictates policy, (totalitarian) rather than leads through a (democratic) policy making process.

... a leader that self proclaims to be 'all knowledgeable', rebuffing sound political and scientific professionals.

If only their selfishness would recognize Trump's 'obvious uneducated' remarks and dangerous, "It Is What It Is"... so... "What Have You Got To Loose" attitude.

We need a leader and president (from any party) that has actual concern for the citizens.

For the Greater Good

JFK Ask Not Speech
It was in his inaugural address that John F. Kennedy spoke his famous words, "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."a call to action for the public to do what is right for the greater good.

Thinking of Others

Doing, "what is right for the greater good", against all consequences, takes strength, courage, comprehension, and above all, one must have a conscience.
by Just_Ed » Sep 18 2020 1:49pm

A Request

A request to those that are following the posts and news here and elsewhere. A sincere desire that you are able to get past the 95% BS, and find the 5% truth in what is happening to our country since Donald Trump took office.

The greater good is lost on the hardcore believers. (Cult-like in their believe and following) They are campaigning hard for a change from a democracy to that of totalitarianism, with Donald Trump as their supreme leader. A first for American democracy. Trump has already started the process. Fortunately the process has been recognized, and action is being taken to end it.

But it will take a large cross section of American society, to recognize and admit there is a political crisis brewing, and to vote for the greater good. Your vote now may not affect you as an individual, but it will affect your son's and daughters. It's their future and constitutional rights that are in jeopardy, if Trump continues his quest for total political dominance and control.

Remember Trump has absolutely no local, state, or national political experience to speak of. He is ONLY an everyday citizen with an enormous narcissistic ego, that happens to be a business man, TV celebrity, and has a knack for conning people. That's all, he is not your savior. His reign will come to an end, and then where will this country be? He will leave, with the fires and ashes still burning bright, while he goes to his penthouse, so he can look down on his work. And say... I did great, right? You know that right?
Think about that.

The Believers

These people have no understanding of totalitarianism, or desire to learn. They are the misguided, gullible among us, or much worse, they are of the same mold as Trump.

Their Greater Desire

... a leader that dictates policy, (totalitarian) rather than leads through a (democratic) policy making process.

... a leader that self proclaims to be 'all knowledgeable', rebuffing sound political and scientific professionals.

If only their selfishness would recognize Trump's 'obvious uneducated' remarks and dangerous, "It Is What It Is"... so... "What Have You Got To Loose" attitude.

We need a leader and president (from any party) that has actual concern for the citizens.

For the Greater Good

JFK Ask Not Speech
It was in his inaugural address that John F. Kennedy spoke his famous words, "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." – a call to action for the public to do what is right for the greater good.

Thinking of Others

Doing, "what is right for the greater good", against all consequences, takes strength, courage, comprehension, and above all, one must have a conscience.

Feel your frustration Just_Ed. Would not waste your time trying to convert, best to get people to Vote. These people who want to bring down our government, just want to see the US burn. With no government the Divided States would taken over. They claim they support the police and yet they are the ones that are killing them. Remember police are government.
Hear that Texas wanted to leave the U.S. Guess who is behind that and has been funding it for years, same country that backs trump. We don't see any protest on local TV and yet we have them here. Our Sheriff spoke on the violence yesterday on our local protest that it's non local armed groups.
Can go on but going to stop! :confused:
Ah, the brainwashing. Brings back memories. I pointed out in May 2015 it was over and he was going to win. It's great being immune to brainwashing, at least I know what's going on.

Thanks Voltron

I do not wish to convert. It is a waste of time. Mine not theirs.
They are called hardliners (cult-like) for a reason. I consider them a lost cause, and have 'blocked' them out of all conversations.

There are not enough 'hardliners' to elect Trump. The popular vote went to the democrat side last election. It will again, only this time it will be overwhelming and will include the electoral votes as well. I'm appealing to the silent majority out there. The ones that read but are not participants in these type abusive verbal tirads and jibberish. These type scenarios only to serve the ego's of the handful of participants. I guess that includes me, as well.

I'm may not be articulating quite right, but it's from the heart. I just finished this for my local paper.

A Higher Power At Work?

Ever wonder why the world, and in particular America, is experiencing the effects of Covid-19, at this time and just before an election? Some believe that COVID-19 is an attempt by China to bring down America. Some still think it's 'a hoax'. In the U.S. there are nearly 7 million cases and 203,824 + deaths. Are they a hoax? Trump wants us to believe, 'he' is the power and the glory.

So he expounds that the virus will go away, like a miracle. Trump sees himself as an all-knowing, higher power, and his word is the gospel. Yet he is being heavily criticized for not being effective in his handling of the virus. Causing more deaths than necessary. He states, "It is what it is".

Do you wonder why this virus has affected America so harshly? Maybe there is a greater power working to effect change within our society. Maybe that power has placed the virus in our midst to help us understand what has happened to our country under Trump's lack of effective leadership and the negativity he and his administration has caused America. Trump keeps the country in a state of constant disorder and uncertainty through his authoritarianism. His impeachment, 20,000 plus documented lies, dangerous distrustful amateurish recommendations, all without proof.

His biggest challenge to being re-elected is overcoming his ineffective handling of the virus. Is that divine intervention at work? The power that knows better than mankind or Donald Trump and has placed this virus upon us, as a sign of things to come, under Trump's authoritarian leadership. Out of ashes comes new growth. We must put out the fires, clear the ashes, and witness new growth in our society. The country must vote to rid itself of this cancer that's affecting our democracy.
Well written post Just Ed.
It is a Citizen's right to vote.
It is not a Citizen's duty to vote.
He may abstain. That is a vote.
It is a duty that if one does vote that he is an educated and informed voter.

As far as your comments that the CV 19 was sent as a pestilence from the Almighty, it has Biblical precedent., but the mention of anything like this sets off cascades of "the end time "
The fundamental flaw in that noble OP is the assumption that the trumpistas actually want what's good for the "community" of the whole nation.

That is false. They only want what's good for the "us" within that community, IOW white Christians (and historically that even excluded Catholics!)

Many of that deplorable crowd - and the real shock to our society has been how large a percentage has been suppressing such feelings - would be **happy** to get socialized benefits - quality education in every town, food security, housing, health care full psychiatry, substance abuse and dental included, even UBI

so long as these programs only benefit "real Americans"

not one red cent going towards minorities.

As far as the trumpistas are concerned, the whole **concept** of harmony, unity, community of all Americans

is **in itself** the enemy to be fought tooth and nail.

The post-WII prosperity delivered by the GI Bill, subsidies in segregated red-lined suburban housing was for Whites Only, and that is the zeitgeist referred to in "make America great again".

Even the guns issue would not be a big deal for many, they see the need for guns as related to enforcing their "right to bigotry" in the coming civil war, eagerly anticipated by **most** trumpista gun enthusiasts, exactly what they mean by "defending our families".

Everything else is window dressing, and has been since Nixon picked these attitudes up from George Wallace for his "southern strategy", Reagan's "welfare queens", Bush's Willie Horton right through to Clinton's "welfare reforms" and mass incarceration via mandatory minimums for sentencing,

all a direct line from slavery and Jim Crow.

unklegrumpknee said:
It is a duty that if one does vote that he is an educated and informed voter
That would only be fair and democratic, if our public education system were of equal quality regardless of the district's racial and economic demographics.

Every attempt to restrict voting that way would only perpetuate the inequalities of America's endemic caste system.
