Health Insurance in the USA


Since when is anything voted for by the people? This is a Republic, not a Democracy. Case in point: I don't recall voting to bail out all the banks, and even though 70% of the population was against it, according to polls taken at the time, our "leaders" ponied up the cash.

And get this...the Affordable Health Care Act is sensitive to any religion, not just Muslim and anyone can avoid the act by declaring it is counter to their religion. Or, you can get a full time damn job that has health care etc.

This is for people that are getting shafted by the likes of McDonalds, Wal-Mart et tal that expects the taxpayer to take care of their employees in emergency rooms for free so they can take home 5 billion a year ( McDonalds ) in profits.
I guess if you YELL something, it must be true...???
PeteB said:
70% against it
I'm not against it; I just don't want to be taxed because I'm self-employed. Insurance companies need to provide a better deal - plain and simple, and they're not going to do it on their own. So in this case we need government to create options and enforce it. I don't consider myself poor, so the shoe (of solution) doesn't fit. I elect to make the mature choice and discover an alternative (if not creative) route - and leverage my past military experience which qualifies as personal health coverage without costing me a dime - as long as I don't use it. :wink:

Finally, there are other people in this world that are (perceptually) screwing you far worse than the PotUS. I don't need to type in caps to get that point across. Focus your angst against them if you really want effective government for the people, by the people cos right now it's been hijacked by small minded conservatives bent on breaking government to invoke their radical destabilizing ideas and firebrand religion. That's kookie Kool-Aid running counter to the Progressive Party platform, having no place and no future in this country.

looks like a post got deleted.....
i won't even step into this one....
EMF said:
Since when is anything voted for by the people? This is a Republic, not a Democracy. Case in point: I don't recall voting to bail out all the banks, and even though 70% of the population was against it, according to polls taken at the time, our "leaders" ponied up the cash.

And get this...the Affordable Health Care Act is sensitive to any religion, not just Muslim and anyone can avoid the act by declaring it is counter to their religion. Or, you can get a full time damn job that has health care etc.

This is for people that are getting shafted by the likes of McDonalds, Wal-Mart et tal that expects the taxpayer to take care of their employees in emergency rooms for free so they can take home 5 billion a year ( McDonalds ) in profits.

It sure is a republic,But it is still unconstitutional to force citizens to purchase products or services.

Our leaders? The tax payers ponied up the cash.

At this time Christians are not exempt.

A lot of full time employees have lost insurance all together as a result of Obamacare.

McDonalds and Wal Mart can fall of the face of the earth.
You don't have to buy car insurance either, but if you don't, you pay a fine. Sound familiar? Same way with the ACA- if you don't buy in- you pay a fine.

Anyways, the SCOTUS decided the fine was a tax and therefore Constitutional. The ACA is now law.

Of course Christians are not exempt, they use health care all the time. Unless they have a screw loose and pray to get better. The law does exempt those religions that have an issue with the health care system. I suppose Scientologists are exempt, I don't know because I don't look into it and am in awe of folks that think they can do without modern medical practices and technologies. Ask Steve Jobs how that went...oh yeah you can't he's dead.

Walmart and McDonalds will always be here, because these are the places Americans can afford to frequent. If they fell off the face of the Earth, people could not afford to feed and clothe themseves at the near poverty levels they are at now, thanks to corporate greed. It's a catch 22.

Look, this is not about screwing over people and forcing them to get health insurance, it is a law that makes it at least a bit more possible for 30 million Americans to get some sort of health care without going bankrupt in the process.

62% of all people go bankrupt due to illness.
EMF said:
You don't have to buy car insurance either, but if you don't, you pay a fine. Sound familiar? Same way with the ACA- if you don't buy in- you pay a fine.

Anyways, the SCOTUS decided the fine was a tax and therefore Constitutional. The ACA is now law.

Of course Christians are not exempt, they use health care all the time. Unless they have a screw loose and pray to get better. The law does exempt those religions that have an issue with the health care system. I suppose Scientologists are exempt, I don't know because I don't look into it and am in awe of folks that think they can do without modern medical practices and technologies. Ask Steve Jobs how that went...oh yeah you can't he's dead.

