Found/Abondoned Bicycles

I've scored so much stuff over the years. Starting to store more parts then I really need. But its good to have spares. I keep it within 2 large tote boxes and a pile of wheels.

If you look you will find thats for sure! That old steel CCM is new, it will be cut up and seatpost welded to my other bike. The new CCM with its curved top bar (stickers are clean, so new new) will be my quick disconnect rc motor, and take motor, cont, batt all in with me. Scored a cycle computer, had to go back for the spoke magnet.

My guess is after the bike swap once a year, yesterday, the bike coop came back to the store and brought all the nice bikes in or transported them to their warehouse, and left all the shitty ones outside for people to do what they want with them.

I tell ya those bike coops are great, and yes that is the proper term, as there is a nominal fee for signup. They accept donations for using their repair studio and you are right, they have every tool you could possibly need, except for the expensive ones like the reamers. I found a MAC motor there with one gear stripped of 1/4 teeth, second gear a few random teeth broken, $20.

miro13car said:
maybe is related to this tread-
I have tried to sell nice MTB on Kiji but gave up
I guess so many stolen bicycles sale cheap on Kiji ..

Have you tried Pinkbike, also that bike swap is downtown Calgary every year (over with now) the lineups are long and the keaners get there in the morning and wait until 2:30pm.

For parts, tools, used bikes Goodlife Bicycle is what I am talking about, they have moved a few times over the years now. first they were in Sunnyside, then 4th street and 25'ish ave strip mall, now by Chinook mall. I love that place, I was eyeballing a seatpost rack and some mtb fenders.
bike theft increase by minimum 50% comparing with 2015 in Calgary - that's Calgary police statistics.
most of those stolen showed up on market for sale, does't matter on Internet or exchange.
stolen bikes lower bicycle prices that is for sure.