Goped esr blowing fuses


1 µW
May 15, 2016
Hi, I bought an older Goped from eBay as not working. When I plug it in to charge the batteries it blows the 3.15 glass fuse on the charger board so violently as to shatter the glass! I charged the batteries on a separate charger and they are all at 14v. But when I turn the Goped on it only lights the amber light on the flux capacitor and shows no sign of powering the Motor when I try the speed controller. Can anybody tell me if I am missing a simple fault or whether I need a new control board, charger board or both. It also has a small board in between both of them what does this do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
First, take the control board out and check everything. Use a microscope and check all the traces, but also test the wiring and power rails for unintended shorts. After that I would take a look at the rest of the wiring in the frame.