Walmart and McDonalds will always be here, because these are the places Americans can afford to frequent. If they fell off the face of the Earth, people could not afford to feed and clothe themseves at the near poverty levels they are at now, thanks to corporate greed. It's a catch 22.

Look, this is not about screwing over people and forcing them to get health insurance, it is a law that makes it at least a bit more possible for 30 million Americans to get some sort of health care without going bankrupt in the process.

62% of all people go bankrupt due to illness.

WOW!!!...LOL Now there are some caps for you caps lock phobes..
Lot of misinformation going around about the ACA. Check out this link to for discussion of how the claims about muslims being exempt are false. It has a good explanation of just who can apply for an exemption on religious grounds and what is needed to justify it.
Good idea. I'll check out that link! People are very divided and upset over this, which the media and politicians just love. So spin spin spin. Too bad the media wont do their job. All they incessantly report on is how the website is slow. TV always tries to put a bad light on anything Internet, because they see it as a competition, then they have the gall to ask you to "log in" to their web page for more information on half their stories. Useless. :roll:
EMF said:
Good idea. I'll check out that link! People are very divided and upset over this, which the media and politicians just love. So spin spin spin. Too bad the media wont do their job. All they incessantly report on is how the website is slow. TV always tries to put a bad light on anything Internet, because they see it as a competition, then they have the gall to ask you to "log in" to their web page for more information on half their stories. Useless. :roll:

That is because the media is literally owned by the liberals. ALL of them except Fox. And to make matters even worse you have this. is the reason Oblabla even got re elected other than the millions of dead people that voted for him. Here comes the Fox bashers...lets get one thing clear here I dont like Fox and I am not a republican..Oblama just SUCKS THAT BADLY!
EMF said:
Good idea. I'll check out that link! People are very divided and upset over this, which the media and politicians just love. So spin spin spin. Too bad the media wont do their job. All they incessantly report on is how the website is slow. TV always tries to put a bad light on anything Internet, because they see it as a competition, then they have the gall to ask you to "log in" to their web page for more information on half their stories. Useless. :roll:

Agree with all but emphasis on that aspect.

For breaking news Twitter is pretty good, IMO. Before you die from laughter consider a newsworthy event in populated areas will often be tweeted by many people as it unfolds. The beauty is via neutral bystanders with cameras and recording devices. Kinda how "news" is supposed to be conveyed, right? Merely the observations of a neutral, unbiased person sharing what they're witnessing.

Business interests (ratings, advertising) have little room in the news biz....
PeteB said:
EMF said:
Good idea. I'll check out that link! People are very divided and upset over this, which the media and politicians just love. So spin spin spin. Too bad the media wont do their job. All they incessantly report on is how the website is slow. TV always tries to put a bad light on anything Internet, because they see it as a competition, then they have the gall to ask you to "log in" to their web page for more information on half their stories. Useless. :roll:

That is because the media is literally owned by the liberals. ALL of them except Fox. And to make matters even worse you have this. is the reason Oblabla even got re elected other than the millions of dead people that voted for him. Here comes the Fox bashers...lets get one thing clear here I dont like Fox and I am not a republican..Oblama just SUCKS THAT BADLY!
I know one thing, the media is "owned". But, please understand that in this world, there is no imbalance. If a liberal owns a media then a conservative also owns a media. Nature abhors a vacuum. I don't trust any of it. At all. I like your quote at the bottom. :lol:

I also like that you give a shit about things and are not taking things lying down. Good for you!
Ykick said:
EMF said:
Good idea. I'll check out that link! People are very divided and upset over this, which the media and politicians just love. So spin spin spin. Too bad the media wont do their job. All they incessantly report on is how the website is slow. TV always tries to put a bad light on anything Internet, because they see it as a competition, then they have the gall to ask you to "log in" to their web page for more information on half their stories. Useless. :roll:

Agree with all but emphasis on that aspect.

