Front Range E bike Club!

Josh K.

100 W
Dec 12, 2007
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Hey Folks,

We had our first meeting of the new Front Range E bike Club, March 2nd, 2011.
244 North College Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado

Check out, google groups, Front Range E Bike Club.

We are meeting twice a month, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 4 pm, to speak about emerging technologies,
ongoing E bike projects, E bike law, and to get out and Ride!

Our first ride was out to Laporte and back, 12 miles, gently rolling easy terrain.
Stats: average speed, 18mph, max speed, 24.5, 11.84 miles/4.5 amp hours of juice.
14.3 wh/mile for my machine, consuming 169 watthours.

Ideally, we will get a few hearty souls and machines to venture out to boulder and back, doing a 100 mile loop.

Please come out, and share your ideas about what you would like to see in an E bike Club.

Peace, Josh K.