For breaking news Twitter is pretty good, IMO. Before you die from laughter consider a newsworthy event in populated areas will often be tweeted by many people as it unfolds. The beauty is via neutral bystanders with cameras and recording devices. Kinda how "news" is supposed to be conveyed, right? Merely the observations of a neutral, unbiased person sharing what they're witnessing.

Business interests (ratings, advertising) have little room in the news biz....
OK but what as twitter got to do with mainstream journalism? The frightening thing that I see lately, is the cable "news" is actually posting "tweets" as a news source in the backround. Sadly, tweets are anonymous and have no place on a legitimate news program. I know there are stories that refer to "unnamed sources" but a journalist stands behind them and states he/she is protecting his source. A tweet is some bulshit that anyone could post, even the reporter himself and act like it was someone else.
The Republicans were divided, but even Roberts found it constitutional, and that was with Citizens United showing us all just how far the corporations would reach into their pockets to scratch the back of the SCROTUS.

*better add this (S) supreme (C) court (R) republicans (O) of (T) the (U) united (S) states

Sancho's Horse said:
The Republicans were divided, but even Roberts found it constitutional, and that was with Citizens United showing us all just how far the corporations would reach into their pockets to scratch the back of the SCROTUS.

He couldn't have found it constitutional because IT IS NOT!.. Quite frankly I don't care what ANY of them say!..
And you sure did hit the nail on the head wit the fake republicans and the Scrotus scratching..
Update - website seems to be working fine. Went through pages and pages of questions.

Help line 855.355.5777 answered the phone fast and helped me with a few questions.

Done :?
I copy:
You and your family cannot pick a health plan right now. You will get a letter or an email telling you when to log onto your Marketplace account to pick a health plan. Call 1-855-355-5777 to find out how to pick your plan if the Marketplace has not contacted you by the middle of December 2013.

Will forget about this for a while. Got a letter [with color and graphics] from Univera, the health insurance company that the wife and I have now. Copy some of the text with OCR. OCR is Optical Character Recognition

Do you have questions about health care reform? You're not alone! That's why we're writing to you today.
We've been helping many individuals and small business owners to understand the changes.
You may have received a letter explaining that your plan will be discontinued at the end of th is year, due to the
requirements of the Affordable Care Act. You can now choose from many different plan options.
The good news? To make sure you have uninterrupted coverage, you will be automatically matched to a plan
that has benefits similar to what you have today. Just so you know- you do not need to keep this matched plan
if you would prefer a different one. If you keep this plan- or if you choose another Univera Healthcare plan,
you can continue to get the high quality coverage you've come to expect from us.

Would really like to see PRICES!
marty said:
Would really like to see PRICES!

I was able to go to Blue Cross/Blue shield website and check out prices anonymously, just giving age, smoker/nonsmoker status and such. Seeing as how I am over 50, I thought the prices were pretty reasonable, about $250/month for a plan with $5000 deductible. That sounds like a high deductible, but the plan covers preventive medicine 100% with no deductible, and everything else is covered 100% after the deductible is paid. So I could go with a plan like that and start a tax-deductible health savings account to cover any out of pocket costs. So my max cost if I get cancer or in a serious accident would be $5000 per year. Annual physicals and 5-yr colonoscopys and such are free. Plus, for care that I would have to pay for, I get the lower rates that are negotiated through the plan.
marty said:
Would really like to see PRICES!
Some Univera Self+Spouse prices here:

Empire BlueCross BlueShield Get a Quote

Added: or maybe should be this for BlueCross BlueShield instead:

Affordable Health Insurance Plans in the Buffalo area - BlueCross BlueShield of WNY
Take a example of the old country. We pay here like 100 euro a month and you get the health care you need.
No insurance is like 50 years back for us. That's is not off this time.
For us here it's not thinkable that people who are very sick don't get healthcare.
I think Amerika has to ask his self. Does the rich people has to get richer or take care of your people?
EMF said:
This is much more! I don't get it...

Those are low-deductible plans for two people (e.g., $6000 deductible for two people is only $3000 deductible per person). The price I got quoted by blue cross was for just me, and $5000 deductible. Plus, I am in Texas. Mark5's quotes were for New York, where I assume doctors must get paid more or something like that.